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24 May 2024 14:46:56
The ten hag noise is only getting louder. seems like an inevitability now!

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24 May 2024 15:00:54
Embarrassing yet again from United

How information if true gets out there

Day before a final


24 May 2024 15:04:00
I agree. If the plan was for EtH to stay, then the club would have realised a statement attesting to that.

It's like LvG all over again.

24 May 2024 15:15:45
Talksport Just said he is gone after the final.

24 May 2024 15:17:34
I wish they would ban gas powered leaf blowers in our town. now that's a lot of frequently indiscriminate noise.

24 May 2024 15:26:30
Seems that way. It's a shame as I'd have liked to see him stay and it seems a large section of our fans would as well.

Having said that, I think part of that feeling is more because of how the club has operated over the last decade than fans seeing something in what we've done this season. Had this last season happened and we hadn't been sacking managers every 2 years for a decade, I reckon the noise to sack Ten Hag among fans may have been louder.

Not too excited with any of the potential appointments as it stands. I'd probably pick Poch of those available. He was my 2nd choice behind Ten Hag last time around. Again though, I share some of the doubts of his detractors.

McKenna is interesting but would be an enormous risk.

24 May 2024 15:35:45
Ten hag has known for at least 2 months I don't know why people are getting all angry about it.
The only person that should be concerned is him and he is in the loop so club have done nothing wrong.

24 May 2024 15:40:33
Hopefully it’s Poch that replaces him and not Southgate.

24 May 2024 15:54:41
Ken, I don't think the issue that he is getting sacked. Most of us that wanted to stay accepted that it was the likely possibility.

What I am angry about is how badly it has been handled, and that is has been allowed to leak in the buildup to a cup final. I had my reservations about Ineos and their takeover, and if this is anything to go by it seems like we are in for more of the same. Remaining a laughingstock as a club.

I don't know what else I expected when you look at how badly Nice has been ran.

24 May 2024 16:51:37
How is it handled badly?
The only people it concerns is eth and the club.

24 May 2024 16:59:29
It's an embarrassment if these stories have been leaked to the press is as seems to be the case, with the larger outlets ie the Guardian running it. I mean, less than a day before a major final. Couldn't they have waited until next week? Unless there's a genuine concern they will lose out on their primary replacement by delaying for a whole day.

24 May 2024 17:47:43
Speculation put out to try to unsettle the club before the game, to try to get a response. To be honest the fact the club have not said anything at all is significant. If they intended him to stay I would have expected an announcement long before this to send a message, a clear message. They haven’t.

24 May 2024 17:59:03
Ineos (people in charge) haven’t leaked it. Came from eth himself.
Good riddance.

24 May 2024 18:20:41
Don’t get the uproar on it’s embarrassing and all that, he prob knew himself ages ago.

24 May 2024 18:47:23
It all just seems underhand and not a great way for the club to behave if they’ve intentionally put stuff out indirectly, is all I feel Welsh Red Devil. Don’t mind what they do in terms of keeping or sacking him but let’s do it right.

24 May 2024 19:07:11
Ineos incompetence right out of the Glazer playbook. Just business as usual at Man Utd!

24 May 2024 19:34:57
It's not unethical or underhand he has known for a couple of months.

24 May 2024 19:47:16
This is all rather embarrassing.

LVG all over again.

24 May 2024 19:47:33
Ed’s been telling us for months what would happen.

24 May 2024 19:52:06
Gnev2 you’ve now posted twice saying that ETH is the source of the leak. You are clearly talking nonsense and you would have no way to know if it were true, and I don’t even understand why you think he would do this the day before a final.

24 May 2024 19:54:44
It’s the fact it’s all leaked again tumbleweed not that they are getting rid of him.

24 May 2024 20:30:04
Who knows who leaked it? Nobody, so no point in moaning when it could easily be the opposite. The facts are that this season we finished 8th with a negative goal difference and came bottom of our CL group. I don’t remember the last time we dominated a game and fully deserved to win and it’s not surprise the people in charge want rid of the person who has managed this mess.

24 May 2024 22:13:52
Fair assessment that. I’m sure eth will pop up somewhere else it’s not like we are ending his career and he’ll get a nice handshake as he goes.

25 May 2024 00:05:36
Who actually knows it’s been leaked? It’s all conjecture at this stage and the press can claim ‘I told ya! ” It’s Romanoisms as I have started to call them. People guessing in print.

