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23 Jul 2024 21:05:23
Hi, Ed002. I seem to remember a while back you maybe mentioned that Chalobah might be a player we were interested in. With news that Chelsea are looking to sell, is this something that Utd might still be interested in, or have we definitely moved on? Thanks as usual.


{Ed002's Note - Not first or second choice at least.}

1.) 23 Jul 2024 22:31:46
Cheers, Ed002 ?.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 09:27:57
ED001 said he would be an excellent choice.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 14:37:04
I like him, Hatter, that's why I mentioned it. Thought he could be a good option if Everton insist on silly money for Braithwaite.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 21:37:00

He wouldn't be expensive either.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 07:18:17
I would happily see Maguire and Lindelof moved on, with De Ligt and Chalobah coming in.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 13:20:24
He'd be an interesting squad option, providing cover at RCB, RB and possibly at CDM occasionally.

However, is that the limit of his ambitions?

Is he happy to be a bit part player, filling gaps here and there for Manchester United, or does he want to stake his claim as a regular starter for a side and really show what he can do?

I suspect he doesn't want to be a bit part player, which he's probably communicated with Chelsea and they've decided to sign other options and let him go.

Personally I think he's good enough to start for a side in the Europa league, an EPL side that will finish between 8th and 4th. But I'm not sure he's shown yet that he is good enough to be a regular starter for a title challenger. Maybe with more regular football he steps up to that level.

Will he get that at United? Probably not.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 15:36:44
Well, Shappy, you did describe United at the moment ?.

8.) 26 Jul 2024 11:22:48
Trololo, yeah, at the moment but not where we are aiming to be.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 12:12:50
Thats not what you wrote Shappy, but okay!



17 Nov 2023 18:08:39
Something that worries me a bit at the moment. Stems from a reply from Ed002 on the other page, where he mentions ETH will be aware he probably won't be here next season.

Hopefully ETH's professionalism will come through, but can't help thinking it doesn't bode well for the rest of the season. If he knows, it's probably fair to say the players do too.


1.) 17 Nov 2023 19:11:42
If it’s correct, sooner the better he is gone for all concerned, I think they will know that too, because 100% they need champs league and atm that’s quite a way away.

2.) 17 Nov 2023 20:56:17
I think a lot of people including players am on ngat others are thinking Thier time may at United be coming to a close.

3.) 17 Nov 2023 21:00:36
Is it quite a way away Rangersred? We are 5 points off fourth place after one of our worst starts to a season in decades.

There are 26 games remaining and we haven't really got out of second gear. I'm not saying we are a top four team based on current form, but let's get some perspective.

In regards to ETH it would be a shame to see him go. He never really had a chance and I don't think there are any out there available I would want to see him replaced with. Especially if the Potter rumours are true.

4.) 17 Nov 2023 21:07:38
4/ 5 points, not quite a way at all! In fact to keep in the pack with our injuries is excellent imo! Don’t listen to the media, our injury record this season is phenomenal and has clearly had a detrimental effect on performances! To still be there or thereabouts is huge positive!

5.) 17 Nov 2023 23:47:06
I agree, Chris. But with the weak mentality in a fair portion of our players, I do worry a little that they'll act to form. No real concerns about ETH. I think his professionalism is there for all to see.

6.) 18 Nov 2023 00:09:09
Alot of players need to go before eth. If he had decent support we wouldn't be 6th we would be up around top.

7.) 18 Nov 2023 09:03:01
Ten hag will be utd manager next season, who on earth would they get if he left? Seems nonsense to sack him, everyone and his dog wants him sacked. With everything that's going on behind the scenes his been extremely professional. Jose and Co would have had a meltdown by now.

8.) 18 Nov 2023 09:12:05

Which page are you reffering to. I wpuld be disappointed and its a mistake imo.

9.) 18 Nov 2023 09:37:51
Discussion page Ahmad.

10.) 18 Nov 2023 10:24:59
Very possibly Nagelsman -short term contract with Germany - was the flavour of the month there a short time ago, according to the media don't miss out on this guy everybody loved him.

