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27 Jul 2024 11:23:02
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26 Jul 2024 17:28:30
'Man Utd defender Harry Maguire to Sky Sports News: "Everything I've heard and the action I've been shown from the club, I'm part of the future and it is time to crack on'



26 Jul 2024 19:02:15
If we sign another cb he might get the hint. If we don't he is bound to play games. Too many for my liking I suspect.
I still hoping we get JB and that a decent offer comes in for Maguire before the window closes.


26 Jul 2024 21:08:48
To be honest. If Maguire understood and accepted his role as a, most likely 4th choice CB, I’d keep him ahead of Lindeloff. I actually thought he proved his worth last season when we needed him and he is a better player than being a 4th choice at United so I think he should move for himself, think he’d be excellent for a West Ham or even Newcastle. But if he wants to stay then I wouldn’t be annoyed.


26 Jul 2024 21:41:29
At the moment he is still 3rd choice at worst ports. 1 more signing in that position and he should see the writing on the wall.


26 Jul 2024 22:06:04
He’s too good to be 4th choice, but not good enough to be a starter for Utd. The choice then is up to him.

If yoi’re a player, on massive wages, why leave Man Iyd?


27 Jul 2024 01:54:53
Eric I've no issue with him staying as long as we don't need to play him very often. 4th choice would be about right so hopefully we get jb in or de ligt although I don't see that one coming off you would think it might be done before now. Talk of Silva again but I'm not sure if there is any truth in that.


27 Jul 2024 03:03:07
4th choice Ken? Give over lad.
We would be better off playing with 10 men who knows how the system works and who don't require the system to change to accommodate them. Honestly people have bad memories!


27 Jul 2024 07:36:19
It only takes another couple of injuries for that 4th choice to be starting every week.

Maguire is on a wedge which he won’t get elsewhere. We will see in the coming weeks if he wants to go elsewhere to start every week, or stay at United and collect his money.

His interviews over the years show he’s a bit deluded in terms of how good he is, so he may think he’s still first choice.


27 Jul 2024 11:18:40
Personally I'd rather keep Lindelof over Maguire as I feel he's more suited to how we want to play (not ideal, but certainly better suited than Maguire) .

That said, Maguire did show a good attitude and fight last season. Something we certainly need more of in our squad.

From a financial perspective, Maguire costs more in wages, yet Lindelof is out of contract next summer. So keeping him would mean losing him for nothing next summer, as opposed to keeping Maguire this year and still being able to sell him next summer. Overall there probably isn't much in it. Marginally makes more sense to sell Lindelof this year and Maguire next summer.

Ultimately it probably comes down to the offers we receive this year. If we don't get an offer for Maguire, or we only get poor offers, or if Maguire doesn't want to accept any offers we receive then he probably stays.

Given the amount of game time he got last season, along with Varane leaving and the only current replacement being an 18 year old. I'd suspect Maguire thinks he'll get a good amount of game time this season. His recent comments suggest he thinks he will. So I'd imagine he would be inclined to reject any move to a "smaller" club and accept a lower wage.

We need to bring in another CB, pushing him down to 4th choice. Which is fine for a season.

Then next summer with a year left on his deal, and a season as 4th choice behind an 18 year old I suspect Harry will be more inclined to accept an offer to move on.


26 Jul 2024 08:49:56
Andreas Georgson joining United coaching staff. Was a set piece coach at Brentford, Southampton and Arsenal and worked with Jason Wilcox previously. Hopefully another positive appointment.


26 Jul 2024 10:00:13
Especially if Toney comes too.


26 Jul 2024 11:20:13
Toney won't be coming thank God. He is a poor man's lukaku.
Good to have a set piece coach and I think Brentford were decent in both attack and defence on set pieces last year. Our lack of aggression in attacking and defending set pieces last season was evident. It would help if Bruno didn't have 29% of his corners cut out by 1st man. Our delivery was so poor that 22% of our corners were short corner routines that produced zero goals. Bruno involved in all but 2 of those. 🤷‍♂️.


