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15 Jun 2024 08:52:04
A good friend is friends with someone senior at Peterborough United. Strong links to United through Ferguson and Fry.

Sound bites are that things are far from well under the bonnet with ETH and there are still chances he will not sign contract on terms put forward.

Issues are his own responsibilities (reduced) and concerns over some parts of his coaching setup and his own pragmatism. Also relationship between SJR and ETH is feisty to say the least.

Info a few days old now so he may have signed since. I live in hope.


1.) 15 Jun 2024 11:35:41

2.) 15 Jun 2024 12:06:22
Funny how now the manager is staying and given your clear dislike for the manager that suddenly you have contacts that say things are different to how they are generally reported. Especially as it supports your view.

Very convenient.

3.) 15 Jun 2024 12:14:46
Yet more credible reporters have said that ETH is more than happy with his responsibilities and agrees that the club needs a head of recruitment.

But we’ll take the word of Dave from the Dog and Duck ?.

4.) 15 Jun 2024 12:53:02
Peterborough United? Cracking source/ sauce! ???.

5.) 15 Jun 2024 14:07:47
{Ed002's Note - I have no idea about contract extensions but others they spoke to were not interested in the job. See what happens after the Euros. }

This rumour may well be correct, read what ed002 wrote.

6.) 15 Jun 2024 14:41:19
Don’t think I’ll bother posting in here again.

{Ed002's Note - I'll have your account deleted then.}

7.) 15 Jun 2024 15:55:59
This site is called Manchester United Rumours and you've all jumped on someone who has posted a rumour.

It's not exactly encouraging for people who might want to post a rumour in the future

Thanks for the rumour BRD.

8.) 15 Jun 2024 16:56:57
Let’s hope you’re right, BRD.

With the executive team soon to be making decisions about transfers and tactics, we need a coach who can get those ideas across and keep the players motivated: two things that Ten Haag has proven to be woefully incapable of doing.

Aside from his very public spats with Sancho and Ronaldo, it sounds like he’s had bust ups with Varane, Cas, Rashford, and Antony, at the very least. If the guy can’t even get on with the signings he chooses, it seems somewhat unlikely that he’ll do any better with somebody else calling the shots.

9.) 15 Jun 2024 19:54:39
Mancman, it isn't a rumour, it is a fictitious piece of garbage from someone who doesn't like a decision.

Read the last sentence.

'I live in hope'


In the words of Red from Shawshank redemption, 'Hope will get you killed'

10.) 15 Jun 2024 21:17:28
Nah Jimbo Red, I doubt someone would invent something that random. Why can't we just take the rumour in good faith? BRD would have to be a really saddo to make up and post something like that.

Plus it reads to me that he hopes Ten Hag has signed a contract.

11.) 15 Jun 2024 22:07:45

I saw something the other day that mentioned his assistant rubs a lot of people up the wrong way and had run ins with McLaren so to me it doesn't sound like he has made it all up.

12.) 15 Jun 2024 22:48:22
Sign the contact or don’t sign. that's up to ETH. Reckon he’ll be gone by Xmas either way.

13.) 16 Jun 2024 00:48:07
Jimbo you’re arguing with the same person across multiple accounts here. It isn’t worth your time.

14.) 16 Jun 2024 01:17:03
Lol and so it begins.

15.) 16 Jun 2024 08:02:49
Am inclined to believe United and ETH more a marriage of convenience at the moment: INEOS clearky couldn’t get their first choice and have settled with ETH for now.

However, reports about end of season review apparently highlighted the following concerns about ETH:

1. Communication issues, with some players not understanding his instructions or even buying into the repetitive way he tried to drill them in.

2. Inflexible and unwilling to take on board advice from other coaches. Be a problem for new United structure.

3. Desire to have power with transfers etc; not willing to forego veto he currently has.

Thus, unless ETH signs a contract that addresses these issues, he will surely leave sooner rather than later.

I also think that this is linked to INEOS treading water and not making such an important decision until Ashworth arrives, maybe in the Autumn.

So thanks for your rumour BRD: really wouldn’t surprise me if ETH does go soon.

(Also, snippet from Ed002 post about see what happens after the Euros…)

16.) 16 Jun 2024 08:39:17
nothing changes. Those who wanted him gone will be out in full force after every bad result and those who wanted him to continue will focus more on the positives, that's football.

I think people using player issues as stick to beat the manager is clutching at straws as there seems to be an issue with every manager and some of these players, who want to run riot at the club and ill disciplined and suspect the review has highlighted that given some of the statements that has come out from Ineos.

One thing for sure many of the players put in major shifts for him and most are the ones people really like and the untouchable group.

