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23 Sep 2023 22:23:51
I can only see us getting relegated after that battling win.


1.) 23 Sep 2023 22:39:10
A patched together side and we got the win that's the main thing.

2.) 23 Sep 2023 22:47:34
Our season starts now. Few wins and everything changes. Personally I'm excited at what Hojlund will do do once we and he hit some form.

3.) 23 Sep 2023 22:48:27
I was on pins and needles watching that game. Its a big 3 points and a clean sheet. I am really worried going forward with our injuries to our defenders. I did not like what eth said about Martinez.

We have enough mids to chop and change and more coming back. The backline is very very worrying.

We also cannot be playing cas and bruno 2 games a week like this. Its asking for trouble imo but we have no other options atm.

4.) 23 Sep 2023 23:26:37
Are you barred from Specsavers GDS2?

5.) 23 Sep 2023 23:27:47
I wonder how Clayton Blackmore is doing.

6.) 24 Sep 2023 03:08:33
Just a little tongue in cheek joke based on some of the posts in the last week, 8 points clear of the relegation zone now for anyone keeping an eye on it.



09 Aug 2023 09:32:44
Concerning Corruption - I imagine when United were winning everything Liverpool fans thought we got decisions, I still hear people now talking about how Howard Webb is a United fan etc. it’s not corrupt, the better teams will always get more penalties as they attack more, the opposition are more likely to get yellow cards as they get desperate and make challenges they wouldn’t usually, sometimes it’s the only way to stop a good team. There are poor officials, I’m not 100% sure why you even watch the sport anymore if you think the refs are cheating (for what reason I’ve absolutely no idea) and deciding games.

On the abuse of the referees, it’s quite clear that it needs to be cut out, I agree with all of the comments above about grass roots, I used to ref myself and there is no respect for officials and it’s because of the top level, if players are carded for abusing a ref they will soon stop.


1.) 09 Aug 2023 10:01:26
I chatted to Webb's brother back when Webb was refereeing. They did follow a team, but a lower league team. Cannot remember it now. Nice bloke, looked nothing like Howard. Bit of Useless info for you. I had to ask the question as it was a rumour back then.

{Ed002's Note - All referees have to declare allegiances and Howard Webb has declared he is a supporter of Rotherham.}

2.) 09 Aug 2023 11:01:21
To be honest i filed the EPL ref conspiracy theory in the same place i filed the fake moon landings and the C.V. vax microchip/ heart stoping/ DNA altering theories. I believe psychology has an academic field of study devoted to understanding the people who believe them.

3.) 09 Aug 2023 11:38:51
City do get away with a lot of niggly fouls though. Rodri almost never gets carded for things Casemiro or Xhaka will never get away with. And Bernardo Silva goes around hacking people down all the time but gets a free pass because he's tiny and his name is not Mctominay. I may have digressed a little bit here lol.

4.) 09 Aug 2023 13:48:59
The art of the foul. Someone should right a book about it.

5.) 09 Aug 2023 22:37:14
GDS2 I was the one who mentioned corruption, and I don’t think the refs are “cheating” as such, but I believe they are being directed in such a manner to target certain players and clubs in particular.

I remember Solksjaer talking about this exact thing. The referees directives for United games would highlight our players for certain things and all too often the ref would be far too card happy or not give a penalty because a certain player of ours was being highlighted for “diving”. I believe there is corruption, but it’s just not as obvious as many people think.

6.) 10 Aug 2023 06:48:04
The problem here is they need to be constant with their decisions.

If it is a penalty for City, it should be penalty for United or Luton or whatever the club is.

If it is a yellow for Luton, it should be yellow for United or City as well.

Too many strange decisions.

Sure, it is not the same referee in the City and Luton match for example, but I imagine they have meetings where they consult and decide on these things.



20 Feb 2022 18:35:43
Since Ralf took over United have more points than any other side except city and are currently on the longest unbeaten run. Things are looking up. There are improvements in the performances and our games are quite fun to watch, still a lot to work on but enjoying things a lot more now.


1.) 20 Feb 2022 19:29:55
always nice to go to Leeds and stuff them. Most enjoyable and entertaining football match today.

2.) 20 Feb 2022 19:36:17
GDS2 - let's not forget we’ve had a really favourable run of fixtures since RR took over!

Dropped points against Villa, Wolves, Burnley and Southampton could be costly come the end of the season.