26 Jul 2024 11:25:01
Given how poor we have been on set pieces at both ends of the pitch this seems like a sensible move.

While that resume is impressive when you consider that Brentford and Arsenal have been amoungst the best sides at scoring and defending set pieces over the past 5 years or so.


26 Jul 2024 12:50:22
When you look at the profile of the players we are signing and looking at, not only young and talented footballers but also tall players. Might suggest we are looking at tightening up this area of the game which certainly is needed.


26 Jul 2024 13:01:23
If i'm not wrong we recently had a season where we scored like 1 goal from set pieces in the entire season, not sure if it was under Ole or ETH.

But suffice to say this new guy doesn't have a particularly high bar to beat in the set peice department.


26 Jul 2024 13:20:13
Our crossing is atrocious dsg.
A high class player like bruno can't take a decent corner it's farcical.


26 Jul 2024 15:49:06
Is it though Ken? Or do we or have we lacked some desire to get on the end of a cross? Genuine question because truthfully, Fernandes is one of the most technically gifted players we have so are his corners bad? Do we lack some b*#@cks when crosses are in the box?! Maybe a mixture of both?!


26 Jul 2024 16:04:48
Ports definitely a mixture of both. No plan and a lack of attention to detail but 29% of our corners didn't beat 1st man. That is not world class delivery.
22% were taken in a short corner routine involving the 'world class ' Bruno to no avail.
Bruno is miles better passing in motion than he is from a deadball situation and his stats back that up. Someone needs to tell him to steer clear from deadball situations his stats read like ronaldos for free kicks. Useless.


26 Jul 2024 16:19:13
Toney a poor man's lukaku? Are you on crack?


26 Jul 2024 17:28:57
Ha you’ll get used to the fishing Greg.


26 Jul 2024 18:00:48
No Greg I don't think he is as good as lukaku. Do you think he is better? His stats are no better. He is slower and less mobile than lukaku. Doesn't score as many goals.


26 Jul 2024 18:27:53
I saw somewhere that one of the first things arteta did when joining Arsenal was to pinch city's set piece coach, who he had worked with previously. Arsenal instantly jumped to the top of goals scored and least goals conceded from set pieces and started challenging for the title.

It is a hugely underestimated part of the game by utd. We can't take corners, we a poor at defending them. And we surely must be the worst team in the league on our own throw ins. The number of times we lose possession with 5 seconds of our own throw in is disgusting.


26 Jul 2024 18:47:48
That's coaching DB. I agree with you. The coaching has been non evident.


26 Jul 2024 21:54:44
Toney would be a backwards step. He is at his lever where he is.


27 Jul 2024 00:08:13
A backwards step?


26 Jul 2024 02:34:14
Anybody know why Steve mclaren is not gone on tour to the states with the squad?


26 Jul 2024 04:19:55
Too busy eating 🥕 under the ☔


26 Jul 2024 05:36:53
He's staying behind to coach the players who are returniong late due to the Euros.


26 Jul 2024 09:01:56
Foot operation I believe.


26 Jul 2024 09:03:26
Also had an operation on his foot.


26 Jul 2024 10:32:38
Shouldn't brought Anthony in with him to get his feet sorted.


26 Jul 2024 15:45:33
Ken, there is a 24 year old Brazilian walking around somewhere with two right feet. I'm convinced of it.


New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube

25 Jul 2024 20:10:53
{Ed's Note - Ed001 has posted a new podcast entitled, New Ed1 Podcast on Youtube


24 Jul 2024 21:50:15
Hojlund new number 9. Like that. Give Garnacho number 11 next.


25 Jul 2024 07:24:34
I’m sure Garnacho once said he wanted the number 11 because of Giggs?


25 Jul 2024 15:03:14
Don't know if he said that Wazza, but would be slightly surprised as he is absolutely obsessed with Ronaldo (it's why he signed for us, wanting to follow his footstep's) so would of thought No7 would be his wish.

Would imagine Mount (current holder of No7 shirt) is pretty much on trial this coming season, he will have to perform or could be on his way. So tell Alejandro if he keeps his performance levels improving he is in with a good shout of being the No7. Hopefully this will incentivise him on.