Still waiting for clubs to line up to buy this so called incredible player Sancho for a fraction of what we paid for him who eth has ruined or been responsible for the fall out supposedly :)

Personally hope we get a lot of outs and 4 maybe 5 quality ins. I trust with a better group of players he will do exceptionally well.

I don't believe all the stories circulating about a 35 to 50 mill budget. it's stirring the pot as usual when it comes to united. The 2021 financials, which were very bad drop out come end of June and we should have a much higher budget on transfers. If we can shift players would not surprise me to see 200 mill spend.

Here is to hoping we get a lot of key things done this summer.

17.) 16 Jun 2024 08:50:37
Yet you feel its worth your time replying wazza? Not the brightest bulb are ya.

18.) 16 Jun 2024 08:59:04

If you are referring to the story circulating about cas being unhappy we went for Hoiland and not Kane or were late to chase rice. Those were club decisions.

Also if you are referring to Antony being a twat and being unhappy when asked to play left back late in a game with the team having no left back most of the season and think that's okay then that's a strange view and doubt at most other top clubs it would be tolerated. Camavingha played left back for real season before last including the semis against city.

And if rash is unhappy for being asked to play wide because we bought a young striker who plays down the middle and also help defensively. Or sanch and ronaldo both ignoring instructions to press the ball and wanting to do their own thing, I guess we have a different philosophy all together when it comes to management, players and what's acceptable behavior and what is not.

Clutching at straws mate. at least wait until we lose a game before it starts:)

19.) 16 Jun 2024 10:42:43
Ahmad, you are absolutely right about the players having problems with successive managers.

It makes you wonder how some can defend the players.

The latest rumours are Varane and Casemiro being unhappy that training at Manchester United is different to at Real Madrid. I do wonder if these players have a few brain cells to rub together between them.

It should be perfectly obvious that if you choose to move employer, you are going to be expected to learn new policies and procedures. That is true whether you are a footballer or an office worker. The response to these players should be swift, you’re not at Real Madrid now, you chose to switch employer, and now you adapt to our way of working.

20.) 16 Jun 2024 10:42:50
Noted Wazza, thanks for the heads up. Can probably pick the other account names!

21.) 16 Jun 2024 11:08:13
Just a guess Jimbo due to the broken record that’s playing.

22.) 16 Jun 2024 11:11:08
Ahmad. Funny how they always seem to be “club decisions” when it suits your narrative.

And we’ve already lost more than enough games, thanks. Fact is, we’ve been awful since the Carabao Cup final back in January 2023, and were it not for Rashford’s unprecedented purple patch, Ten Haag would have been out the door last summer rather than this one. Hopefully, one of INEOS’s main targets becomes available before the start of the season and we can finally start to rebuild.

23.) 16 Jun 2024 14:53:31

You are clutching at straws. get used to seeing him as the manger and i suspect for a lot longer than you think. You are referring to the Laurie Whitwell article from the athletic, which is very detailed from the start of eth tenure. Funny how you take bits and pieces to suit your argument that is far from some of the core issues at the club that sounds unbelievable. my take was the manager is the least of our problems and many things to get fixed before you get to the manager.

24.) 16 Jun 2024 21:31:02
Everyone bashed the OP. Only for ETH to come out today to confirm that the issues with the new contract persist.

25.) 17 Jun 2024 06:46:25
He said they still have to find an agreement on the new contract. This isn’t news.

26.) 17 Jun 2024 08:20:05
Just hope INEOS not stalling for time to bring Ashworth and Southgate in, so they can rebuild United replicating the process they took with England…

Southgate might get on well with the players but, as witnessed last night, he seems to really lack in-game management and the nous to make changes.

27.) 17 Jun 2024 10:55:58
Wallace, gets on well with the players, lacks in-game management etc. Kind of reminds you of another manager we had recently doesn't it?

Honestly, I'm dreading the possibility of Southgate as manager. If we are going to have a manager purely based on his ability to keep the players happy, we should bring Ole back. I still believe that while he certainly wasn't good enough, he could have improved in those areas, arguably had even started to, and I'd much rather suffer through a couple of years of him while he learns to make changes during a match than have Southgate.

For the record, I'm not seriously advocating bringing OGS back (although I wouldn't be as opposed to it as many would I suspect), just ponting out the irony of Southgate being a rumoured target, when he's got such similar weaknesses to Ole, and IMO isn't any better of a manager.



09 Dec 2020 11:46:56
Phil Jones links to Newcastle surface again. Something went so badly wrong with this guy. A major lesson to be learnt by the club as oozed potential. Now, the more pressing question is how much better than Jones is Maguire? No joke. The gap is not as big as we'd like or hope.


1.) 09 Dec 2020 13:03:02
The gap is huge, one is on the pitch training and playing, the other is on the treatment table. His injuries ruined any chance he had, just never got a good full season.