Let’s see where we are at the end of March when we’ve played City, Liverpool, Spurs and Athletico Madrid.

I think 4th will be a real struggle if you think that’s important; personally I don’t buy into the top 4 propaganda machine and historically the Glazers have spent more money when we’ve finished outside the top 4 anyway.

Of course I want Utd to finish as high as possible but I certainly won’t be celebrating finishing 4th. As far as the Club is concerned I fear that would be objective achieved whilst the spin doctors and PR machine try to convince the world of a successful season.

3.) 20 Feb 2022 19:42:55
Can't argue with that, and we have had a couple of 50/ 50 decisions go against us in the game we drew. Looks much more positive.

4.) 20 Feb 2022 19:44:31
Much better indeed. You can see and for many of us we can see improvement week on week.
Still not great stuff but you can see a little more structure and a lot more effort.
I think slowly but surely he is finding out who suits his system best and who is adapting quicker than others.
Tough schedule ahead and its the next 6 games that will define our season and show us how far we have come.
City Liverpool spurs 2 x athletico with Watford next Sat.
If we come out of that still in 4th and still in cl we will have a interesting few months ahead.

5.) 20 Feb 2022 20:22:59
I think things are looking much better. Sancho is looking much more the part, and Elanga has really taken his chance. Even Fred helped turn the game today, although I had to chuckle when the commentator questioned whether he meant it when he scored. He's not a bad little finisher.

6.) 20 Feb 2022 21:32:45
Fred’s cameo when he came on, including his goal, was superb today. Deserves the credit.

7.) 20 Feb 2022 21:43:18
Definitely signs of improvement and the performance level has definitely picked up since pogba has come back.

Whatever his flaws having someone in midfield who can actually put their foot on the ball and pick out passes and control the game makes a world of difference.

8.) 20 Feb 2022 21:59:48
Credit where credit is due - until he started to tire Pogba was excellent today.

9.) 21 Feb 2022 06:14:06
United responded after Leeds levelled. Rangnick got it right with his changes. Under Ole, he would of done nothing and United would of lost that game. Sancho had a good game, Lindlhof too I thought. And Fred can play football after all. He was great when he came on.
Good game of football. Second half was a proper War of the Roses.

10.) 21 Feb 2022 08:19:40
Never sunny on that side eh DLIB? ??.

11.) 21 Feb 2022 08:47:04
We played as a team and looked more like a team playing together with a bit more belief. We had a wobble when DDG let the first goal it, yet for the first time in a long time I saw a structure and players playing for each other plus a bit of belief. RR got the changes right, tough games ahead and the mess will take time to resolve but definitely positive signs.

12.) 21 Feb 2022 09:43:31
Agreed redman and good post GDS.

Aside from the results, our play has taken a massive turn, the structure in which we play is now quite clear to see. Refreshing to be honest.

13.) 21 Feb 2022 11:40:51
I can't remember a United manager having to deal with more during such a short period.

Disjointed team made up of a patchwork quilt of players from 5 different managers.

Terrible form, no style of play and years of substandard coaching and conditioning.

Half the squad out of contract and/ or looking for moves elsewhere.

Big signings under performing.

The Greenwood situation.

Maguire and Ronaldo power struggle threatening to divide the dressing room.

Uncertainty over who will be the next manager and the direction of the club.

A change of CEO, from Woodward to someone who has zero experience.

A seeming power struggle higher up the club, with Sir Alex unable to keep his nose out and interfering, and other board members trying to have more control.

Literally it's like he's walked in and there's a fire in every corner that needs dealing with.

Yet, he has handled the press with an expertise that we haven't seen since Sir Alex.

He has the team starting to play a clearer structured style of football. While he's starting to get results.

Given the circumstances I don't think anyone could have done a better job. That doesn't mean he should be the next full time manager, just that he is doing what I consider to be a very good job of steering the club through a very difficult time.

14.) 21 Feb 2022 11:57:44
Dunno what they've been feeding lindlehof but thought he had a great game yesterday- same as fred's cameo. all in all a great game to watch but still a worry leaking goals albeit a bit of a fluke for the first one.
thought PP played well and I guess that's him done for the next 4/ 5 games but there are signs of improvement in the team.

15.) 22 Feb 2022 08:10:48
Good post shappy.



