Manchester United Rumours 64915


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28 May 2015 04:29:35
I'm posting at this SAD time to give my condolences to the O'Herlihy Family. Bill was not a footballer or Manager for any team etc but he was famous for being a sports pundit on Irish TV and caused many a debate with ahis in depth analysis of football before, during & after a game for many many years.

R.I.P Bill O' Herlihy

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28 May 2015 07:33:46
Well said, a legend who guided me and thousand others through iconic footballing events and matches, irreplaceable memories of this man.

28 May 2015 11:44:45
Well said, Bill was a fantastic broadcaster, graeme souness' tribute was fantastic.

We'll leave it there so Bill.


28 May 2015 15:23:43
Loved watching Bill and the boys, he was great at getting a good debate going between Giles, Brady and Dunphy

Okey doke Bill rip



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