25 Jul 2024 17:46:03
Iwotb your correct he said he wanted the 7 but it was given to mount which was odd. Shirt no's don't mean anything really anymore. Of course some players have a preference but it's not a big deal really in most cases.


25 Jul 2024 19:01:28
Not sure I agree with that Ken, think it does matter to plenty.


25 Jul 2024 20:40:03
It shouldn't. All it is really is symbolism. Means nothing to me as a fan,
If it really matters to a player then the club should try and accommodate their wishes if they can.


25 Jul 2024 22:48:12
I think if you give a kid number 9, that’ll mean a heck of a lot to him because it shows your belief in them. Same with Garnacho and the number 11. I wouldn’t expect a senior player to be to concerned (unless you’re ronaldo) about a certain number but for a kid at the start of their career I think it would mean a lot.


26 Jul 2024 02:35:29
If it means more to him than pulling on the number 11 I think there is questions to be asked. It's complete vanity imo.


26 Jul 2024 06:34:40
Yes that’s it iwotb, he said 7. Alzheimer’s getting the better of me.


26 Jul 2024 09:47:15
numbers mean a lot - especially if your kid gets 11 and hojland changes to 9 on the new home shirt! bacon eating t*^t!


26 Jul 2024 09:50:39

Just because it means nothing to you doesn’t mean it means nothing to anyone else, it definitely means something to kids as fans wanting numbers on their shirts and also players are superstitious and would like a certain number. You’ve fallen into the trap of thinking because you think something that means it’s true for everyone.


26 Jul 2024 10:36:51
Gds2 do you even read. that's exactly what I said. Most players don't give a toss and where they do the club should try to accommodate. So keane and Carrick wearing 16 must have broken kids hearts.
It's been over 30 years since teams lined out 1 to 11. Shirt no is meaningless to most whether you like it or not.


26 Jul 2024 11:31:56
Maybe giving Højlund the No.9 has more to do with a show of faith in a young player who had a mixed first season at the club last year despite showing real promise.

With the signing of Zirkzee it would make sense that Højlund will question whether he'll play as much or is considered as important a player this year.

If they gave Zirkzee the No.9 this summer, then the symbolism attached to that is that he has come in to be first choice and bench Højlund. That might be what happens, it's not all about how an individual performs but how the team performs with those individuals.

So giving Højlund the No.9 is a show of faith and will hopefully help keep his head up and focused when he inevitably plays less football this season.

Also I think Zirkzee has worn the No.11 at a couple of clubs and he might have a preference for that shirt number. If so then it's two birds with one stone.


26 Jul 2024 20:33:47
It mattered to Martial anyway. He was raging over the no 9 shirt.


27 Jul 2024 10:58:16

Yes I can read, that’s why I replied to your post with a sensible response without having to resort to silly comments. Weird how many likes each post got but I’m sure I’m wrong.


Chelsea FC breakdown of KEEP, LOAN, SELL, BUY

24 Jul 2024 07:39:07
{Ed's Note - ChelseaFC has posted a new article entitled, Chelsea FC breakdown of KEEP, LOAN, SELL, BUY


24 Jul 2024 17:15:59
Chelsea’s squad reads like an abandoned FM save.


24 Jul 2024 17:54:34
Love it iUtd Road.


25 Jul 2024 07:12:16
I realised I only know less than 10 of Chelsea players.


25 Jul 2024 07:25:06
Nice Utd Road 😄.


26 Jul 2024 12:38:58
That offensive UTD road. Shame on you.


24 Jul 2024 01:17:25
Is maguire still injured?


24 Jul 2024 04:19:24
Tumble. you typed 'a donkey' incorrectly.


24 Jul 2024 05:24:09
Is a donkey still injured?


24 Jul 2024 07:01:12
He was last seen walking up and down Blackpool beach with kids on his back.


24 Jul 2024 07:08:23
Hilarious. Maguire may not be the great CB we need, but the abuse is ridiculous. He us well respected within the club, never complained, and was solid every time he played last year. I'm not saying he's great, ir he should stay, but the narrative that he is a donkey is both wrong and childish.