15 Feb 2022 23:13:42
Stats may be off but 6 wins 4 draws 1 defeat since Ralf took over and most would agree a couple of the draws could have been wins. Ole's last 7 games I believe we got 5 points from 21, so huge improvement in results, we are having a lot more chances than previously. It's not perfect and we are still a bit dodgy at the back at times but conceding a hell of a lot less than previously. The abuse for Ralf I keep hearing is madness in my opinion. Good win tonight against a tough Brighton side who should have won earlier in the season at Stanford Bridge and got a point at Anfield if I remember correctly.

Know I'm always seen as the positive one but some of the moaning in the last few weeks has been a bit much.


1.) 15 Feb 2022 23:22:19
GDS I always try to keep positive myself- but it’s been rubbish recently. Even tonight we did our best to throw it away. Too many leaks off the pitch.

Frustrating time.

2.) 15 Feb 2022 23:32:42
I agree. We have a lot of bang average players. He’s making more of them that Ole was.

3.) 15 Feb 2022 23:39:26
Just heard Ralf’s interview about how he changed things at half time tactically and it massively paid off in the 2nd half, it’s really good to listen to someone who really understands the game, I think perhaps people should just let him do his stuff. The players leaking stuff don’t like it because they are having to work hard, you can see some of them aren’t fit enough which is pathetic for professional footballers. Hopefully we get rid of these leaks as I’m sure the club know who it is, and to be fair the press just jump on everything to do with United as soon as we don’t win a game.

4.) 15 Feb 2022 23:59:57
Not trying to be negative GDS but I didn't enjoy that game at all. Brighton were better in possession and outmuscled us until they lost Dunk. I don't enjoy watching the horrible attitude of the players also. A bunch of angry young men.

5.) 16 Feb 2022 00:20:40
The squad isn't as bad as they have been playing. So right now it is just about grinding results.

Ole wasn't as bad as everyone likes to remember, but the wheels completely fell off and he had to go.

The criticism of Ralf is just crazy.

Ralf is doing what we need right now and the players need to step into line or step out of the way. Plenty of young pups waiting in the wings to take places of players who don't buy into what he is doing.

6.) 16 Feb 2022 02:30:16

I think some of the players are frustrated with results and performances, you can see the relief when we score, the more games we win and goals we score the more they will relax and things will come more naturally. We were 1-0 up when Dunk went off and started the 2nd half like a house on fire, I’ve just watched the game again at home and still feel the same, we did well 2nd half and should have won by more, Bruno missed another sitter and Ronaldo’s header.

7.) 16 Feb 2022 06:13:19
Rangnick is having to sort out all the problems created by Ole on and off the pitch.
In the middle of a season, it is a huge ask.

Players are getting their confidence back. But we need to improve the consistency to get top 4.

8.) 16 Feb 2022 06:32:54
I think your probably right GDS, there was huge relief among the team when they scored. With confidence they should become more cohesive.
I did enjoy the first goal though, that was vintage Ronaldo.

9.) 16 Feb 2022 07:14:06
Good post GDS. Very refreshing to have a coach that knows what he is doing. You can see a huge difference on the sidelines.

10.) 16 Feb 2022 07:47:44
RR has a huge task on his hands. He hasn't been able to buy any new players ans has had to coach these players without a pre season.

Note:- Everyoenwas raving about Conte and hiw Utd have missed out on him. Spurs are struggling and he doesn't seem go get any stick about that, despite being in charge of Spurs longer than RR has been at Utd.

11.) 16 Feb 2022 08:21:32
Think RR doing a steady job. He’s constantly fire fighting and making tactical adjustments as he grinds out results to get top 4 (which would be an amazing achievement) .

He’s having to deal with the mess left behind by successive managers, a group of (mostly) over-inflated egos, loss of confidence, trying to make up for years of poor coaching, media leaks, contract situations and being new to the league.

Tbh, just hope we get 4th then looking forward to huge changes in the Summer and fresh start next season.

12.) 16 Feb 2022 08:51:47
The team has no experience of tactics and controlling games under OGS. Mentally it will take time. How many times did we fall behind in games under OGS? When we go ahead, right now they don’t know what to do. We’ve not been a clinical team or finished the opposition off for years - let alone getting used to the extra physical demands this coach is putting on them. This stuff takes time - as it did with Klopp. Time sadly nobody ever will give. The fact some of the team are leaking complaints solely highlights just how stupid they really are.