11.) 18 Nov 2023 10:29:52
It's something that so many people have been dismissive of but the instability hanging over the club due to the sale process will have 100% effected everyone at the club and their performances both on and off the pitch. It's completely normal.

I was speaking to my ex-manager yesterday from the school I was working at last year. She was saying how since the headteacher handed hi notice in at the start of the school year that it's affecting everyone at the school. How the confusion over the leadership and the direction the school will head when a new headteacher is appointed has everyone nervous and unsure.

It's completely normal that impending change impacts people and their performances at work.

For our club that cloud has been hanging over everyone for a year now.

As for EtH I would be disappointed if the new ownership situation led to his departure. In my opinion he's been our best manager post SAF and has handled everything very well. However, I also appreciate that if he isn't the right man for the new direction the club will be heading in then I'd rather his departure be sooner and on good terms than drawn out and messy.

Hopefully he has the character and mentality to want to do his best regardless of the situation. While it's probable that the new people will want a different manager it's not guaranteed.

If I remember correctly EtH was the manager Rangnick supported and thought was the best option. This was around the same time that he was suggesting Paul Mitchell would be a good person for the club to bring in. With the pair spotted at a few youth games together.

Hopefully that means Paul Mitchell holds EtH in the same high esteem as Rangnick. If he is to be the one to come in as DoF then I would hope he'd give EtH a chance.

However, we also have to respect that the club will be run under a new structure, and that will likely impact the managers position/ role at the club. Most likely taking some powers/ control away from the manager. Reducing their control over some aspects of the club. There is every chance that EtH decides that he isn't happy with that and doesn't want to stay under the new structure. Which is also completely understandable.

So until the new people are in and everyone can sit down and talk everything through then unfortunately everything will be up in the air so to speak.

Everyone just needs to be as professional as they can and do their job to the best of their ability until things become clearer.

Those that cannot do that will most likely be the first out the door. As why would the new management team want to keep people who cannot act professionally.

If you're worried about your job, then you need to show how excellent you are at it, prove that you should keep you place. It's that simple.

Worst case scenario you still lose your job, but at least you've proven to any future employer how professional you are.

12.) 18 Nov 2023 15:22:33
If we now comparing united to a school, at least we got the right headmaster in ETH, seems he good at that part! Sancho is still in detention as we speak and had his lunch time breaks taken away!

Doubt very much now RR holds ETH in high esteem anymore as it was ETH that would not work with him!

Whichever way it goes ETH is gone by the very latest end of the season, if not before which I certainly would not lose any sleep over neither will many of the current squad.

13.) 18 Nov 2023 17:10:50
Quite away. We not exactly falling down the table are we.

14.) 18 Nov 2023 19:04:45
But be realistic, look who we have played and even the ones we beat was scraping by, everytime we come up against half decent sides they beat us without too much trouble, which also means our hardest games are too come which to me is very concerning, but on the plus side will give SJR legitimate reason to get rid of the school teacher no not you Shappy the other one!

15.) 18 Nov 2023 21:05:43
I really really don't get the short term lack of patience with ETH. He has been fighting fires since he arrived and with one hand tied behind his back because of the inadequacy of those in charge of the club.

He has inherited a poor squad. Got rid of dead wood where he could and generally his signings have been good (Anthony is the only one who so far has flopped in my opinion)

He has not had a settled defence and that is the bedrock of any successful team.

Give him time at least another two years if he is backed properly and then judge.

16.) 18 Nov 2023 22:01:13
Rangersred, still not your turn with the family brain cell I see?.

17.) 19 Nov 2023 02:45:58
It’s him again Shaps, your stalker back for more.

18.) 19 Nov 2023 14:52:04
I know, utterly infatuated with me it seems.
Living rent free in their head.
I'm no doubt the last person they think of as they fall asleep and the first person they think about as they wake.



08 Jul 2021 19:34:01
Ed002, I see rumours surfacing about Saul to Liverpool. Can you cheer me up and tell me this is complete nonsense? Cheers.