25 May 2024 06:57:13
Got here late last night and turned on my phone to see the news cycle. As a fan for 48 years now I am appalled by the way this has being handled. Whether it got leaked from the club or outside the club is irrelevant really. If there was a decision to change there are so many better ways to handle something like this rather than a media blitzkrieg before an FA cup Final. Bayern, Barcelona even little Brighton seem to run more professional than our club.

The idea that this was agreed a while ago then why not put out a statement like Bayern or Barcelona did. I think its typical amature hour bs and the incompetence pill that comes with whoever comes near the club and Ashworth's email goof is another example of thinking to myself how could this happen. Having so called meeting with other managers camps a week before the FA cup final if true, is amature hour stuff and you are an amature if you think it would not get out.

The idea that Wilcox is going to set the tone of how we play is a ridiculous notion and seen people here talking about ETH changing his tactics based on feedback from him. To manage at the highest level and be successful no academy youth coach anywhere gets to tell the manager how to play and not one top manager out there that has won anything or a club that operates that way.

If we are replacing him with someone who is a pet and a yes man, I guess we will be back to start over again in a year or two. I am all for the better recruitment stuff and good structure but whoever come in has to be his own guy.

The only thing that will change our fortunes is major investment into new players and cleaning up this squad. if the idea is that the next manager will do better with this squad and 2 or 3 new players, I doubt it especially if we are spending 65 to 80 mill on a player like Braithwaite, which is pure madness imo.

Big day and excited to be going to the game and optimistic contrary to the talking heads. I hope the players go out and give a good account of themselves and the club and give the fans what they deserve. It is a difficult club and environment given the toxicity of the news that seems to be always around the club.

Enjoy the game folks.

25 May 2024 07:47:25
Some good points to start with Ahmad but this is off the mark imo.

“The only thing that will change our fortunes is major investment into new players and cleaning up this squad”

The Glazers have invested very heavily in the squad, they’ve done what you are asking for. We’ve overpaid on transfer fees, overpaid on wages, and as a result we’ve signed a mixture of mercenaries along with players looking for a last big pay day. As a result we have a mish mash of a squad of players who we haven’t been able to move on. Look at Martial and Sancho for overpaid mercenaries. Look at Cas, Falcao, Ibra etc for older players looking for a last major pay day. There are more examples.

The counter argument to investment will be the likes of Evans and Ighalo. Fair enough. But for me this points firmly at having no transfer strategy. When we spend £150m in the summer it’s fair to expect there will be nothing to spend in January. The money has been spent, but spent poorly. All we have to show for it of any quality is Martinez, Hojlund, and any other teaming quality has come from the academy.

Imo the issue is not investment, it is having non football people in positions of power for over a decade, with zero sporting structure, and managers left to deal with everything themselves. Amateurs who have no idea what they are doing.

25 May 2024 07:55:00
Fail to see what INEOS have done wrong? They haven’t leaked. Why would they? How does it benefit them? A lot of pathetic crying in here. It’s a ruthless business and ETH is a victim of his own mis-management of the squad.

Either a player, his agent, or reasonable press speculation. I’d also wager poor old hasn’t he been treated badly ETH is talking to other clubs whilst negotiating his severance.

All that matters long-term is getting the best candidate in that’s available now in a football-first environment. Short-term pulling a rabbit out of the hat and winning the Cup. Click-bait articles are just that.

25 May 2024 08:13:18
I'm not sure you understand the structure at all anhmad. But that's not surprising.
Enjoy the game.

25 May 2024 08:53:39
Nobody understands like you do Weed. The proper encyclopedia you are.

25 May 2024 10:27:52
More verbal diarrhea from you tumble. take some Imodium.

25 May 2024 10:28:58
So many shouting about a 'Leak'. We don't know that any insider knowledge has been leaked. This could all be about the press's mischief-making to sell advertising.

It's then snowballing and gathering momentum because there has been no statement one way or another from the club to deny the speculation. That there is no statement from the club is where I have issue. Without a denial from the club, there seems a certain inevitability about ETH's future. We will know for sure fairly shortly.

25 May 2024 14:13:33
Team have bad season, pressnsay he is getting the sack, what's new. You want the club to give him the dreaded vote of confidence only to be sacked a month later.

The club have also said a decision would be made after the end of season review. Hopefully that has been completed and the decision to part ways will be announced on Monday if we lose and Tuesday if we win.



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