13.) 16 Feb 2022 09:14:57
We have had an incredibly easy run of fixtures if were being honest, if you offered 22/ 33 points in them most would be disappointed in my opinion. Interested to see how we line up against Liverpool, City and Chelsea and continue trying to play football or if we drop deep and try and play hoofball.

Its clear were better than we were under Ole, but that's not difficult lol.

14.) 16 Feb 2022 10:01:33
Mad Hatter, I think you make a great point about Conte. In his 20 games in charge of Spurs they've won 10, lost 7 and drawn 3. Giving him a 50% win rate.

He was allowed to bring in two players in January to aid him as well. Losing 2 of their 3 games since making the signings (against Wolves and Southampton) .

Has he really made a big difference?

15.) 16 Feb 2022 10:32:25
Conte debate is gone. He won’t nor ever will be manager at Utd and didn’t want him. We tried Jose - he imploded. Much like Conte would.

16.) 16 Feb 2022 12:36:42
Interesting DSG about the fixtures, these are games we were struggling to win under the previous manager, I’m not sure it’s been an easy run to be honest but I agree it will be interesting to see how we do against the better teams. Everyone struggles against city and Liverpool at the moment so wouldn’t judge on them games but Arsenal, spurs and Chelsea games might decide our season.



21 Nov 2021 01:26:14
Thank you Ole.

It should never have got to today, you should have been sacked with dignity much earlier, but at least it's over and hopefully you'll be welcome back at the club as a playing legend, we know you tried your best, it just wasn't good enough.

On to the next one, no confidence we get the appointment right. There isn't an obvious choice so whoever we choose will have positives and negatives, some will be against him from the start and others will defend him and back him, looking forward to seeing these players coached better and let's see what we can do.


1.) 21 Nov 2021 01:45:36
Hope is all we have gds2.
Personally I've felt girls as a united fan for over 2 years.
As you say some will be against the new man from the start.
I hope it goes well I'm looking forward to seeing what direction we can take with new ideas and a fresh approach.
Delighted to have hope again. I hope this bunch of players can start to fulfill their potential.
Great job for someone let's hope it works out this time.

2.) 21 Nov 2021 08:20:39
I really think you might want to review the second line of your post!

3.) 21 Nov 2021 13:06:06
Haven’t we all Ken ?.




GDS2's rumour replies


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23 Jul 2024 10:57:51

Because he constantly gives the ball away and can’t stay in a position in the system we want to play? I like Bruno and would be fine with him staying but it would be crazy to ignore his limitations and if we ever want to push for a title we will need him to be moved on.




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20 Jul 2024 11:59:12
Did hernandez leave after Zaha, think it was pretty close, if so then it is him. If not the it’s Zaha.




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15 Jul 2024 20:30:30
Where’s this being reported?




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09 Jul 2024 13:52:28

Why do you think he would be better ‘of’ at City? They don’t need a centre half, they have loads, surely he would be better at his age at a club where he will get lots of game time? Or was that your attempt at banter?




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12 Jun 2024 15:19:57

You must be joking. If I’d heard ETH on a voice note doing what Greenwood had done I don’t think I’d want him as manager, would you?





GDS2's banter replies


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27 Jul 2024 10:58:16

Yes I can read, that’s why I replied to your post with a sensible response without having to resort to silly comments. Weird how many likes each post got but I’m sure I’m wrong.




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26 Jul 2024 09:50:39

Just because it means nothing to you doesn’t mean it means nothing to anyone else, it definitely means something to kids as fans wanting numbers on their shirts and also players are superstitious and would like a certain number. You’ve fallen into the trap of thinking because you think something that means it’s true for everyone.




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25 Jul 2024 07:40:27
This is definitely already the end of season 2.




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16 Jul 2024 12:31:52

Not sure that’s the correct attitude, I’d pay no attention to the result but a lot can be learnt about how players equip themselves in games like this, whether they have the correct attitude and if any of the younger players have the ability to step up. I think there are a couple that will have shown ETH yesterday that they aren’t going to make it based on their attitude.

The 2nd half was an extremely young team but first half wasn’t just young lads, it was really all just about fitness but I hope the management team pay some attention to some of the performances.




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15 Jul 2024 21:22:33
Vitek was fantastic, no judgement of any other players really at this point due to the fitness levels but I think Ethan Ennis has probably earned himself a place on the tour.