24 Jul 2024 09:30:22
Yeah lads WTF is that all about above.


24 Jul 2024 09:36:58
he tried his best after he was stripped of the captaincy, and got ridiculous amounts of criticism. Wish others took a leaf out of his book, rash, for one.


24 Jul 2024 11:39:57
Quite a shameful comment Jim : (.


24 Jul 2024 13:00:07
Just a few donkey related jokes on the Banter page kids, stop taking everything so seriously 👍.


24 Jul 2024 13:05:04
Jesus. literally everyone has criticised him since he signed, and worse than calling him a donkey. Snowflakes.
He is crap and should be moved on.
You all seem to have bad memories of both your own criticisms and also his ability to play football.
Jog on.


24 Jul 2024 14:35:57
I've called it our regularly. I wouldn't have paid what we did for him, I probably wouldn't have signed him, but he isn't crap, nor is he a donkey.


24 Jul 2024 15:55:45
Jim, you could have said that a 1000 ways better.


24 Jul 2024 17:34:58
If Jim thinks he is a donkey then what's wrong with that? Fair play Jim.


24 Jul 2024 17:55:08
But is he still injured? 😆.


24 Jul 2024 19:13:03
On here and in the national press, he has been referred to as slabhead.
That is more offensive as it has everything to do with his appearance which he has no control over. I find that more offensive.
He has control over whether he is a donkey or crap, both intended as a dig at truly how bad he is.
It should be mentioned, some of his performances last season were better than anyone else in our team, on certain match days, but a couple of moments, in an otherwise washed out season, does not make him less crap, not less of a donkey, in my eyes.
I'm off to eat a carrot. Eeyore!


24 Jul 2024 19:25:50
Slabhead was a nickname given to him by one of his team mates .

I mean, calling him a donkey is just stupid, makes no sense at all.


24 Jul 2024 20:41:21
It's not banter nor is it funny. It is rather puerile and unnecessary. How much a player earns is irrelevant as long as that player gives his best which I think Maguire always does then he should be treated with a basic respect.


24 Jul 2024 21:06:46
Sigh. What is the world coming to?


24 Jul 2024 21:31:41
But what about the poor donkeys? What have they done to deserve this? Poor defenceless creatures.


24 Jul 2024 21:42:06
Calling him slabhead makes no sense at all. If jimbo nicknames him donkey what's the difference?


25 Jul 2024 07:28:52
Blimey Salford. Next you’ll be telling us there are 57 genders and be glueing yourself to paintings 🤦‍♂️ lighten up. It’s very clearly a joke.

Maguire does eat carrots though.


25 Jul 2024 11:40:28
But he is crap though, to be fair.


25 Jul 2024 12:12:10
That's a really good point well made Sepp.


25 Jul 2024 20:28:01
So he is crap and eats carrots. sounds like a donkey to me!

For anyone who cares, and I know you all do!
Thought process
The likes of vidic, Rio, etc are thoroughbreds, in my opinion.
The likes of Martinez are those ever reliable work horses
The likes of Yoro are in the stable for potential elevation to being the star performer
The likes of Lindelof are filling the stable, might surprise you some days and win a race
Then you have the Smallings of the horse world, a two trick pony picked up during a gypsy fair after a bet with a the carousel operator landed you with his prized possession
And then my fellow posters, way out the back field, munching carrots, you have your donkey, plodding along, scrounging a living, absorbing oxygen, and that is our beloved Harry Maguire, one of the most overhyped CBs of a generation.


25 Jul 2024 21:43:57
Ah jimbob he kept his head down and played magnificently to help us to 8th spot.


26 Jul 2024 11:45:18
I'm not a fan of Maguire and stated that I didn't think he was good enough the first summer we were linked with him. Something I reiterated the following summer when we signed him.

I don't think he has the requirements to be a first choice CB at a title challenging side. He has too many weaknesses, the chief among them being his ball watching which leads to poor positioning. Something that is exasperated by his poor mobility and pace meaning he cannot recover once he realises he's in the wrong position.