{Ed002's Note - Saul Niguez (CM) Nobody will pay his release clause but Atletico could look to a very high fee for a player who has a contract that runs for years in order to get his €300k weekly wage off the books. Bayern Munich's first choice to add for midfield and his agent has spoken with several sides as Atletico want to make very significant savings on salaries and could be forced in to a corner by the player and his agent. But Bayern see his cash price at €60M (or €75M on terms) and wages of €300k as too high and will want to negotiate - they will almost certainly turn elsewhere. He is being offered to the usual suspects who have money - Manchester United (who would need to offload Pogba), Juventus, Manchester City, PSG, Chelsea as a Kovacic replacement - many of which are looking to add a player in his position but his wages are a major issue for most. Atletico have signed his replacement. I am not aware of any approach from Liverpool at this time but he would be an excellent choice but a lot more expensive than other options.}

1.) 08 Jul 2021 20:05:20
Hi Ed, do United retain any interest on their side as one of the few sides who could afford it (if Pogba were to go) or is it more from his representation offering him around?

{Ed002's Note - Sure but they are intent on keeping the hostage and no moving forward right now.}

2.) 08 Jul 2021 20:39:54
Club need to look at the options unless Pogba is willing to sign a new contract (unlikely and if he did it would be astronomical) . No player especially someone like Pogba will give 100% in the final year of contract through fear of injury stopping the next big payday.
Bite the bullet, either use him as part exchange for Verane or sell to PSG. Then bring in someone like Saul as a replacement or top quality holding midfielder.

3.) 09 Jul 2021 10:08:10
gotta say, a midfield of Bruno, Saul and Camavinga would be awesome. With donny, Fred, McT and Matic as backup. Replace Matic and Fred over the next 2 windows with Garner and Mejbri and we are set for 5 years.

4.) 09 Jul 2021 03:37:27
Question for Ed002, if you’re around. You mentioned that the club can’t profiteer from a sale of Pogba due to having extended his contract, but how exactly would things work if they swapped him for someone like Varane? Would we still have to declare the ‘value’ of the deal and then negotiate with his agent or would it just go through like any other swap?

{Ed002's Note - All transfers have a value - even if they are exchanges.}

5.) 09 Jul 2021 12:49:45
Isn’t that why Barcelona and jive did the Arthur - pjanic swap at ridiculous prices.

6.) 09 Jul 2021 13:09:08
Ultimately all players have a "asset value" If United extend Pogba's contract only to use that to get a player in exchange then United will have profited to the tune of the value of that player.

So if Varane is valued at 50m then technically United have profited 50m from extending Pogba's contract.

The whole point about profiteering is that by extending Pogba's contract you are denying him and his agent the chance to earn a huge signing on fee.

Thus the club will have to agree to pay a large sum to Pogba and his agent if he is to leave this summer either for cash or as part of a player exchange.

7.) 09 Jul 2021 22:16:03
Cheers for the reply, Ed002.

8.) 12 Jul 2021 19:47:14
Isn't Varane in a similar contract situation to Pogba. In which case a swap would seem reasonable regardless of the nominal price attached. The profiteering aspect would presumably apply either to both sides or to neither.

{Ed002's Note - Real Madrid want cash, not cast offs.}



04 Sep 2015 22:04:29
Creme de la menthe! Parlez-vous Norn Iron?

How to speak Norn Iron (very funny)


1.) 05 Sep 2015 14:34:03
Cheers Eds for the accompanying video. I've never felt sympathy for the French before, but God help them if we do the unthinkable, and actually bloody qualify.

2.) 05 Sep 2015 15:00:27
Stickin out stevie




Noucamp99's banter posts with other poster's replies to Noucamp99's banter posts


10 Jul 2024 22:19:43
Other than a fantasy football interest, and keen to see how Mainoo continues to improve, I'd no interest in the game tonight.

But, obviously the majority on here are more than likely England fans, so just wanted to say well done to you all, and good luck for the final.

You'll need it ?.


1.) 10 Jul 2024 22:31:59
Couldnt care less myself either but very proud of Mainoo - looks the part and has been one of the best players on the pitch most games. Hope he gets a good rest before the season starts and doesn't get burnt out. Looking like a real top player.