2.) 09 Dec 2020 13:03:20
I've always called Maguire the fully fit version of Phil Jones. Maguire is just as calamitous as Jones.

The question is, does OGS have the balls to drop his underperformers.

3.) 09 Dec 2020 13:04:06
If I remember correctly we tried to sign Jones that same season you did and when that didn't work we went with Henderson. Seemed a huge mistake @ the time.

4.) 09 Dec 2020 13:24:57
Mad Hatter, doesn’t seem so. It mystifies me how Tuanzebe has not featured more after his performance away to PSG. He made Mbappe look ordinary and Lindelof better. Price tags matter at United. Only conclusion that can be drawn.

5.) 09 Dec 2020 17:21:55
Why is Jones anything to do with Henderson? Both different positions.

6.) 10 Dec 2020 08:28:42
Not sure Maguire is an £80m upgrade on Smalling though for example.

7.) 10 Dec 2020 15:04:40

I agree with you. i'd quite like to see how a Bailly and Tuanzebe partnership would work. The problem is players come back from injuries and don't get game time for ages. Then they get thrown in at the deep end and get slated for notnpkaying well, when they haven't played enough games to be match sharp. I remember when OGS put Bailly at RB against Barcelona. He hadn't played any football prior to then as he had been injured.




BadRedDevil's banter posts with other poster's replies to BadRedDevil's banter posts


27 May 2024 14:21:59
The fan campaign to keep ETH is a joke. For years we’ve begged for a football structure made up of football (not finance) experts. Now we have the start of one it’s supposed to not use its knowledge, experience and skills to respect the wishes of a petition to keep ETH. All on the back of winning an FA Cup.

The ultimatum to either respect ‘our’ wishes or face the backlash that “INEOS are as bad as the Glazers” is pathetic and childish.

Such loyalty to a man who has overseen the worst season for many years is admirable but wholly naive. However, everybody is entitled to their opinion. But the one that matters is that of the football board.

If the board decide to keep ETH, so be it. But it should be a footballing decision based on a review of the last 2-years and whether ETH suits the footballing strategy defined solely by the board.

For fans to collectively believe they know best. Words fail me. It’s liquid arrogance. The club, and in particular the development of a squad, needs to become resilient to the negative impact experienced due to managerial changes.

I pray the club do not listen to the fans, the media or even ETH telling the press he’ll go somewhere else and carry on winning there.

Personally, I think it’s more important that supporters should show faith in the likes of SJR (as co-owner) and Wilcox, Ashworth and Berrada. They are the long term future.


1.) 27 May 2024 15:08:02
What about in his first season, 2 finals and 1 cup and 3rd place finish? With a better available squad? Imagine if arteta/ Klopp were fired in their first two seasons.
Hopefully with a better structure above him, and better available squad we should see a much improved 3rd season.

If not EtH, who would you pick? Tuchel who falls out with everyone, Frank who hasn’t won anything, McKenna who hasn’t even managed in the PL or Poch who has never won anything in his time in the PL?

2.) 27 May 2024 15:21:09
I don't believe any of those involved are mugs and am not worried Iver then pandering to fans whims. I think they will pick who they think the best man is.

Who that turns out to be, Lord knows. I don't think they keep Ten Hag if there is a better option. I also don't think there is a clear and obvious outstanding alternative either so I am going to just trust them to get it right.

I think Ten Hag words and fight resonated with the fans after the final. I think it did him a world of good in the eyes of the mob.

3.) 27 May 2024 16:36:51
Too many football experts on twitter and YouTube. Embarassing. If we start next season poorly they’ll be calling for his head before Xmas. The glazer thing to do would be to listen to the mob and appease the fans, INEOS I hope are different, base your decision on facts and a clear vision…. nothing else.

4.) 27 May 2024 17:02:30
BRD what absolute utter garbage.

Why should fans put our faith in Ineos? Because they have done such a fantastic job with Nice and have a track record of turning football clubs around? Nonsense.

Of course they need to take into consideration the will of the fans. Its the paying fans who keep the club going. Its because of the fans we aren't joining the European Super League.

If you're happy with Ineos rejecting the fans opinion, and running a dictatorship club then so be it. It's no surprise we are in the sh*t we are. You're part of the problem.

5.) 27 May 2024 17:13:48
He's the 5th Manager since SAF, including some. big names, they have all struggled which tells you something is wrong. He's had 2 years, don't underestimate how much he will have learnt about the club, SAF had a dogy start remember. Changing Manager every 2 years is just madness.

6.) 27 May 2024 17:37:48
Another load of rubbish BRD.

He also oversaw our best season for years last season. But let’s erase that from the history books.

7.) 27 May 2024 19:00:22
We've seen EtH during the highs and the lows. He kept on fighting and we won the FA Cup.