I'm also not a fan of him yelling and complaining at others when he's made a mistake and been caught out of position. I pointed this out when people would say he was a good leader. Leaders don't berate colleagues, they support them.

That said he isn't a Sunday league player, he's a bottom half to mid table EPL defender. If used with the right tactics he can be a solid option. Play a low block or any compact style where there are more players around him to both cover for his positional lapses and to restrict the space he can wander into then his physicality and reasonable passing can be an asset.

The name calling while understandable due to fan frustration, still isn't called for. Being derogatory and dismissive of people tells a lot more about the person doing it than the person they are talking about.

Last season Maguire showed class and a good mentality, he stood up and did his best in difficult circumstances and had a good (not great) season. He was mostly solid and few mistakes that were costly to us.

He still isn't the right player for us and would be better off leaving to play regularly somewhere else. If Branthwaite leaves Everton then Maguire could be a good replacement, he seems well suited to how Sean Dyche plays.

As a 4th choice option for us next season he wouldn't be a major problem. But if we are to improve and consistently play a better style of football then he can't be a regular.


26 Jul 2024 12:42:55
Shappy he doesn't have the requirements to be a professional footballer, let alone given him a position.

Amazing that since we signed him, everyone wanted him gone because they called him out to be as bad as he is. Now we are on the cusp of finally get rid of the turd and people want to be nice about him.

I am genuinely amazed at the contradictory nature of the human race.


26 Jul 2024 15:46:33
Nice lecture shappy. Practise what you preach on the name calling.


26 Jul 2024 17:21:31
Ken, I'm always looking to grow and become better. I've definitely let my emotions get the better of me in the past and said things in the heat of the moment that on reflection I wish I hadn't said.

Life's a journey and we don't start as the finished article.

I was given a great bit of advice a while back, "a smart man is silent when he's angry". Which is something I now try to live by.

All of us on here will have said things we regret, I bet if we reflect on those that 99% of the time it was when we let our emotions get the better of us. The other 1% we were lying through our teeth and got caught😂.


26 Jul 2024 18:10:04
Too bad no one gave you advice how to say more with fewer words 😂.


26 Jul 2024 21:13:09
No regrets shappy.
The art of being a non-emotive being takes years of practice, years!
And years of practice will not change my opinion on our prized carrot eating donkey, who is more than just a little bit crap.


23 Jul 2024 12:46:05
I understand the Anthony and Sancho criticism but at least Anthony tried and worked hard unlike Sancho. Buy Sancho has the skills not the attitude, Anthony has the attitude but not the skills, a combination of both would be good 😁😁.


23 Jul 2024 13:02:56
Due diligence on players is a must.


23 Jul 2024 13:19:03
I mean, Antony has plenty of skills, and in the first few games, it looked as though we had a player on our hands. But its just gotten worse. I can't put my finger on what it is with him.


23 Jul 2024 13:20:46
I’m still convinced there is a player in there with Antony. But he needs to respond to coaching and listen to what he’s being told to do.


23 Jul 2024 13:36:36
He might get better coaching now that we have brought in some better coaches.


23 Jul 2024 15:08:34
Stop making excuses for him. He’s useless.


23 Jul 2024 17:14:47
Wasnt Antony the guy who openly had a strop in middle of a game because he was asked to play in a different position?


23 Jul 2024 17:44:10
Yeah DSG like imagine if sancho had done that.


23 Jul 2024 18:16:48
DSG yes he did and reportedly got an absolute tearing down by ETH afterwards, and then hardly featured for a period after that.

Angel, based purely on guess work I think Antony’s problem is in his own head. He thinks he’s Ronaldinho, and he’s over emotional. When things don’t work out - because he’s not as good as he thinks he is - he strops and declines. I do think there’s a player in there, but he appears to be too far gone in terms of his poor mentality. I’d be surprised if we see anything like what he could be capable of.