2.) 11 Jul 2024 04:25:15
Mainoo was superb, was running the show in the first half.

3.) 11 Jul 2024 05:56:26
I wanted England to win just to hurry along our transfers. One suspects De Ligt and Zirkzee will now be on the next plane over to Manchester.

4.) 11 Jul 2024 06:59:19
Redseven, Zirkzee and De Ligt still have another (totally pointless) game to play on Saturday.

5.) 11 Jul 2024 09:00:18
It's unbelievable that this time last year practically no-one had heard of Mainoo and now he's in the England starting XI in a final on his own merit. Hats off to the boy.

6.) 11 Jul 2024 09:19:46
Wazza. Didn’t UEFA scrap the third place playoff for the Euros? I could have sworn it was only the World Cup where they did that these days.

7.) 11 Jul 2024 09:47:33
Yeah 3rd place is scrapped. 'Little interest and low attendance figures' :D.

8.) 11 Jul 2024 12:01:02
Only COPA America has 3rd place game.

9.) 11 Jul 2024 12:34:03
Ah, well that’s better then. Absolutely pointless game.

{Ed001's Note - I don't think they have had one since the 1980s if I remember correctly. I am pretty sure I read that when I was doing research for an article about Denmark's win.}

10.) 11 Jul 2024 17:16:01
In average where there are too many games for these players it's pointless.
I think they still have them in the wc but I've not checked.
Nowadays there is great rewards for finishing forth in a league. The national cups in most of the top leagues now is seen as secondary to finishing 4th in the league. Its a funny situation and one that I'm personally torn on.
You want to win every comp, I think in order to save the fa cup copa del Rey Italian or German equivalent is to award them a cl place I'd they are also in top 3 then the 4th cl place can go to 4th placed team in the league.
Occasionally you get a mad winner of the fa cup but not that often.

11.) 11 Jul 2024 21:04:21
Age is catching up with me Ed001 ?.

{Ed001's Note - I think that overtook you a long time ago mate.}



21 Apr 2024 23:40:35
Never in doubt, lads ?.


1.) 22 Apr 2024 11:58:06

2.) 22 Apr 2024 15:34:02
It's just part of the process nothing to see here.



18 Mar 2024 21:58:44
Anybody (hic) sobered up, yet? ?.




18 Feb 2024 19:17:36
At the risk of my young lad calling me a fanboy again, Kobe Mainoo. ❤️.


1.) 18 Feb 2024 19:47:23
Noucamp, the lad is outrageous and I can’t think of a player he reminds me of. He genuinely has everything.

2.) 18 Feb 2024 20:17:00
I think we all are Stevie, the boy might well have a future in the game!

3.) 18 Feb 2024 20:20:54
Looked so good today. So composed, enough trickery and cleverness to get out of situation.
Yellow card was very harsh too.

4.) 18 Feb 2024 21:21:40
So much love for the lad. And just recently I found out we played for the same team. That’s no brag because it was over 25 years ago for me, and it wasn’t a team of any stature either. In fact I was quite surprised when I read it because Cheadle and Gatley wasn’t exactly a breeding ground for top flight talent.

Imagine how good he would be with a better team around him. I watched him this afternoon thinking he could play for Pep. The number of touches he’s capable of taking in tight areas, the quick feet, the composure. He’s class. Having 1 game per week for the rest of the season will do him good too, because we don’t have the quandary of having to manage his minutes.

Lots to be excited about with young Kobbie Mainoo.

5.) 18 Feb 2024 21:35:12
I've said clarance seedorf ports. From day one. If he turns out half as good i'd be delighted. Seedorf is one of my all time favourite players.

6.) 18 Feb 2024 21:46:47
Not a bad shout Ken. A couple of times he dribbled in tight areas and it reminded me of Zidane the way he got out of it. But obvs different player to him. Really unlucky to not just get a booking but to concede the free kick for his tackle.

7.) 18 Feb 2024 23:54:51
Ken, I've been thinking the same thing. Especially when Seedorf made his breakthrough at Ajax. Very similar player, all round skill set, comfortable on the ball and just makes good decisions.