Give him one more season. INEOS haven't completed their structure yet and will have to implement over the course of next season aswell, in particular when Ashworth eventually joins.

8.) 27 May 2024 19:55:31
Erm Kurtis, we should put faith in Ineos because they are putting a footballing structure in place with highly qualified individuals for the roles. Why should we listen to you sat un your arm chair over the likes of Jean Claude, Omar Berrerda, Jason Wilcox and Dan Ashworth? Show us your credentials.

9.) 27 May 2024 22:03:10
G_Nev at what point did I say I know more than those being appointed? Oh yeah I didn't. I'm stating the opinion I'm entitled to as a fan and highlighting the history of Ineos "success" with their other club.

Go crawl back under your bridge.

10.) 27 May 2024 22:43:24
@Kurtis. How, exactly, am I part of the problem? I share my opinion of ETH in here and with friends - and I’m quite sure this forum and my local has no sway over club strategy. I certainly don’t get on ETH’s back when I go to games. I don’t throw my toys out of the pram on X, Facebook or some stupid petition.

And, to suggest that if the club do something that many fans are against will in some way bring the club to its needs is laughable. Fans will still turn up and buy their merchandise even if the football board sack ETH. The supporters to date were weak and benign in their efforts to get the Glazers out - myself included. We accept big decisions because as much as we’d like to think we can sway them we can’t. If you think fan reaction to sacking ETH will somehow worry the board then you’re going to be disappointed.

They’re not rejecting fans opinion, they’re relying on their own. That’s very different. I find it reassuring. They know far more than you and I ever will about football club ownership, strategy and such decision making and will use facts and evidence spanning ETH’s entire time at the club. You’re basing it on one weekend. Short sighted. I’d hate an owner that made a decision based on ONE GAME!

What’s so sad about this situation is virtually everybody in here wanted Qatar or SJR to get the Glazers out. A process has started and you’re on the new owner’s back already. SJR has spent £1.25 billion to be able to make such decisions and you think he’s the kind of guy that is deterred by social media or you calling me part of the problem.

Finally, to compare sacking ETH to the proposed ESL is daft. The ESL involved and united supporters from multiple clubs. It was going to be a paradigm shift in football competition. It was anti-competitive and one step towards franchised football. You’re comparing that to one club sacking a manager? A futile and desperate comparison to win an argument.

11.) 28 May 2024 13:59:05

When did what the fans think become a joke. Saw a pole 78% want his to stay 13 percent gone and 9 undecided. I don't think its about winning one game but a massive majority look at our year maybe not with as a critical eye as the small minority. You are a small minority and also have a voice and opinion.

Why do the fans need to back Ineos over eth, we have seen nothing yet from ineos to judge them by anything. If you go by the nice experience they screwed taht up until now but have lost their manager to Nice.

ETh has won two trophies with a injury plagued squad, 3 finals. City's first ever domestic cup defeat under Guardiola.

This page wants most of the players gone but a handful including yourself who is quick to tell us during the season how most of these players are no good. If we are that bad then why the lofty expectations. Can't have it both ways.



27 Apr 2024 17:01:37
In less than a week, we struggle to beat Sheffield Utd, we can’t beat Burnley, and ETH tells us we won’t win the league next season. Now I see why so many believe he’s the right man.


1.) 27 Apr 2024 17:59:13
I think we all know in reality the likelihood is we won't win the league.
However no top class manager privately never mind publicly concedes before a ball is kicked.
It's ole-esque statement.
He just should learn about the power of silence. That should never have been said. The press are playing him like a fiddle. He's a goner.
All we have as fans is hope the last man we need crushing our hope is the man in charge.

2.) 27 Apr 2024 18:20:22
Perfectly put Tumble!

3.) 27 Apr 2024 18:22:58
Totally disagree tumble. It is time this fan base takes a breath and realised what we are. Until we truely accept that we are not the club of 15 years ago, we will continue with this rubbish. First we need to be honest with where we are, then we need to start the rebuild we know we need.

We can't just buy 1 or 2 players, change the manager and expect to challenge city. Does it hurt people's feeling to hear that?

Took Liverpool a long time to realise what they were, and they had a few false dawn's along the way. They won some cups, but it was a commitment to a style, breaking up the old and bringing in players for that style that finally helped them break through. Arsenal similar story.

I like to hear the honesty from ten hag. He is right, we are miles off challenging. Do you disagree?

4.) 27 Apr 2024 18:28:10
The guy can’t win no matter what he says

If he says “we’re not that far away from challenging” he gets called deluded

He then says we aren't close which is realistic and still gets slaughtered.

If anyone thinks we’re close to city and arsenal need to go doctors even with a good window we are miles off.

