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19 Oct 2022 10:12:56
I see Gakpo has put out the come get me signal. Looks a decent player, don't know too much about him.

Can anyone enlighten me?


1.) 19 Oct 2022 10:26:53
From what I’ve seen, always seems busy and eager to attack though final ball and decision making needs some refinement.

However, seems to be scoring and creating chances so might be a surprise hit at the World Cup.

Another player who prefers the left tho….

2.) 19 Oct 2022 10:29:13
Has had a very exciting 8 months. Was an alternative to Anthony I believe but could become a target once more should one of our existing wingers leave.

3.) 19 Oct 2022 10:38:39
We need a proper centre forward that score 20+ goals a season not another left sided player that drifts in from the left.

4.) 19 Oct 2022 10:48:05
Unless it's a Lukaku style video, I don't believe a word I read in the tabloids - what's the source of this?

5.) 19 Oct 2022 22:42:08
hard to tell. will probably light up italian league but not sure on pl.

6.) 20 Oct 2022 20:32:13
Was very quiet against Arsenal tonight.



29 Jun 2022 12:33:23
Ed002, if you don't mind indulging. I don't recall if you have ever mentioned this name in recent times, but Tielemans. I know he is a target elsewhere, but do you know of any United interest, as I believe that he would be a fantastic addition.


{Ed002's Note - Youri Tielemans (CM) right now he will not sign a new contract so will be available in the summer at a reduced fee. His agent confirmed that there is interest from Real Madrid who are looking for a Luka Modric replacement, interest from Spurs and that he has been approached by a third party representing Newcastle. He is aware that other clubs, including Bayern Munich and Liverpool, have scouted the player but not declared an interest. Interest of the Manchester sides has probably gone as both are looking at other midfield options but they will be back if they cannot get their first choice players - and MU are struggling. Arsenal and Juventus provide wildcard options but Arsenal will have to focus on fixing other issues in the squad first and Juventus, whilst needing significant midfield changes are looking to preferred options. I suspect that Real Madrid will shift their interest leaving Spurs, Manchester United and Arsenal to work on a transfer.}

1.) 29 Jun 2022 14:13:16
Hi Ed002, who would these first choice targets be for Man Utd that we are struggling with? I thought FdJ was first choice in that position and we look to be set to be getting him. Has something changed.
Thanks as always for your inputs.

{Ed002's Note - The club are struggling over de Jong.}

2.) 29 Jun 2022 14:49:12

It looks like the club will struggle lost their "amateur" badge.

3.) 29 Jun 2022 15:17:05
Ed002. Many thanks for that. Have a good week.

{Ed002's Note - And you.}

4.) 29 Jun 2022 16:24:42
Ed - as always respect you sharing the info etc but have there been developments this afternoon on the FDJ front?
Several large media outlets are now saying fee agreed and that the player is open to joining United and all that remains is personal terms. Is this now accurate?

{Ed002's Note - I am not the one to give bow-by-blow updates.}

5.) 29 Jun 2022 17:07:19
I don't think anyone other than those dealing with the deal really know what is going on.

People are reporting what FDJ is thinking, how does anyone truly know what someone else is thinking. At best it's a judgement made from comments he has said in public.

From what little I know, it's unusual for a club to negotiate with a player before an agreement has been made with the club.

Which means it's unlikely that the club is in discussions with FDJ yet.

That said, clubs also rarely bother submitting offers unless they know the player is at least open to joining the club.

From the outside looking in it looks like Barcelona need to sell, not just to raise funds but to save on wages.

The player would prefer to stay at one of the biggest clubs in the world and at a club that had a close affiliation with Ajax. At a guess I'd also say he'd rather play UCL football next season. At least that is what the player has said publicly.

United and specifically EtH really wants the player and sees them as a key component of the team he is trying to build. Again this is what is being reported.

Now we just need to let the people at both clubs, the player and his agent work together to work something out. I'm sure we'll know what is happening in the next couple of days one way or another.

6.) 29 Jun 2022 17:19:52
If we don't manage to get de jong after all this, the meme club have peaked.

7.) 29 Jun 2022 17:51:29
Laurie Whitwell has confirmed a deal has been agreed.

8.) 29 Jun 2022 20:10:23
I prey to god tielemans is not in a ubited shirt. Do so average imo. Save the money and would rather have fred and mc in cm and buy in next window a proper cm. Buying for the sake of buying is what we have been doing.

9.) 29 Jun 2022 20:43:30
Latest is that FDJ is traveling to Manchester tomorrow by helicopter. Big twist, it’s being piloted by Schniedurer and he’s finally joining too.

10.) 29 Jun 2022 20:55:24
Would just sum up our transfer dealings of the past few years if fdj doesn't want to join. Spend ages chasing someone that doesn't really want to come. Do we not atleast ask agents before we waste time chasing players that don't want to come.

11.) 29 Jun 2022 23:38:02

When things don’t sound true they probably aren’t. Best to just wait and see.

12.) 30 Jun 2022 07:59:36
The downside of being a Utd supporter is that they’re still the biggest attraction in the media for selling stories so we get these ridiculous and contradicting reports, and blow by blow updates of every single transfer. It’s tedious, frustrating and 90% made up.

I hate the transfer window with a passion.



21 Jul 2019 16:59:25
I believe the maguire deal is done. All happy with the signing?


1.) 21 Jul 2019 17:46:18
Could well be our era's Steve Bruce signing. But what a great stop gap to lead Lindelof and Tuanzabe. Ultimately when it comes to replacing a player of Maguire's ability you at the very top of the market.
Would be a smart signing.

2.) 21 Jul 2019 17:58:49
Not my first choice I’ll admit but he will improve our defence which is looking much stronger and more balanced now.
It should also allow a couple to depart.

3.) 21 Jul 2019 18:01:57
Expensive stop gap 😂.

4.) 21 Jul 2019 18:19:03
Why do we think it's done? Obviously you mean pending medical but I've only seen unreliable reports atm.

Have i missed something.

5.) 21 Jul 2019 18:26:52
We haven't signed him yet.

6.) 21 Jul 2019 18:36:59
Not a great fan, but I hope he does well if he does arrive. Hopefully those who think like me will give him a chance, and not turn on him if he doesn't hit the ground running.

7.) 21 Jul 2019 19:07:25
Same as you Nou. I think there are better options out there but will back him a 100%. I do think he is an improvement.

8.) 21 Jul 2019 21:47:13
Expensive but the best we can get and we moan the club don't spend.

9.) 21 Jul 2019 21:59:44
Your going to back him 100% .
For how long?

10.) 21 Jul 2019 22:46:57
Jred, There are a lot of players who have come through the doors at the club who do not have the right attitude. If I question a player, I know it is justified.

Maguire, needs a proper chance at the club to show his worth. If we look at him a couple of years down the road and let's say he is consistently out of shape or simply not giving it his all, he will be questioned.

Hope that helps 😊.

11.) 22 Jul 2019 01:30:04
So about the same time people give managers before questioning them. Players and managers all need support until they have shown their worth. Some people call for managers to be sacked some call for players to be sold.
Some opinions change if players improve or managers improve or indeed over time. Sometimes patience pays off sometimes it doesn't
Opinions in football are as fluid as players form and performances.