8.) 19 Feb 2024 09:01:11
Mainoo, Garnacho and Hoilland are the future of the club. The new regime will need to get its act together quickly and get a proper team around these guys or we will lose them. That would be tragic!



02 Feb 2024 21:51:45
I know some don't really rate him, but in all the talk of Mainoo, Hojlund and Martinez's performances last night, I think Shaw coming back has also shown us what we've missed going forward over the last lot of weeks.

Rarely misses a pass, great on the overlap, and probably no coincidence it was one of Rashford's better games with Shaw back on the pitch.

Hopefully he can stay injury free for the rest of the season, because I always think we look a completely different animal in an attacking sense, when he plays.

Of course, having two ball-playing CBs interacting with two CMs that are confident of receiving the ball on the turn, also helps.


1.) 03 Feb 2024 01:37:26
Agreed. Shaw coming back has made a huge difference.

2.) 03 Feb 2024 06:51:41
I like Shaw Stevie, along with the 4 youvname, I would add Garnacho, the rest can go.

3.) 03 Feb 2024 07:07:52
Agree with shaw and Martinez, our left side looks alive when those two are there and rashford fancies it!
If we can do business similar on our right and replace varane with a good defender but a good ball player because he is not good on the ball and a similar minded full back to shaw then I think that makes a huge difference to our set up! A lot of teams know that if you keep our left side quiet it’s basically job done! Although I’ll give Garnacheo credit he’s brought a different dimension to the right, I actually prefer him there!

4.) 03 Feb 2024 08:38:27
Yeah I agree too and I think Shaw is a huge miss when not available. Doesn’t get the credit he deserves in my opinion.

5.) 03 Feb 2024 10:14:52
Shaw is a very underrated player for us. He adds so much right down the left flank. His good defensive qualities help shore up our defence, he's one of only two defenders we have who has the technical quality to progress the ball forward effectively, while his understanding and link play with Rashford is a key factor in making our left hand side such a massive threat for opposing teams.

Shaw being back will be a big factor in Rashford kicking on and having a stronger finish to the season.

6.) 03 Feb 2024 10:16:48
We are a lot better with Shaw in the side. He’s been pretty consistent for a couple of years now after the initial ups and downs. One of our better players who solidifies the back and rarely gives the ball away.

7.) 03 Feb 2024 10:46:23
Chris, I agree I think Garnacho on the right has also played a big factor in our improving displays.

He's very good on the left, but probably looks to cut in to shoot on his right foot too much. Understandable for a young player.

When playing on the right his game seems to have more variation, sometimes he goes on the outside and sometimes he'll cut in. It leaves defenders guessing, meaning they can't commit and get as tight to him, giving him the space he needs to work in.

He seems to have upped his defensive and off the ball work rate in the last month or so, which is probably the thing that enabled him to leapfrog Antony into the starting 11. Teams can't afford to carry passengers in the modern game, making it very hard to pick players who'll leave you exposed defensively by their lack of effort.

With Antony flopping, Sancho swanning off and the Greenwood situation there is a real opportunity for Garnacho to take hold of the RW position and make it his own. Especially given the sheer number of signings we need to make across the squad in other positions meaning we might not have the funds to buy a RW player this summer to take the position.

I can't see us signing a RW player until the summer of 2025, not when we need 2-3 CB's given Martinez is the only one good enough who has a long term future, two deeper midfielders given that Mainoo is the only one good enough and has a long term future. That's 4-5 players needed right for the heart of the side. While neither Dalot or AWB have locked down RB and we could do with a refresh in that position, along with another ST with Højlund being the only option.

So there are probably 6-7 players we need to sign before we address RW. Given that Garnacho is playing well there, Amad still needs to run of game to see how he can do, while Mount and Bruno can also play there is needed.

That means Garnacho probably has 18 months to lock down that position, grow into it and prove his quality.

Also by the summer of 2025 Shea Lacey will be 18 years old and hopefully pushing for first team minutes if all goes well with his development. He could come in to the squad for the 2025/ 26 season as Garnacho's understudy on the RW.