5.) 27 Apr 2024 18:39:36
We are miles off and we will be even further away if he stays. Struggled at home against 2 sides who’ll be in the EFL next season and you’d struggle to tell a gap between them and us. Tactically naive and stubborn with crap players is a recipe for disaster. And for all the backing that he’s got crap players, a lot of those he wanted so he’s got to take responsibility there too. Honestly just end the season now. Limping in the cup final to get a hiding…. what fun!

6.) 27 Apr 2024 18:55:47
You’re right Bolger. He finds winning very hard indeed.

7.) 27 Apr 2024 19:14:04
Ten hags honesty? He's deluded, the most entertaining team in the league.
A better coach gets more out of these players. Being honest a better coach doesn't sign half of the players ten hag has chosen to bring in. Question marks on all of them. Clubs fault for giving him to much say so.

8.) 27 Apr 2024 19:19:30
I just want to enjoy watching my team. For 12 months it’s been shocking. Towards the end of last season in April it was poor. This entire season has been ridiculous.

Trophies will come in time, and they’re great. But for the love of god I just want to enjoy what I’m seeing.

9.) 27 Apr 2024 19:43:50
Yes DB I disagree.

10.) 27 Apr 2024 20:04:25
Caolan_2 sums it up. I’d swap a trophy winning season full of crap football for nothing more than entertaining football that makes me want to walk through that turnstile.

11.) 27 Apr 2024 22:22:57
Or Tumblr.
He could be echoing SJR comments about patience.
Here is a fact. We will not win the league next year.

Here is another fact. We will have the same posters posting the same repetitive tosh next season.

Here is where the facts get less predictable. We might have the direction of the club in order, the backroom staff aligned, plans in place for the redevelopment of OT and training facilities, a pathway to the first team for all youth players worthy of a place, a transfer strategy that identifies any shortcomings from the youth setups and plugs accordingly based upon solid research from our upgraded scouting network, the players who have downed tools repeatedly over the last few tenures will have been moved on etc etc etc.

As SJR has stated clearly, EtH less clearly, and I've been saying. We are in a period of actual transition, where we have a plan. I don't believe all the previous comments about transition have been accurate, they have been lies from the board all the way down the club hierarchy. Now we actual have plans in place to rectify any issues that are preventing the club from competing again. That's right, not winning trophies, just competing. That is step 1.

Have we been dire this year and a few of the last 10, yes.
Will we fix all those issues in 3 months before the new season kick off, no.

Just be patient and trust the process, otherwise you will die a few years younger my friend.

12.) 27 Apr 2024 23:51:45
Im Not stressed at all jimbo this is my hobby supporting united. Well one of them.
I'm very well aware of the process we need to umberto from a structural point of view.
I know it's not a quick fix I don't expect one at all.
2 / season of continuous improvement. A team and coach the fans can identify with. That will take time.
Eth is in my opinion not the fan to k lead us.
The people in charge of this new process did not put him in and I feel its inevitable that he goes in the summer.
I'm OK and more confidant and comfortable if they put their own man in. I think they will be too.
If that sets us back a year I'm OK with that. It's a great opportunity for the right man.



19 Apr 2024 12:52:51
Decision to end FA Cup replays is a travesty for the football pyramid.

I might be a life-long United fan, but for the last 10-years since moving I've also become a Peterborough United fan. My son and I now have a season ticket even though we don't go to all of the games. I feel like I'm helping a local club that has to fight tooth and nail to survive. I would be lost without it now.

Cup replays are such a vital form of revenue and match day motivation. There's no guarantee obviously. Clubs can't budget for replay revenue, but when they come along they're like gold-dust. The EFL clubs already lost cup revenue when the top PL clubs withdrew from the early rounds of the League Cup. Now this.

Replays are a part of British football heritage and culture. It's another poor PL decision that rips at the very fabric of our game. The greed shown by the PL is astounding. It would not be what it is now without the pyramid. It's not just players. There is a wealth of talent that is developed in the lower leagues that the PL relies upon. Even referees and linesman depend upon it for their career progression.

It's short-sighted greed that alienates supporters and communities up and down the country. Even as a United supporter I'm at the point where I'm starting to resent these clubs. Their arrogance will one day be their downfall.

Our game needs a proper regulator that protects the game, not just the elite.


1.) 19 Apr 2024 13:37:51
Couldn't agree more.

It's actually a disgrace and one that further drives the stake into the heart of football - the heart put in by all the working class folk who sought to bring this wonderful sport to the world, now being insulted by the continual disregard shown towards football communities beyond the big cities who better reflect the founders and early participants.

Complete and utter disgrace.

2.) 19 Apr 2024 14:33:10
It was an FA Cup replay that Bryan Robson scored my favourite goal ever v Liverpool at Maine Road. An FA Cup replay we witnessed one of the greatest goals ever scored by Ryan Giggs v Arsenal.