12.) 22 Jul 2019 01:42:20
Only time will tell with maguire.
I think he will do well.
Im well aware of his alleged frailties but he has attributes we need. The timing is right. I predict he will like AWB be a huge fan faviurite.
The money is crazy but that's the way it is.
I can't think of a lower risk option.
If he and awb help us concede a dozen less goals then its money well spent.
He is a tryer he is playing at a level well above where his good given talent affords him.
Just like carragher neville terry adams bruce even today at top clubs davison sanchez at spurs loveren or matip at Liverpool luiz at chelsea stones at city. Maguire is better than all of them and they play most weeks.
Maguire will improve our team and imo would get into any top 6 side ahead of those in mentioned.

13.) 22 Jul 2019 05:45:36
At the moment, Maguire will walk into our side.
Moves Lindelof to his preferred Right side.
Dangerous in set piece at both the boxes.
Can pick a pass which means he is another attacking outlet.
Ofcourse he has his deficiencies, But I would easily pick him over Jones or Smalling or Rojo.

We are not challenging for the title. We cannot offer Champions League.
Do you guys really think it is attractive for the likes of Varane or De Ligt to join us?
We need to be realistic.



05 Jul 2019 13:45:05
Seems like you're bang on with Fernandes. We are very keen.

Will you be doing any sharkopods this summer?


{Ed002's Note - I hope so. My issue has been a great deal of travel and even though I am in England right now it is only for a few more days.}

1.) 05 Jul 2019 14:01:11
Ed I have a story about travel.
This blonde woman got on a plane and went to sit in first class, the stewardess noticed she hadn't paid first class, sorry you will have to move to the back of the plane, I'm blonde I'm beautiful and I'm going to Dublin she said and wouldn't move, so the stewardess told the Co pilot and captain, the Co pilot went back same thing I'm blonde I'm beautiful and I'm going to Dublin.
Soo the captain says I have a blonde wife ill deal with this, he went back whispered in her ear and she got up and moved to the back of the plane, what did you sayto her says the co pilot, I just told her only the back of the plane was going to Dublin😊.

{Ed002's Note - Very good. What's the difference between American pilots and Iraqi pilots? American pilots break ground and fly into the wind.}

2.) 05 Jul 2019 15:12:59
Perhaps we could take you on a tour of the cobbled streets of Manchester Ed 😁.

3.) 05 Jul 2019 16:30:06
Very good ed.

4.) 05 Jul 2019 18:06:38
We hope so too ed! Safe travels.

5.) 05 Jul 2019 22:55:56
Sorry guys, as an Iraqi I find the above joke very offensive.

{Ed002's Note - But sadly you are no more than a cretinous liar.}

6.) 05 Jul 2019 23:49:01
Mutanabi it's a joke, I'm all my life listening to jokes about Irishman, cork men, whatever but I laugh at them. Lighten up and laugh it helps.



08 Oct 2018 06:36:00
Ed001 if you're about. it'd be great to know your opinion on the daily mirror journalist who has had his media pass revoked by United?


{Ed001's Note - I don't know anything about the journalist sorry. I do know his pass was revoked because he was set to talk to BeIn Sports TV channel about his story on Jose being set to be sacked pitchside before the game at the weekend. The club were upset that he would do so during the build up to a match right there. Understandably I think. In my opinion they had every right to stop him disrupting the build up to an important game like that.}

1.) 08 Oct 2018 07:35:44
Thanks ed001. I just meant about the situation.

I wish clubs clamped down harder on journalist in general. I know clubs should be open to scrutiny but the level of crap that has been written about united recently, I was happy to see action being taken.

{Ed001's Note - so you want clubs to dictate to newspapers what they can write? You are advocating censorship? Sorry I disagree. That story came from a legitimate source within the club, he had every right to write it and put it out there.}

2.) 08 Oct 2018 07:41:21
Esq could you give your views on our current state if you have time. The media have placed the blame firmly on Jose but I think that is very much incorrect. Although he isn't the best suited manager out their to the "United way" some of the players have been appalling to say the least and it seems he hasn't been backed 100% by the board. As a fan what I ask of from everyone involved is first and foremost 100% effort. It shouldn't matter whether you like the manager or not, whether you like the tealady or not, if you are a part of the association then you can't have these childish attitude towards the club and I don't just mean it for United and United players. You should be true to your job and fully professional at the least.

It happened at Chelsea, it happened at Leicester too, 2 prime examples of the recent times. I think player power is starting to get out of control in football as a whole.

On a side note Ed 1, who do you think United will go for if (when? ) Jose goes out of the door and who do you think we should go after? I think we might go for Zidane and I think it would be the 2nd worst choice (first being Big Sam) . I think when we go for a new manager, we should do what City and Liverpool have done, get a manager that plays the desired style of football, has a bit of success proven himself somewhere for a few years and give him 2_3 years time before demanding all sorts of results and that goes for us fans too. We should do a proper rebuild of the club and how it is run.

Rant over

{Ed001's Note - it is never 100% totally one person's fault, but Jose has to take a large portion of the blame, over 50% of it, for the way he has handled things. He has been confrontational and never willing to compromise. He has been deliberately obstructive at times and has come into the job in all the wrong way from the start. That has turned the board and players against him, when initially they were almost entirely on his side.

This is not the same situation as at either Chelsea or Leicester. This is a man who knew there were people who were not keen on his appointment and then has deliberately and wilfully antagonised them by making it known he hated living in Manchester and refusing to buy a house in the area. If you start a relationship at someone's throat and you are unwilling to compromise, the only way it goes is downhill.

He has put himself into a situation where he has made it all about himself and his demands. Only he is to blame for that.

Both the board and the players could have responded better to his actions, you are correct, but the mess there right now is largely down to Jose.

Having said that, just getting rid of Jose will not fix it, as he is just the major problem, not the whole problem. There is a need to remove Ed Woodward from any involvement with the football side of things at all, I would argue that should probably extend to the whole of United, as the achievements he has made are those any junior executive should have been able to do. A genuine football person needs to come in to oversee the football side of things, to create a blueprint for the type of football the club, as a whole, will look to play and to bring in the people to achieve that goal at all levels. That is far more important than the manager, in modern day football, as they are the roles the old school football manager at clubs like United used to fulfil. Ferguson was never a coach, in fact there were large periods where he never even got time to get to the training ground. United need to stop trying to hang on to this idealised version of what he did and move into the real world and see what he actually did. Once that is done, then the club can catch the team on the other side of the city.

As for a replacement, I really don't know. The desire of most is a big name or club legend, as anyone else would be an issue with regards to club profile and stock market value. Which is why Zidane is favourite. Because of that I do think I think I can remove options like Howe from the running. It does look like Zidane, Carrick or Giggs, as there are very few other options out there.}

3.) 08 Oct 2018 07:58:11
Dictate? I've just read my post again and that's a bit of a leap made by you.

There is a constant stream of bull**** stories published by the English media and most of the time they are never held accountable.

Something has to be done.

The next time a journalist wants to go pitchside and discuss a story like that before a game, he might think twice.

What about all of the other stories written without a shred of information or sources?