I can see us intentionally not signing a top class (and likely expensive) RW at all. Do we really need to sign one when in 18 months time we will have a 21 year old Garnacho and an 18 year old Shea Lacey both looking to get regular minutes.

Personally that's the route I'd like to see the club go. This is what is meant by making pathways into the first team. Maybe we do the same thing in defence and midfield.

Maybe we don't look to sign 3 CB's to go with Martinez, but two and leave the space for Kambwala as the fourth choice. While in midfield we could look to only sign 1 deeper midfielder to make a pathway for Dan Gore or the Fletcher twins. Maybe we keep Casemiro for an extra year to give those lads time to develop so they could replace him in the squad in 2025. Rather than selling Casemiro this summer and having to replace him. That might be the more prudent option given Mainoo's inexperience.

Manchester United's most successful eras have always been built around a core of exciting young academy players. Maybe the 2025 season might be when we see that crop start to push through.

Players like Mainoo and Garnacho pushing through now, maybe Kambwala over the next 18 months as well. Before we see players like Amass (challenging a then 30 year old Shaw), Gore and/ or the Fletcher twins, Shea Lacey and maybe even Ibragimov breaking into the first team squad.

I'd be over the moon if in 4-5 years time we are winning titles with a core of academy players in the side. For me that is peak United.

8.) 03 Feb 2024 10:53:23
I think Shaw is underated and gets a bad rap from the Jose days due to not looking after himself. not sure how true or if that has changed.
Shaw offers a lot down the left especially the overlap with Rashford/ Garnacho offering a genuine threat when they naturally look to cut inside, expect to see that improve now he is back.
Likely to get a couple more years out of him before decline and he may look to move to left centre back similar to how Daley Blind has at the end of his career.
With all the other areas we need sorting LB is down the list for me. hopefully we see Malasia come back and maybe the young lad in the u18s over the next year.

9.) 03 Feb 2024 11:12:57
Shaw is injury prone and getting older.

10.) 03 Feb 2024 13:02:53

You say that, but last season was his best in terms of injury - 13 days out with 3 games missed.
He also played a quarter of his season at CB - a physically more demanding position for a player who's naturally a LB.
I would say it's just better to manage his time.

The only LB in the PL who can lay a glove on Shaw is that Robertson plank to the West, each on their day can look absolutely mustard.

I rate Shaw very highly and I'm very happy to see him back, I just want Malacia to return to the fold now to lessen the load.

11.) 03 Feb 2024 14:48:34
Really ork do you rate him that highly?
I think he has been a 'steady Eddie' when played over last 8 years.
Doesn't get caught out as often as he used and he played well at cb which is a far LESS demanding physically. But it thought him a lot about his positioning. Probably one of the only players to improve dramatically under eth.
His output in terms of assists etc is low but he is strong and put a shift in every week.
My fav left back in the league is Robertson I like the Fulham left back a lot Robinson I also like the young kid at Luton ogbana who can play either side.

12.) 03 Feb 2024 15:19:34
shaw and dalot are very good players and so underrated imo. Martinez is the glue for our back 4. We look so disjoined at the back when he is missing imo.

13.) 03 Feb 2024 17:00:35
Shaw I suspect will become a CB over the next 2-3 years. The full back position is the most demanding position on the pitch, with players expected to cover in defence and over lap in attack. Shaw has had some nasty injuries in his career, and he doesn't have a naturally athletic build, so will lose his pace which he needs to get back into position when playing at LB.

He was lax at looking after himself when he first joined and he picked up some bad habits. Slightly understandable as a teenager who has moved away from his support network and been handed a huge contract. He didn't know how to cook for himself and lived off of takeaways. However, as he's matured and settled down he does a much better job of looking after himself, he goes away for an intense training programme a week or two before joining up with the squad for pre-season now and has done that for the past few years. So I think the persisting view that he doesn't look after himself is a little false now.

He does have a really good impact for us when he plays, he is one of the defenders who can progress the ball and is press resistant, he doesn't get caught out of position that often and for a full back does a great job when defending in the air. While his ability to link up well with Rashford really makes our left hand side extremely dangerous.