Everything that made the FA Cup magic they are slowly changing. Semi finals moving to Wembley from grounds like Villa Park. Saturday kick off to 5pm from 3pm. And now this. Replays add to the excitement of the matches and makes the FA Cup, or made the FA Cup the best cup competition in the world outside of international football. Once again a decision has been made that make me question my enthusiasm for the game. I’m all for change and agree things have to move on but it has to be for the benefit of the fans primarily and the game. Sad times.

3.) 19 Apr 2024 16:19:25
The underlying problem is that there are too many games for some players. Agree this isn't the answer. There are lots of alternatives e. g. trimming premier league to 18 teams, reducing the number of international football friendlies, putting load management limits for players .

4.) 19 Apr 2024 17:46:10
There are too many teams that are unsustainable for professional football.
The clubs are often living beyond theft their means the football pyramid needs to be reduced imo by bringing probably about 15 or 20 clubs back to part time.

5.) 19 Apr 2024 18:06:00
There are too many games yet teams are going abroad at seasons end thousands of miles away to play an exhibition match!

6.) 19 Apr 2024 19:27:37
Harrison Burrows has played more games this season (Posh captain) than any Liverpool player.

7.) 19 Apr 2024 19:33:24
Teams should be encouraged to play more players from U23’s and academy. I’ve never liked the 5 sub rule but if it’s in place, 2 of the 5 should be academy products. Agree with Salford about pre season and I really believe something like the charity shield will be in America or somewhere soon and that’ll be the start. Also, sack of international friendlies 3 weeks into a season!

8.) 19 Apr 2024 20:27:38
terrible decision -also not all players are household names on 300k a week of course - why should a long serving player from e.g woking, tranmere or peterborough be denied the chance to play at Old Trafford/ Anfield Arsenal etc once in their career?

9.) 20 Apr 2024 01:15:00
Too many vested interests trying to milk the top players for all they're worth.

FIFA is now trying to increase their share. World club cup incoming. Extended world cup. All increases the money for FIFA - and give greater distribution of earnings from world football to those outside of UEFA.

UEFA has been increasing games and including more and more teams. Not to speak of the euro break away league which is lurking.

EPL and domestic cups want to see star players playing every game. Long runs in Europe and english cups can lead to situations where teams have to play 4 games in 8 days due to fixture congestion.

The we get to the end of the season and the big clubs take to players away on these money making tours with games every few days and thousands of miles of flying in between.

It is not sustainable for the players. Fergy used to manage minutes of players pretty well. He would rest players from the match day squad. Bring them back from summer later after international duty, and rotate between the bench and starting team. This kept everyone on their toes, completing for their place, and kept them fresher. Not sure why managers these days think these players are robots and can play every minute of every game.

10.) 20 Apr 2024 07:59:06
Cut the international friendlies down or out altogether, that would give time for cup replays. The international breaks are so dull, especially with Southgate as England manager.

International breaks where there are two friendlies, it’s a waste of time.

11.) 20 Apr 2024 09:38:08
It’s European football we should be cutting.

“Champions” League, talk about extending it to 5 places. 25% of the league. The 5th place team likely finishing 20 points behind the “champions”.

I know the 5th spot is unlikely now, but I’ve always thought having 4 is too many. I find that whole side of football quite hollow.

It’s all about the $$$, favouring the top teams (we have benefitted more than most), and lining the right pockets.

12.) 20 Apr 2024 10:22:12
Top 2 and FA Cup winners should get Champions League IMO. Get some excitement back in the FA Cup too!

13.) 21 Apr 2024 11:29:27
On one hand you have managers complaining about too many games and their players are suffering from burnout.
Of course while they're saying this, their clubs are busy arranging their 3 week pre-season pan-Asian tours.



14 Apr 2024 07:02:04
“It's been one of our concerns, maybe [we need to] try to be more compact as a team - don't try to make the gap between defenders and midfield too big. Sometimes it is, and they counter on the counter-attack. It's something we have to improve because it's been nowhere near good enough for the level of this club. ”
- Dalot

Is the penny finally dropping? One of our best players this season finally calling out the managers tactics. Maybe it’s not over for Eric yet, but I think the supporters are on the pitch. I seriously hope so as that was yet another 90-mins of rudderless suicidal football that - yet again, we somehow scraped a draw from.

One more game to pass 600 shots against for the season. Second worst average shots against in the entire league before start of game. Marginally (0.2) better than Sheffield United! Worse than Burnley. God help us.

Wake up INEOS.


1.) 14 Apr 2024 08:17:49
Eth has to be sacked.
Getting worse day by day.

2.) 14 Apr 2024 09:44:12
What's the point as sacking him now? Who finishes the season? There's still an FA cup semi to play there should be a final there's no chance it's done before that is decided, lose to Coventry and we may get a decision but I imagine it'll be ten hag for the rest of this season either way.