23 Jul 2024 18:24:50
Could probably end up on the Brazil Prison team with him.


23 Jul 2024 18:51:25
Yeah wazza that's it. Because I remember him in the first few games and even being in Old Trafford, every one in the crowd would stand up when he got the ball. He has all the skill but something is seriously missing. It must be in his head. I don't even mind the emotional/ stroppiness. A lot of players from that culture are similar.

I just think he is a waste.


23 Jul 2024 19:58:15
Because he’s a cock. If he was a Juan Mata personality people would cut him some slack.


23 Jul 2024 20:04:28
Some people excel at 'smaller' clubs but struggle with the expevtaty9ns of a really big club.

Antony isn't the first to seem to lose his mojo, I've found him to be incredibly one dimensional and timid.


23 Jul 2024 20:09:09
Angel, I remember his debut well. Old Trafford thinking we’d landed another quality winger that gets you off your seat. Even his defensive work and pressing was top class in that game. He can do it, but his ego is stood in his way.


23 Jul 2024 20:39:56
I woke with an ajax fan after we signed him and he told me we were getting a really good player that would get you off your seat 5 times a game.
I was with the same guy a few weeks ago and he just can't believe tj he did not do well.
The epl is just a different animal.


23 Jul 2024 21:40:33
Eh spoke🙊🙊🙈.


23 Jul 2024 23:51:57
I have seen Anthony really put in a shift including tracking back one game then doing nothing the next. That's frustrating. What is more frustrating is that such an experienced and expensive player is not properly two footed or unable to consistently cross a ball well.

He definitely is talented and we have seen glimpses of it but it's not enough to do it once in a while. I kind of feel he would thrive in France or Spain rather than in England and ultimately if he cannot perform consistently for us we should look to move him on.


24 Jul 2024 05:26:46
Reminds me a bit of Depay. Lots of expectations, some glimpses, but did better when moved on.


24 Jul 2024 10:34:01
Antony is red raw useless. So one footed its frightening. So easy to play against. Never goes down the line always comes inside. Doesn't have explosive pace. Sooner he's moved on the better.


24 Jul 2024 15:05:42
No harm though, if he played like Ronaldinho you'd just let him do whatever he wanted - jeez he was some player though - as it is, he is nowhere near that level and would need that discipline and work ethic to play the game for the team he needs to.


24 Jul 2024 15:16:54
Lol tumble, tumble in the sheets with an Ajax fan was it!

Let's see how he is doing by the end of season 2, wouldn't be the first player to take a long time to settle, and with the stuff going on in his personal life, plus sancho clearly making it public he doesn't rate him, he had a few things going on. I admit he looks at times like a league 2 player, but stranger things have happened.


24 Jul 2024 18:06:59
Agree, Dodgy. I'd always give foreign players the benefit of the doubt for the first season. Even Antony 😁 Big culture change, never mind the football side of things.


24 Jul 2024 21:57:28
I think there’s a player in Antony.
Nani vibes.


{Ed025's Note - more nanny than Nani imo UR..


24 Jul 2024 22:47:21
Has he not had season 2?


25 Jul 2024 07:40:27
This is definitely already the end of season 2.


25 Jul 2024 13:23:21
I thought that even as I was hitting the reply button! OK then, no benefit of the doubt given, he's just poor!


22 Jul 2024 18:58:16
Seen a couple of stories today on United looking at new right backs. The two names mentioned were Vanderson from Monaco and Mazraoui from Bayern, another ex Ajax player being linked. That's got to be close to being the full Ajax team from ETH's days that have been linked at one point or another. Probably just lazy journalism.


23 Jul 2024 08:11:23
To be fair, that was a cracking Ajax team packed full of young talent, I'd be amazed if we weren't linked with a few of them, regardless of who the manager was.


22 Jul 2024 15:58:44
Ed002 do you think that the club will need to sell one of Bruno or rashford in order to bring in others?
They are 2 players that we could perhaps get significant fees for and create space for incomings.
Or do you think we can get enough in fees for the likes of sancho mctom awb etc to make the space and balance the books?


{Ed002's Note - I don;t have any strange thoughts like these.}


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