Building a good team isn't about putting the best individual players together, but by bring players together who enhance each others game and make the collective greater than the sum of its parts.

I think we have been guilty of seeing a player play well in another team, so we sign them and expect them to play as well in our side. Only to find out that their performances were enhanced by playing in a good team that got the best out of them.

I agree with Ahmad, Dalot and Shaw are good players, but not great. However, with the right players around them then I think they could put in great performances. Both should stay and be part of the rebuild, either as players who can step up with the right players around them or as solid back up to new signings.

14.) 03 Feb 2024 17:12:08

Shaw is a far better defender than every other FB at the club.

It is a difficult physical demand to adapt one's defensive actions and instincts to fit a role at CB in a 2 when one has only really played at LB or on the left of a 3. I don't need to go into detail because, as I'm sure you must know a little bit about football, you should understand what I mean.

Robertson is a better attacker, but Shaw is the better defender. I'd much rather my FB could defend than score or assist.

As for the young kid Ogbana, I presume you mean the 26yo winger Ogbene - the new Lingard?

15.) 03 Feb 2024 19:14:13
Don't agree with much of that ork but you are entitled to your opinion. I think Shaw is a better cb than a lb to be honest and replaced martinez quite well. yes ogbene the new lingard? He g as been playing rb or lb for Luton all season. I like him ge is very direct with a good final ball.
Shaw was imo well below average after his injury for a bit and now is well above average.
The role he is being asked to play by eth suits him and he has done better under eth than any preview manager imo.

16.) 04 Feb 2024 07:28:02
Shaw was out best player in the pre season he broke his leg, offering a new dynamic to an otherwise dire period.
Understandably, he took time to find his form post injury, and over the last 3 seasons, he has been a catalyst for periods when United have actually played some decent attacking footy.

17.) 04 Feb 2024 09:03:46
Ahmad I really don’t rate Dalot, not particularly great at anything! Average!

18.) 04 Feb 2024 17:05:02
Dalot was great today Chris. He’s been playing well recently. I love his passion, some of his team mates could learn a thing or two from him about what it means to wear the shirt.




Noucamp99's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 01:00:25
Yeah, Danny, he deserved a proper send off, whether it was a testimonial or whatever. Give the fans a chance to say thanks and goodbye. It was all very low-key and anticlimactic for a player who saved us in a fair few seasons.




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24 Jul 2024 14:37:04
I like him, Hatter, that's why I mentioned it. Thought he could be a good option if Everton insist on silly money for Braithwaite.




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23 Jul 2024 22:31:46
Cheers, Ed002 ?.




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23 Jul 2024 13:47:33
Agree, Fireman. Lindelof's versatility and comfort on the ball compared to Harry, means if one goes it's Harry for me.




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23 Jul 2024 13:45:22
Sorry GDS, can't agree. If he goes, fair enough, but to say we can't push for a title unless we move him on is just wrong, IMO. There's many others need to go before one of the best players we've had over the last lot of 6ears.





Noucamp99's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 13:23:21
I thought that even as I was hitting the reply button! OK then, no benefit of the doubt given, he's just poor!




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24 Jul 2024 18:06:59
Agree, Dodgy. I'd always give foreign players the benefit of the doubt for the first season. Even Antony ? Big culture change, never mind the football side of things.




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23 Jul 2024 15:39:40
Mad Hatter, that's because he's a geezer, inne? ?.




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20 Jul 2024 21:42:04
I thought Oyedelle was the standout in the 2nd half. Even before the great assist, he looked strong and composed.

Again, Amass looked good going forward, but again needs to work on his defensive duties. But he's still very young. I know there was a lot of talk about him being a good squad option at the end of last season, but he doesn't look ready just yet.




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16 Jul 2024 00:37:26
Vitek very good. No issues with him being a number 2. Collyer decent. Amass decent going forward, but defensively all over the place. The rest were a bit meh.

I know the usual caveats apply for a game at this stage of pre-season, but it was pretty poor.

It was refreshing to see ETH call it out as not being acceptable, rather than the usual 'it's all about fitness' stuff they usually come out with.