3.) 14 Apr 2024 10:17:41
Get rid now. Let the tea lady plan the tactics against Coventry. Must be an improvement!

4.) 14 Apr 2024 10:43:37
It’s not as if we’re conceding amazing goals, they’re all of our own doing and a lack of basic fundamentals like running and even reasonable effort.

5.) 14 Apr 2024 10:50:37
The reason there is such a big gap in front of the defence is they are slow and reluctant to move up field when we attack/ have possession.

That's not down to the manager, that's down to the players not having the ability or being unprepared to follow the tactics due to the fear of their own limitations.

6.) 14 Apr 2024 11:09:14
And who’s fault is that?

7.) 14 Apr 2024 13:05:10
Seen an article last week about Gullit pulling his tactics to bits when he was Ajax manager, saying its ok when things are going well but as soon as you lose the ball the other team can just run straight through you, Gullit goes on to say about just having a defensive midfielder sit in there would stop that.

Now look at what's happening in our games we attack, our defensive midfielder is one of the highest up the pitch and then we lose possession and teams are running right through against two defenders because everyone else has just pushed up field.

Ten hag goes on to defend his tactics like he is now and Gullit says to him you're giving the opponents so many opportunities. It takes just one extra player [defensive midfielder] to secure the midfield.

So if he was playing this way at Ajax and getting criticised for it why was it not a red flag.

8.) 14 Apr 2024 13:12:57
It is absolutely down to the manager to choose the tactics to have the best outcome from the team and options they have.

9.) 14 Apr 2024 15:21:02
Shappy it is of course down to the manager.



07 Apr 2024 09:02:57
I keep reading this line of defence for ETH “What’s he supposed to do? ” given the injuries. Well:

1. Drop Rashford. We have cover. Why is he sticking with the most out of form seemingly couldn’t care less player in the entire league (not just the club. )

2. Stop playing McT as a holding midfielder. He’s just not capable. He wanted Amrabat. Guy’s never had a real chance. Play him. At least he understands the role.

3. Give Bruno clear guidelines on his role. The diving, whinging headless chicken act that continually gives the ball away is pointless.

4. Tell Casemiro or Amrabat whoever is DM to stay in his own half. Give Mainoo a bit of licence to roam.

5. Stop with the bloody inverted wingers and focus on getting service to Hojlund. May help Antony too.

6. Stop playing Lindelof at LB. If need be drop down to academy to get a proper LB. Either that or swap Dalot there and play AWB at RB where he should be.

7. Now Mount is fit, rotate him with Bruno at 10. Freshen things up. Rotate more. Trust the squad.

8. If the only available defenders are incapable of playing out from back (Lindelof at home to Man City made my eyes bleed) DON’T play out from the back.

9. Coach players (assuming ETH has the ability) on training ground some game management principles. Points lost at end of games has cost us top four.

10. Get the fans back inside. Season one we had a manager who was relatively open and honest. This year he’s treating us like idiots.

11. Fall out with some press. Ban Dickhurst or somebody. Create some siege-mentality. Us against the world. Unify the squad, drop players that aren’t trying, engage the supporters and demonstrate some sense of tactical nous.

We’re awful to watch and so predictably bad that even that is boring now. Do something different man.

If he can’t do any of those things - or preferably something better with the managerial and coaching skills he’s supposed to have then what’s the point.

Everybody should remember some of the teams SAF put out that won big games. On paper they looked weak. Smalling, Jones, Cleverley, Evans, Anderson and Wellbeck. All started in the 8-2 victory of Arsenal. None of them elite players. But they knew they had to put a shift in every time they put the shirt on. If they didn’t. Dropped.

Try that Eric. Don’t need to be a tactical genius. You just need to stop being a coward and exert yourself.


{Ed025's Note - some really good points there BRD, good honest post mate..

1.) 07 Apr 2024 09:48:12
I'd like to see mount as a 10 with mainoo and casemiro ( no one else ) as the 2 holding midfielders.
Completely agree about the wingers getting a yard and putting it in the box and also the whole lindelof, wan bisaka at lb back is just mind blowing. Dalot has been the surprise of the season with his good performances he is more than capable at playing left back.
Bruno is a strange situation. At times he's our best player but others he doesn't contribute and if anything weakens the team. His passing in atrocious, gives the ball away so many times. I do wonder if he's told to play so high up the pitch and to play the way he does. If not why hasn't the management done anything to stop it.
I think your point at 9 is my biggest concern of ten hag. 2 seasons in the players haven't improved, no patterns of play. He says he hasn't the players to play how he wants to. Yet his signings have been abysmal. The spurs manager did an interview around the same time ten hag came out and said he can't play how he did at ajax. Ange said one thing that winds him up is when coaches say they haven't got the player to implement their style. His words were just coach them. I don't think ten hag can.