{Ed001's Note - what about them? That is not up to the club to stop, that is up to the morons who keep clicking on the links. All you have to do is not click on them as a fanbase and they will go away.}

4.) 08 Oct 2018 08:15:49
Ed, In this day and age. do you think that is going to happen? Really? In a world of brexit and President Trump.

I think as a journalist you stop with writing the clickbait crap, if you don't do that, I think you should be held accountable for your own nonsense.

{Ed001's Note - I agree it shouldn't be written, but if people are dumb enough to keep clicking the links, someone will keep writing them. I certainly wouldn't write it, I hate it with a passion and would love to see it vanish, but it is down to people as a whole to see sense and stop being such gullible fools and clicking on the links.}

5.) 08 Oct 2018 08:28:34
I know you don't write it. That's completely evident.

But the majority of these so called journalists have incredible following and ability to make people believe. That is the age that we live in unfortunately.

Someone has to be held accountable and I have no problem with journalists within the media rooms of clubs having their passes revoked by the clubs if they write complete and utter crap.

I'd imagine you'll see less and less of it being wrote as those journos live to be in those rooms. If they aren't there, then they don't get paid.

{Ed001's Note - I agree with the passes being revoked and it should be done publicly as well with a full explanation of why it has been revoked. I just disagree with your suggestion of clamping down harder. The problem is that you will end up with a situation like happened under Ferguson, when every journo who wrote the truth was banned in order to shut them up.}

6.) 08 Oct 2018 08:47:44
Lol I don't want it to go full dictator. I just don't believe that these people should be allowed to be in these media rooms when they are unable to do their job.

When i mean clamp down, I meant exactly what i elaborated on in the posts above. Thise writing absolutely crap should be held accountable. Those actually doing there job no matter how it reflects on the club should be actually be applauded. I know those journalists still exist and should be lauded.

{Ed001's Note - if the club could be trusted to do that fairly I would agree, but they can't. They are only interested in protecting their own interest.}

7.) 08 Oct 2018 08:50:16
I think a DOF of sorts is a must for Us, and if he is a guy that is liked by Fans and all then maybe the best option football wise as coach wouldn't be the hardest thing to achieve. And also ed1 I was never trying to say Jose is not at fault, what my point is people in general seem to think firing Jose and hiring a new manager will be solution I think Jose is, as you said, the biggest part of the problem but not the whole problem. I think this having to be a big name and/ or an ex player so that the fans will get behind them and the stock value won't plummet approach will eventually lead us into obscurity if not dealt with properly in time. If the club appoints a competent guy who is not yet a big name it doesn't matter to me as a fan and I think it shouldn't matter to others as well. What should matter is that the guy is leading us in the correct direction. Just a random name and not the first choice I would make but Eugenio Di Francesco will get my full backing if he is leading us to the correction direction irrespective of the fact that he is not a big name manager or has never played for United. On the other hand Mark Hughes would be a terrible choice although he is an ex player and so is Steve Bruce. This is already starting on the wrong side. Only half decent ex man it's player turned manager is Blanc and he isn't that great either. Our club is turning into a huge mess and that won't be solved just by saving Jose. It may be a start but that doesn't end there.

Also ed1 I was not trying to say that we are in the same position as Chelsea or Leicester. It was just an example of player power getting out of hand. Speaking of Leicester, what is Ranier up to these days, I think even he would be better than Zidane. I don't know why but I am not convinced by Zidane, although he has won more European trophy in 3 yrs than SAF managed in his whole Career. Something just doesn't seem right to me yet.

{Ed001's Note - I wasn't meaning it to suggest you were saying those things, it was just trying to address the whole discussion I have seen on the pages over recent weeks.

I agree on Zidane, he is not convincing at all.}

8.) 08 Oct 2018 08:56:56
So ed I know someone above has mentioned why and who would replace Jose, but have you heard anything about him leaving? Do you expect him to go soon? Personally I'd prefer to see Carrick and McKenna in charge for this season find a director of football by Christmas then see if the management issue needs to be changed at the end of the season or if those 2 are doing a good job.

{Ed001's Note - I do expect him to go because he has antagonised so many people it is only a matter of time before it comes to a head. Wins like the one at the weekend are only papering over the cracks. I don't know if the rumoured meeting did take place or not, but there is certainly a growing number of people who are pushing for him to be removed.}

9.) 08 Oct 2018 09:24:02
For all I have written above (with a million typos- do you guys even understand half of that, even I have to read it twice to be sure what I was trying to write) , United need to part ways with Jose and that is inevitable. However sweet the result at the weekend was, we were down 2_0 to a team that looks like will find hard to survive and that at home. Jose needs to take a huge share of the blame for that. The players need to put 100% effort, that is the minimum I as a fan expect but Jose is the guy in charge to ensure that does not change. Having a team full of players that don't seem like they want to break a sweat go out to play, well he makes the decision on who plays so he takes the blame too. Not all of it, but a huge chunk of it.

I think we could do a lot worse than Mr. Wenger for a shirt term solution. He might even end up being a good DOF ( who knows) . Also Conte is out of Job.
The number of so called big name manager out of job might make the board act quicker as they seemingly have the options available. Just off the top of my head Ranieri, Wenger, Zidane, Conte, Roger Schmidt, Sampaoli, they all are out of job and/ or in a position where they will be attainable a bit easily. A random name and he is at a club that was once a rival to us but wouldn't it be a hell of a journey if Mr Madman Bielsa was at our great club. That would be fun. If you think Pep plays exciting football, well he is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to high octane energetic football, a rollercoaster ride.

I know you would enjoy Bielsa at a top club ( maybe not at Utd) ed1.

On a side note Ed, with all this uncertainty is there any update on the transfer front or has this toxic environment halted the plan once more?


{Ed001's Note - the club will always continue to look at players but right now they do not even know who they will be recruiting for. It is difficult to sign players who want to know the coach who will be training them and picking them.}

10.) 08 Oct 2018 09:44:01
Exactly what I was fearing of. This kind of uncertainty happened under Van Has too and it led us to shafting a long term plan and taking the high road. Not the best decision but Van Has did warrant the sack. The club need to quickly decide what they want to do in this scenario, either fully back Jose or sack him. There are options available to the club so just make a well thought out logical decision that doesn't look at what the share prices will be tomorrow but rather looks at where will this potentially lead us to this time next year and year after that. A similar scenario resulted ultimately into this mess and also cost us Saul Niguez amongst others (according to ed2, we were going to hold+ a meeting with Atleti nut all plans were cancelled back then) . Don't want a repeat of similar situation where the club is direction less for a significant time.

Just imagine Sail in our Midfield. What a player he is, one of the best midfielders unlike someone who is always a potentially one of the best but doesn't have the time to take his head out of his backside.

{Ed001's Note - Saul is a fantastic player.}

11.) 08 Oct 2018 10:16:13
What would you do if you were incharge ed? Short term solution? Long term? Dof first? Or even stick with mourinho?

{Ed001's Note - right now you have to get through the season with as little damage as possible, so I would bring in a DoF with the remit to look over the club from top to bottom ready to get cracking next summer. Then I would give Jose a bit longer, to see if he can rein himself in long enough to see the team through. He only has to cope long enough for the DoF to identify the long term options and appoint one of them. But it has to be the man at the top first, as it needs to all stem from him.}

12.) 08 Oct 2018 10:24:18
Ed001 - I think that is superb reply and I totally agree with you about SAF. It is my understanding that as his career progressed he took a step back and became a brilliant delegator. He regularly changed his assistants and coaching staff to freshen things up, implement new ideas and keep the players motivated. He became more of an observer which gave him the advantage of being able to assess exactly what was going on at the football Club.

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said any new DOF will become the most important person at the Club most certainly from a footballing perspective anyway. They will drive the footballing strategy and vision.

I was always slightly curious why we couldn't have adopted this approach when SAF retired. I think he could have remained in post for a couple of seasons as a figurehead whilst Moyes took control of the team. He would have been a valuable asset and maybe he could have been more actively involved in player recruitment aiding both Moyes and Woodward through a difficult first window. I'd have liked to have seen a slower more measured transition where Moyes was approached and offered the job as head coach ultimately taking the main role the following season or even the season after. It might just have given the Club time to find its feet and put measures in place to fill the massive void when SAF eventually retired. Of course this is all just pie in the sky reasoning but ultimately the great man was always going to retire and maybe his biggest legacy could have been overseeing the next step and ensuring the Club continued to dominate rather than just leaving a vacuous hole they have been unable to fill. Johan Cruyff left Barcelona with a footballing philosophy which has endured for decades even after his untimely death. He has provided the Club with a blueprint and recipe for continued success. I'd have like to have seen Utd follow suit with SAF engineering and planning his own retirement and legacy rather than just leaving suddenly. Of course this all sounds great in theory but I appreciate in reality it's easier said than done. Maybe he just couldn't commit any more of his time and things happened suddenly which we're out of his control. Its all ancient history now anyway.

{Ed001's Note - I think the problem you had was that Fergie was still around and it never works out when the previous, legendary, manager is still around. Busby stepped upstairs and it didn't help at all. Shankly was causing a similar issue at Liverpool after he quit, so he was asked to stay away. Cruyff went off to rebuild Ajax (if I remember correctly) so he was not there overshadowing his successors. Fergie is too strong a character to just put him to one side, unlike Paisley, for example, who acted as advisor when Dalglish was first appointed up until he fully retired in 1989 and then it all fell apart for Liverpool without him. When you have someone as strong as Fergie, it has to be a clean break or his shadow is over everything.

Your biggest problem was that he was in control of pretty much everything at the club. Great while he was there, but the minute he went it left a massive power vacuum that Eddy Woodwouldward could never hope to fill and Moyes had no intention of getting involved to that degree of micro-management. So you were left with a lot of people who no longer knew who to report to.}

13.) 08 Oct 2018 10:56:22
Is there any plans to remove Woodward or is he safe? He definitely needs to be removed from any influence over the football side.

{Ed001's Note - the plan is to appoint someone to come in and take over the football side from him but I don't believe his position to be in threat.}

14.) 08 Oct 2018 12:03:44
Hi Ed, thanks for your input into these posts it’s very interesting and helps to get some perspective.

I know things are all hypothetical but if Jose is removed in the near future do you see the club making a point to put in someone in the DoF post as the top priority?

Would make sense and have a temporary head coach until this position is filled?

{Ed001's Note - the club is already searching for one, so I would think that would be the way they would look to go.}

15.) 08 Oct 2018 12:07:18
Waking up and seeing the red response from you gives me goosebumps Ed001, seriously lol. Do agree with you, it is Jose's fault, preventable issues etc but getting rid of him won't sort everything out. But one thing, what is the need for him to buy a house if he's the only one living in it? City centre apartment is actually more convenient for him?

Also, did you see Mbappe's 4 goal haul yesterday? Incredible player with an elite mentality; saying he should have got a few more lol.

{Ed001's Note - because buying a house would allow his family to come up and stay in Manchester from time to time and visit him. It wouldn't have to be a house, but I just meant all that time in the hotel was just saying I am not putting down roots.

I haven't seen Mbappe's goals yet.}

16.) 08 Oct 2018 12:11:27
Also, what do you think of Eddie Howe Ed? Seen his name mentioned quite a bit recenty.

{Ed001's Note - I am not convinced by Howe personally. His teams' are inconsistent because he has no idea how to coach defence. He is another Roberto Martinez/Marco Silva - great when it works but all comes crashing down when things go against him. He is just lucky there not to have had a proper sticky patch, as he threw in the towel elsewhere when it happened.}

17.) 08 Oct 2018 12:32:36
Ed do you know if the reason Sir Bobby Charlton not going to any games this season is to do with health or some other reason?

{Ed001's Note - as far as I am aware he is just not that well these days. He is a very old man, his brother is severely ill and he is not 100% either. Sadly time catches up with all of us.}

18.) 08 Oct 2018 11:35:32
Any chance that we might tempt Allegri again if Mourinho does get the sack?

{Ed001's Note - I think he would not be interested again after the way he was treated last time.}

19.) 08 Oct 2018 13:08:24
Yeah your probably right Ed001. Pie in the sky talk really just thinking out loud thanks for your reply!

{Ed001's Note - it is difficult because you don't want to push out a legend like Fergie, but sometimes you have to.}

20.) 08 Oct 2018 11:35:32
Any chance that we might tempt Allegri again if Mourinho does get the sack?

{Ed002's Note - No.}

21.) 08 Oct 2018 14:34:57
Thank you Ed001 and 002 for taking out the time to provide us with this informtion, reassuring us makes us feel a lot better lol. i. e. still looking for a director = hope. Also, Monaco have played 10, Lost 7 and Drew 3 so maybe we could possible tempty Jardim though i remember Ed002 saying it would be difficult or unattainable, can't remember correctly. Ed001, there was talk of Alderweireld being available for £25m, do you know when that will be activated? (Providing he doesn't sign a new contract)

{Ed001's Note - I don't believe there is any such stipulation in his contract. It is not something Levy would allow normally.}

22.) 08 Oct 2018 15:06:57
Thanks Ed.

{Ed002's Note - The termination clause relates to a one year extension to his existing contract not to either this season nor a new contract.}

23.) 08 Oct 2018 15:37:46
You're the man Ed002, thanks.

24.) 08 Oct 2018 17:37:58
Hi, Ed001. Just wondering if you have any idea on Mourinho's feelings about us bringing in a DOF. Cheers.

{Ed001's Note - I am quite sure he fully expected one when he joined.}

25.) 08 Oct 2018 17:52:16
Can't argue with any that Ed001. Cheers.

{Ed001's Note - I am sure you could mate!}

26.) 08 Oct 2018 21:00:47
Hi ed001, just reading about your comments on Fergie and the vacuum left when he retired.

Do you liken it to Wengers time and how he used to micro manage everything? Except for the fact that arsenal seemed to have planned in advance for Wengers departure. They seemed to have put things in place so that when Wenger left, the correct people were already there.

Now you can see arsenal tying down contracts in advance and allowing emery just to focus on what happens on the pitch.

It looks like they learned from United's mistakes.

{Ed001's Note - very similar yes and you are spot on they did see a number of those issues arising and took action. Whether it is enough or not only time will tell, but they have certainly put themselves into a stronger position comparatively than United did. In fact they actually look to have improved without Wenger.}

27.) 08 Oct 2018 21:15:31
Cheers, Ed001. Didn't know if he would embrace it, or see it as a challenge to his position. Glad to hear you think he would have at least been expecting it, rather than having it thrust on him. Thanks again.

{Ed001's Note - the plan was always to bring one in mate. He is used to working with a similar set up, very few clubs outside of England operate any other way.}




angelred's banter posts with other poster's replies to angelred's banter posts


05 Apr 2024 14:18:04
Another great article from Laurie Whitwell, IMO, the one of the two best journalists on anything united, Andy Mitten the other.

Seems like the club want to stick with ETH. Delighted to hear that.

All you have to do is look over at Arsenal and admire how they stuck with a manager that finished 8th, 8th and 5th in his first 3 seasons. Losing 13, 13 and 10 games. He was under heavy heavy pressure but there was a plan and a willingness from the board to stick by their man.

I hope the same for ETH.


1.) 05 Apr 2024 14:27:52
I don't hope for the same Angel.
If they (ineos) are seeing something I'm not then he will be kept.
We have no other hope other than to trust their judgement.
Arteta is a good example of how things can develop positively.

2.) 05 Apr 2024 14:39:50
The difference is that you could see the steady improvement at Arsenal under Arteta as the seasons progressed, we can hardly say that about ETH can we.

3.) 05 Apr 2024 15:01:57
I can't think of a coach with a worse game management strategy than EtH.

4.) 05 Apr 2024 15:23:58
Really ken? I thought you were all for him ?

Arteta lost 36 league games in his first 3 seasons, finishing 8th, 8th and 5th. Many Arsenal fans wanted his head on a platter.

But I'm not sure Arteta had to deal with what ETH has had to deal both structurally at the club and injury wise.

ETH has been involved in all aspects of planning for next season, surely they wouldn't have him work that closely with them if he were to depart.

Arteta is definitely a good example.

5.) 05 Apr 2024 15:25:39
Simo, 8th, 8th and 5th, first 3 seasons, 36 games lost. What were you seeing? ?

The point I am trying to make is that they stuck by him, allowed him time to both recruit the right player and implement his style and currently it looks like it is paying off big time.

But go back 4 years ago, they wanted him gone. Thank god fan forums don't make the decisions. No one would last on here.

6.) 05 Apr 2024 15:26:52
Ken, I'll also add. What other options do they have? It's not the worst thing in the world to let him continue under the correct structure and with some new blood and give him till Xmas time or until a better option becomes available. All this providing that he doesn't turn it around next season.

7.) 05 Apr 2024 15:43:22
Southgate or Potter if ETH goes. Neither one fills me with any confidence. I’d rather stick with ETH for another year and give the new directorate time to identify the right person than bring in another new manager before they’re in place.

8.) 05 Apr 2024 15:44:42
I don't know the options no more than you do.
The issue is everybody is a compromise on pep he is standout imo.
In my experience (not Football related) it best to be decisive when making management decisions and not let things drift in hope they will improve.
I don't think you can compare arteta to lvg as their situation is very different.
Arteta is a great example of what we are trying to achieve.
I don't think that eth is the man to achieve it for us. I see traits in his management style that are not conducive to success long term.

9.) 05 Apr 2024 16:01:28
People want him gone, people want him to stay. Its all just conjecture, no one knows the full picture of what's happening at United and no one will. People are just shouting louder about their opinion than others. But that's all it is - opinions.

Its just laughable that once again the posts since the game yesterday are focusing on ETH and managers, rather than talking about any of the players or the game itself. Might as well rename this the ErikTenHagrumours page.

10.) 05 Apr 2024 16:05:35
Eth is more compostable to lvg imo I meant to say.
Why did you want lvg fired ( if you can remember)

11.) 05 Apr 2024 16:51:47
Players fail for umpteen managers often before they excel for another. Teams can excel under a manager and fail under a different one. Happens all the time.
I've always said for every ying there is a yang.
Eth came in and I bought in 100%. He was not my 1st choice but I was 100% behind him and his strategy tbh anybody was going to be better than ole.
He had a very good 1st season the team showed significant improvement although it did subside a bit towards the back of the season.
This season with the exception of dalot garnacho and mainoo no player has played up the their ability.
Luton have scored more than us. 15 teams have scored more than us.
We have dis-improved considerably both individually and collectively.
Injuries have played a part but no more than at most clubs this season.
Our worst ever cl campaign and what's likely to be our worst epl campaign.
It's not all down to the players that keep throwing serial managers under the bus.
Onana Heaton bendyir, awb, maguire martinez, malacia, garnacho mainoo, Mount, casimero, vdb, rasmus Anthony amad pellistri, Bruno have all only played under ole and eth (excluding interim ralph) only Evans Shaw and rashford go back to lvg and Jose. And mctom lidelof and dalot go back as far as Jose.
Loads of our useless players have left and won titles again, darmian ibra blind, Armenian micky, sanchez Di Maria herrera. Cl latter rounds etc. Not useless players.
Where we right to sack those managers? Yes
Well none have won anything since except moyes.
Lots of the useless players have won since they left.
Eth came in on the back of the successful and good to watch ajax team he managed.
Lots of players excelled in that team.
De light sold twice for big money and couldn't get into either team at juve and now bayern on a regular basis.
Vdb well we all know how that's gone.
Zyiech. Bit part at Chelsea moved around a bit.
Fdj. Not lived up to expectations and won nothing at barca
Anthony from the next gen ajax team another we know about not lived up to expectations.
But when they were all together they looked great at ajax.
Sometimes circumstances are perfect for players and coaches to excel.
Some coaches get players playing above themselves as part of a collective unit. Fergie was the master of that imo and klopp also.
There are traits I recognise in eth that imo will not lead to long term sustainable success.
We have plenty of players I'd like to move on too as I think they have had plenty of chances too.

12.) 05 Apr 2024 17:07:49
I think ETH has 3 games, main one being the FA cup game if we lose that i can see him being shown the door.

13.) 05 Apr 2024 17:07:51
Arteta absolutely did not deal with all the issues facing ten Hag, it's as simple as that.

To some, the injury crisis lands as a convenient, if not lazy, excuse.
To others, the reality of it lends support for the notion of ten Hag having a mare.
I'm in the latter camp.

Arteta's never had a season with this combination - a new Keeper with a markedly different style, 5 out of the 6 senior CBs being on and off the treatment table all season missing 65 games collectively, one LB out for the season and the other missing 24 games due to his own injury gremlins, plus the 21 games missed by the only RB who hasn't frequently been required to cover at LB.

Away from the pitch, he's had the ownership/ investment saga, he's had the legal and commercial concerns regarding Greenwood, he's had Sancho being a prick.

I know some of the anti-Erik bods will overlook the above and that's fine, but their opinions remain ill-informed and, frankly, weak af if they don't consider the above to be contributing factors of the shambles we've witnessed.
Whatever level of failure you want to accuse a person of, there's not one single other manager in our club's history who's had to deal with some of the pressures faced by ten Hag.

I don't think ten Hag is anywhere close to a Pep, Klopp, or any other suppository-sounding mofo, but he's definitely had a rough ride.

From Whitwell's piece, I expect ten Hag to be given next season as the acid test.
The details and nuances concerning the direction that the club takes under the wily gaze of SJR and his team will be more tangibly apparent to ten Hag than to any of us and will subsequently decide his fate - sink or swim.

14.) 05 Apr 2024 17:24:26
You're right ken, neither of us know to be honest, probably best that we both stay quiet on it ?

If INEOS persist with him, will you say you were wrong?

15.) 05 Apr 2024 17:33:38
Ork, I'm not anti Eric and I think he has handled well a number of difficult issues.

Also, he has had a lot of on field problems to work around such as all the injuries and the useless tosspot called Rashford.

Having said that, I'm failing to see any real organisation or coaching or playing style or even basic motivation of the players. It's just a shambles.

It's impossible to endorse a manager whose team is so flaky and unpredictable.

16.) 05 Apr 2024 17:59:17
Angel of course I will. I've no issue being wrong i'm wrong about stuff everyday sometimes important stuff unlike an opinion on a situation I've no control over.
This is unimportant in life really.
I'll be disappointed in myself I have judged it wrong but in my life I get so much more wrong than right I'll get over it writhing a few mins I'm sure.
Being right more than wrong on important stuff is what matters to me and to us all.
I'll also be shocked if they stick with him as I believe they will see obvious things I'm seeing from a leadership perspective. Not withstanding I only see what you see and not anything behind the scenes.
I've said from the very outset I'll support whatever the ineos and new team decide they are our best hope for the future.
I'm sure you'll do the same.

17.) 05 Apr 2024 19:02:51
I've already admitted to being wrong I defended eth all they way up to end Jan. I admit that was a gross error of judgement.

18.) 05 Apr 2024 20:53:40
I think, ken, given ed002 saying potter or Southgate, we are much better off keeping ETH in charge.

Those 2 fill me with no confidence whatsoever, jesus.

19.) 06 Apr 2024 07:37:15

Not true and arsenal were a mess for arteta's first 2 years. Even in his third season they started with 3 straight league defeats and tons of noise he was getting sacked.

They got better after that and really turned the corner after the Christmas break and had one of the best records and followed that up with last years title challenge.



23 Jul 2023 12:21:01
Hey ed002, hopefully you will indulge us here.

But how pivotal, or how much influence has ETH had on ins and outs, loans etc?

We have seen a few young players, savage, Iqbal, go and I do wonder who is making these decisions as we have traditionally held on to players longer. It does seem there is a lot movement.

Outside looking in, it does seem like that there is much more of a directness in our transfer decisions and overall structure. And I do wonder how influential ETH is in this.

Thanks in advance.


{Ed002's Note - He is part of the process, I am not aware of a means of measure of how much - perhaps 23.}

1.) 23 Jul 2023 13:19:04
As much as 23? I was thinking more like 3.14159.

2.) 23 Jul 2023 16:34:54
Pie in the sky thinking Brendon.

3.) 23 Jul 2023 19:28:28
I'm sure he makes his opinions clear about who he would like at the club and who he would like to get rid of. I doubt he's being forced by the club to bring in players or keep players he actively doesn't want. Indeed, it seems to me, that the process is working very much as it should now that Woodward has gone.

I'm going with 36, but then I'm working in base 8.

4.) 23 Jul 2023 21:11:47
Sorry I should have specified using a metric lol. 23/ 25 is pretty influential.

Thanks ed.

5.) 23 Jul 2023 23:08:06
Are you a 23ardian as well Ed02?



22 May 2023 09:59:51
Said it months ago, and will say it again, go get Evan Ferguson.


1.) 22 May 2023 11:37:14
I agree completely.
Sir alex used to do this all the time.
I do not want osimhen, i want us to sign an up and coming player and turn them into a top player.

2.) 22 May 2023 13:17:15
We need 2 strikers

An experienced one ie Kane or Oshimen with a young upcoming striker ready and waiting who could be loaned back for a year or two ie Ferguson Sesko or Hojlund.

3.) 22 May 2023 14:02:02
If Ferguson has good advisers, they'll hopefully be telling him to stay where he is for another season . He's with a good club who play good football and will be in Europe . He's doing well with them and getting plenty of game time .

{Ed002's Note - He has signed a new contract.}

4.) 22 May 2023 14:32:33
Fair point Ed, but hasn't Caicedo too yet the transfer rumours persist?

{Ed002's Note - Right, and Brighton accept he will leave.}

5.) 22 May 2023 16:18:31
And would brighton be open to Evan leaving?

{Ed002's Note - No.}

6.) 22 May 2023 17:00:54
Brighton don't want to sell Evan, and he is happy to stay there for the next couple of years while he develops.

It's probably best for him to stay there and play regularly.

Leave him be then look to buy him next summer or the summer after. He is a United fan so I doubt he'll need convincing to join.

7.) 22 May 2023 17:41:46
He's an ambitious lad shappy I'm sure.

Have you any insight into how you know he is happy to stay there for the next few years?

8.) 22 May 2023 19:24:19
Angel, well to start with he signed a new deal weeks before the summer transfer window kicks off. If he was interested in leaving this summer he certainly wouldn't have done that.

He also chose to sign for Brighton when other English clubs were interested in bringing him from Ireland. That was supposedly based on him and his family understanding he needs to play regularly to develop. So there is clearly a plan in place for his progression and development. They know too much too soon it's not in his best interests.

However, he is a lifelong Manchester United fan, and dreams of playing for us one day. So if he keeps progressing as he has this year, then next summer or the year after he is likely to have offers from all the top clubs. I'm sure it will cost a pretty penny to get him from Brighton at that point. But with 2-3 seasons of EPL football under his belt he will be well worth it I'm sure.

9.) 22 May 2023 21:28:33
I think if he stays one more year there, they will be doing well to keep. him.

10.) 23 May 2023 00:50:21
Seems to me that if he has signed a new contract and is happy to stay another year or too then it shows a maturity beyond his years. He is young learning all the time and a club like Brighton with a good coach is the right place for him. At Utd the pressure of unrealistic expectations could ruin him.

11.) 23 May 2023 09:51:20
Its best if the lad stays there for year or two. He is someone we should be watching and talking to Brighton about as a player we are interested in for the future asking to be kept abrest of any developmemts in his future at the club. If he develops like i think me might is is certainly one i think may be a long term solution for us. Right now though for him i think its best he plays and learns and doesn't come to a team where he is second choice or is met be intense scrutiny and unrealistic expectation.

If we signed a Kane type then Ferguson might well be his replacement, spending a year or two tofethwr to hand down knowledge, that's the kind of planning United need to be doing.

12.) 24 May 2023 07:09:46
Rooney came to United at 18. If you are good enough you are old enough. If we could get him and he is as good as his media then we should. Kane, should we get him, will give us a few years and there is a natural successor.

If you want to be thrifty there is a kid in Australia called Nestory Irankunda. 17 years old He is a beast, very quick and a massive prospect. Bayern have him on their radar. He could stay in Oz for a another season to develop and come over to ply his trade.

He would cost 4 million with other high profile players in Oz going to Europe for 2 million.

Check him out on YouTube.

Of course like any kid he could stall in his development but he has handled himself well as young as 15 in the A League.



17 Apr 2023 11:15:47
Victor Lindelof, has come in randomly throughout this season and has been extremely good each time.

I hope we are planning to keep him because to me, he's a fantastic option there.


1.) 17 Apr 2023 11:59:11
totally agree, my guess would be it's all about Maguire here, and Lindelöf's plans obviously.
We seem to be looking to bring one CB in and I guess move one on.
If we can move Maguire then I am sure we will look to keep Victor, if we can't find a buyer for Maguire Lindelöf will be on the market.

2.) 17 Apr 2023 12:23:26
I see one of Maguire / Lindelof leaving but for once I'm not going to hate on the former and instead praise the latter :) Lindelof goes about things without kicking up a fuss, is quite adaptable and is a very assured backup. I'm always a little concerned with him in the big games but we need 4-5 options at CB and he's a good one.

3.) 17 Apr 2023 12:51:56
Lindelof surely the more sellable asset as he will have suitors across Europe who appreciate his qualities.

Maguires market is much smaller due to his wages and style, can't really see any clubs being in for him apart from tottenham maybe.

4.) 17 Apr 2023 13:01:33
Maguire will almost certainly leave (if we find a willing buyer) . Lindelof is an interesting one. Decent player - too good to be a sub, but not good enough to start every week if Utd have any ambitions to win bigger prizes.

5.) 17 Apr 2023 13:55:29
Maguire has to be the one to go. Yesterday wasn't a bad game for Maguire, yet he still could have given away a penalty and was booked for an incredibly daft foul 3 minutes in.

At this point there is no redeeming his United career. It should be accepted that his signing was ill-judged to say the least and we should move on and sign another CB.

6.) 17 Apr 2023 14:53:39
Maguire was dreadful yesterday.
Every time the ball went near him my heart was in my mouth.
Maguire has to go, for his own sake as well as United's.
He has hit rock bottom and needs a fresh start at another club.
I just hope Varane is back next week and can somehow stay fit for the remainder of this season.

7.) 17 Apr 2023 15:30:46
Yesterday wasn't a bad game for Maguire?
I think within the first 20 minutes I'd thrown cushions and harsh language at the TV at least four times down to glaring Maguire errors!

8.) 17 Apr 2023 15:45:34
It was either a card or let the player run past him. Maguire doesn't have the speed to play a high line.

9.) 17 Apr 2023 15:54:55
That's the thing, it wasn't a bad game for Maguire. Which shows just how poorly he has played over his time. I've said it plenty of times on this site, he's the worst signing we've ever made in my opinion.

We are trying to play a high line with a centre back who has none of the qualities needed to do that. Lindelof may not be everyone's cup of tea but he is far more equipped to play that way than Maguire.

10.) 17 Apr 2023 18:18:55
You sees what you sees. After a dodgy start I thought Maguire was solid yesterday. Nothing e emotional bit very solid. Not saying he should stay, just trying to be objective.

11.) 17 Apr 2023 19:26:59
In Lindelof’s defence I guess, he’s played next to Maguire all his Utd career. Can’t help the nerves. Clearly I’d like us to keep him and sell Maguire, but I think he’ll want to play every week.

12.) 17 Apr 2023 19:35:47
He is so bad that a bad performance is now just his average. Heart in my mouth each time he has to do anything within 10 yards of an opponent.

13.) 17 Apr 2023 19:48:55
WWE has made an approach for Maguire.

14.) 17 Apr 2023 23:18:17
I dislike Maguire as a player intensely. Of that I make no secret or apology. In fairness in the second half he was okay. But he is pedestrian at best. A few times Forest tried the longer ball or quick through ball and Maguire, already horrifically out of position, was running in custard to get back. A better ball by Forest and the pundits would have been slating him for it. Just freeze the play every now and then and look how out of position he is during the defensive phases.

He made a truely awful pass early on and had the audacity to shout at AWB for it. Otherwise he takes 5 touches and passes it to where he could have 4 touches earlier. And usually sideways!

He has to be the one to go if we need to keep one of him or Lindelof. It will rescue his career and save me a few grey hairs.

He can still tell everyone how good and important he is after an average game. Just not as a United player.



20 Feb 2023 08:13:59
Ed014, rashford world class form yet?


{Ed014's Note - ?? in your dreams maybe Angel.

To be fair he’s helped De Gea’s back problem out a treat.

1.) 20 Feb 2023 09:09:53
His form is undeniably world class. No other player in Europe is scoring at the same rate.

That doesn't necessarily make him a world class player. Any player is capable of world class form, the difference between form and being a world class player is consistency.

If Rashford does this for the next few season's he'll move up from world class form to being a world class player.

2.) 20 Feb 2023 09:39:21
Maybe even sooner shappy.

3.) 20 Feb 2023 09:57:58
And yet people on here wanted to sell him. I appreciate he had a long barren spell but look what a proper Manager can do.

4.) 20 Feb 2023 09:03:41
Wow Ed ? he will have to go to 30 goals then and I'll circle back round!

How you feeling over there? Getting a bit tight at the top?

{Ed014's Note - mate I’m guessing Balogun over in France must be world class too as he’s on a hot scoring streak. Yes?

All good up over here mate, we have a game in hand over City and I fancy our chances against them at their place as well have Jesus back.

Guess you’re looking over your shoulder at Liverpool again now though.

Let’s hope your golden boy doesn’t get injured hey!?

5.) 20 Feb 2023 10:20:51
Yes mate, that French league is of course on par with the premier League ? I suppose you have to double down mate, that's okay too lol.

We are only looking up ed ? Still in 4 comps, league cup final on Sunday, 2nd leg with Barcelona this week too. New owners and money on the horizon.

Enjoy it up there whilst you can, won't last too long.

{Ed014's Note - and there was me thinking all you had to do was score goals to be world class! ?‍♂️

and you hope! ???


6.) 20 Feb 2023 10:52:49
Double down ed, keep digging ? I haven't said Rashford is world class but his form right now surely is.

7.) 20 Feb 2023 11:25:58
Jaysus that's s too cryptic i can't work that out?.

{Ed014's Note - bolloxology Ken, way too much of it! ?

8.) 20 Feb 2023 12:04:35
Arsenal don't have to worry about united.
Their only worry is city and they do have to play them.
A draw against City will be good for them a defeat could spell trouble.
Assuming united lose 2 games between now and end of season which would be very good then arsenal would have to lose 6 games which won't happen imo.
Top 4 and closing the gap this season was the target with hopefully a cup win to go with it.
We are very much on target to achieve that.
Really good shape with lots of positives.
As I felt at the beginning of the season.
1. City are not untouchable
2. United and arsenal are not far apart in their development.
Arteta had over 2 years work done eth has got injured into a better position faster than arteta did but you have to acknowledge both of them have done outstanding work with their respective teams.
I hope arsenal do go on to beat City to the title I think arteta deserves it.
He took a huge amount of stick in his early days but thankfully for arsenal they stuck with him. Only a blind man would think he was not making huge strides even 12 months ago.

9.) 20 Feb 2023 15:59:31
Out of Arsenal and City I will be rooting for Arsenal to win the EPL.

10.) 20 Feb 2023 16:02:04
Ken I'm not sure on that maths. Arsenal are currently 5 points ahead with a game in hand.
Let's assume Arsenal win the game in hand to make it a 8 point lead.
Let's again assume that Arsenal win the two fixtures that United lose in your hypothetical scenario. That widens the gap to 14 points.

With 3 points for a win United would need to win 5 games more than Arsenal or need Arsenal to lose 5 games more than United.

I highly doubt that United will seriously challenge for the title, mostly because we need both Arsenal and City to drop more points than us.

But it's not out of the question. Arsenal are currently 5 points ahead with a game in hand which if they won would give them an 8 point lead. Which incidentally is the same point lead they had an blew in 3 games already this season.

If we assume both teams maintain the form they have had over the past 5 games then over the remaining. Then in the final 15 games for Arsenal they will amass 21 points taking them to a total of 75 points.

United would amass 28 points over their remaining 14 games if they maintain their form taking us to a total of 77 points.

Man City's current form projected across their final 14 games means they would finish on 80 points and win the league.

Obviously there are so many more factors than just current form, injuries, fatigue, demands of playing in multiple competitions, the teams each side need to play and whether those are home or away games, plus the fluctuating form of all the teams in the league are just some of the more relevant ones.

However, with more than a third of the season still to go and a long way left in this title race the reality is that United are a few results away from taking top spot.

Personally I don't think we can maintain this form and I feel the demands of this long and truncated season, along with a lack of quality in depth will see our form dip between now and the end of the season. That said momentum might play a big part, and currently the momentum is firmly behind United, will it be enough to carry us to glory? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

11.) 20 Feb 2023 16:22:08
To be world class you need to be consistent over a period of time. You would not get a 18 year old as being world class as they haven’t had the time yet to prove the good form can continue over a prolonged period.
There is not many world class players still in the epl
Maybe Salah, De Bruyne, VVD to name a few from the top 2 sides over the past 5 seasons.
Rashford to be considered world class would need these figures for a couple of years yet and win some silverware at the same time for me.

12.) 20 Feb 2023 16:53:22
I thought they had 2 games in hand.
Either way they won't lose 5 or 6 games.
Look up your post of 2 weeks ago where your Argued the exact opposite of what you wrote above . You have no memory of what you write at times and you which proves you just Argue for the sake of it. Honestly shappy you argued exactly more or less what I wrote there 2 weeks ago I agreed with you at the time.

13.) 20 Feb 2023 16:54:21
Is haaland world class fzz in your esteemed opinion?

14.) 20 Feb 2023 16:56:49
I don't get the world class criteria. Is there any governing body that has clearly defined it? It's a team sport, if someone is performing to a "world class" standard surely it's also because of other people / players around them too? Also there are no trophies handed out across a season for someone labelled "world class" at any particular point.
I doubt any player says in an interview or at the pinnacle/ end of their career that "Dave from Stockport on a football site said I was world class last August and 6 people agreed and only 4 disagreed and gave a reason".

15.) 20 Feb 2023 17:26:26
No Ken.

16.) 20 Feb 2023 18:41:03
Supersub, I think this all started because there were questions on Talksport about who COULD be the next Englishman to win the balon d'or. Goldbridge stated that Rashford was most likely IF he can keep this form up for next 2 years, including a run in the UCL. He picked Rashy because of club global profile, club trajectory, goal scoring role in team, off field publicity image, void created by ronaldo and messi now being out of the picture.

I don't think an Englishman will win ballon d'or for a long time. But in context of the question I think he is most likely choice for now.

I wouldn't swap Rashford for any other player right now. Happy to see him back in form after a stunningly poor 18 months.

Eth is working wonders with these players. He is the true world class part of our squad!

17.) 20 Feb 2023 19:10:48
Imo we have a couple of top top players that could or would get into most teams in Europe.
Rashford right now is bitter than any striker in Europe but he does need to sustain his form for a longer period than 4 months to be ranked with the best out there.
Casimero would get into most teams as would varane imo.
Bruno would shine in most teams too.
Eth needs to win trophies at this level. But he will and he will win wherever he coaches. I hope its at united for a long time.

18.) 20 Feb 2023 19:29:38
Ken how did I argue the opposite?

All I've said is that you got your maths wrong and hat United "could" still be in a title challenge.

However in the same post I also said "I highly doubt that United will seriously challenge for the title, mostly because we need both Arsenal and City to drop more points than us. "

As well as "Personally I don't think we can maintain this form and I feel the demands of this long and truncated season, along with a lack of quality in depth will see our form dip between now and the end of the season. "

So clearly I don't think United are seriously in a title challenge. Just saying that mathematically we could still win it and that stranger things have happened. It's very much a case of a hope we somehow win it than any real expectation that we will.

19.) 20 Feb 2023 20:34:45
I wouldn't be getting too carried away with Arsenal to be honest they'd have dropped even more points if it weren't for a massive slice of luck against Villa. Didn't they lose 5/ 6 of their last 10 league games last season to drop out of the top four? I'm sure it was something like that. Both City and Arsenal will drop many more points I believe it is that type of season.

20.) 20 Feb 2023 21:02:30
I think everyone will damon. I've heard some people saying top 4 is sewn up, nothing is settled yet. Far from it. Hopefully we have ridden our toughest time with injuries and suspensions.

Ken - Bruno has been excellent. His first thought is forward quickly, which suits rashford very well. He has also risen to the captaincy. He is a moaner, but he's our moaner ?.

21.) 20 Feb 2023 21:49:13
I would say he is a pain in the hoop to be honest DB.




angelred's rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 11:46:25
GDS ? this is some take.




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22 Jul 2024 12:31:05
I'm sure they will push to sell both Lindelof and Maguire. From there they can hopefully bring in de ligt.

Having Evans, Martinez, Yoro, De Ligt and AN other would be a fantastic selection. i still think they go back for Branthwaite.




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18 Jul 2024 22:03:15
Ed025. Bruno down tools ??.


{Ed025's Note - absolutely angel, when united are behind and things are not going for him he gets all stroppy and is a liability you not watch many united games.. :)



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18 Jul 2024 13:43:19
Sounds like interest isn't as concrete as once thought.

Id imagine, a lot has to do with who we can get out. If we see more departures, we will see more signings.




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17 Jul 2024 10:30:56
It's getting there. And would be a fantastic acquisition. He looks an incredible talent.





angelred's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 19:25:50
Slabhead was a nickname given to him by one of his team mates .

I mean, calling him a donkey is just stupid, makes no sense at all.




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24 Jul 2024 09:30:22
Yeah lads WTF is that all about above.




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23 Jul 2024 18:51:25
Yeah wazza that's it. Because I remember him in the first few games and even being in Old Trafford, every one in the crowd would stand up when he got the ball. He has all the skill but something is seriously missing. It must be in his head. I don't even mind the emotional/ stroppiness. A lot of players from that culture are similar.

I just think he is a waste.




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23 Jul 2024 13:19:03
I mean, Antony has plenty of skills, and in the first few games, it looked as though we had a player on our hands. But its just gotten worse. I can't put my finger on what it is with him.




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19 Jul 2024 20:38:00
Eric, ETH is fixated on that left footed LCB for balance. I think that's what we will end up going for. Branthwaite can play there and cover LB.