2.) 07 Apr 2024 11:06:51
Thanks Ed025. I’ll retire while I’m ahead ?.

{Ed025's Note - dont you dare.. :)

3.) 07 Apr 2024 11:19:07
Bad Red Devil, brilliant post. I think that sums it up perfectly. Take a bow.

4.) 07 Apr 2024 11:25:29
Good post BRD, I agree with a lot of points and your closing summary, but just to play devils advocate here and encourage some healthy debate:

1. He dropped Rashford against Chelsea. So I don't understand this point. I would like to see consistency and drop him against Liverpool.

2. Same as above, he was dropped against Chelsea with Casemiro favoured. Again would like to see him dropped against Liverpool. Although I agree about Amrabat, he hasn't really performed when played.

3. Agreed with Bruno points.

4. I don't think the issue is the DM staying in their own half, we just aren't compact enough between the DM and Defence. Teams find it easy to play through us for this reason as there is so much space. Is this potentially Maguire naturally sitting deeper due to lack of pace? If so needs addressing.

5. I agree about service to Hojlund, but Antony arguably had his best game against Chelsea, and Garnacho was POTM until the 96th minute. We need to find balance with service and cutting in. Naturally this is easier with overlapping fullbacks. But with Shaw out we have no left footed LB.

6. I agree, but I don't think we know enough about the academy to know whether players are ready for the step up. i'm sure the academy coaches will be feeding in to ETH and recommending players that are ready.

7. Agreed with Mount, needs more minutes and has looked good. Maybe Bruno needs a rest. Appreciate he hasn't missed a game but might do him good.

8. I think we can play out from the back still. But don't play out through Lindelof and use Varane, Dalot. But yes, if the option isn't there, if in doubt, get it out.

9. Having played football for 20+ years I think its easier said than done in this scenario. There are so many external factors that contribute towards your mindset and game that things can be forgotten in the heat of the moment.

10. Agreed, his biggest ally in retaining his role will be fans perception.

11. Can't really comment as I don't have an opinion, but it seems the press has been bad for all teams. The quality of sport journalism from mainstream media outlets has been really poor.

5.) 07 Apr 2024 12:36:23
Spot on BRD.

Personally, I would add that he needs to take the armband away from Bruno.

On the pitch, the captain is expected to be the leader - leading by example and displaying the earnest application of someone who actually gives a hoot.
Instead, we have a petulant halfwit throwing limbs about in fits of histrionics when he should be grafting and chasing the fight.

Don't get me wrong - he's an incredibly gifted player, but he's nothing remotely like captain material because of the vibe he impresses upon a game that's not going our way.

6.) 07 Apr 2024 13:10:32
Good post BRD.

7.) 07 Apr 2024 13:41:42
Agree whole heartedly BRD. There’s a lot that Eth isn’t guilty of but there’s a lot that he is… you don’t fancy the role yourself mate? Seems like u have a handle on what we need? ?.

8.) 07 Apr 2024 14:03:55
Ork, he's a gifted player but not a very good one. Bit like Pogba.

9.) 07 Apr 2024 14:39:13
@Kurtis so Rashford back today!

10.) 07 Apr 2024 17:30:39
Yep, fully rescind my above point.




BadRedDevil's rumour replies


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15 Jun 2024 14:41:19
Don’t think I’ll bother posting in here again.


{Ed002's Note - I'll have your account deleted then.}



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13 Jun 2024 07:50:35
I can understand keeping him on a year. Perplexed by the 2-year extension.

If as rumours are circulating he still has demands for transfer and tactical control before signing then it’s a disaster if the club cave on these. He’s shown questionable ability in both areas. In particular tactical nous against a low block which for me is why we won’t get top-4.

I’m curious Eds if any of you have the time. Did Wilcox have any influence on tactics for Cup Final? The switch to a false nine the game before seems to be credited to him in some quarters.


{Ed002's Note - I really don't know.}



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28 May 2024 12:37:01
How have they had 'months' @Shawthing? It's only just finished! They just can't win. Moan when they wait and you would have moaned if they didn't.




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18 Apr 2024 14:55:46
Excuse me @Shappy, but have we really got that?

Any true disciplinarian would have dropped Rashford weeks ago. He would not have tolerated the night clubbing in Ireland. He wouldn't have let Antony waste a position in the team week after week. He would have sorted out the dressing room leaks. He would crack down on social media likes and huffs. He would sort out the rancid relationship with certain social media hacks and all told, he would have created a far different culture to the one we have now. A professional, team focused, results orientated culture.

I see things happening around the team that rarely seem to happen anywhere else. So no, those of us that wanted more discipline are still waiting. More than discipline, I want a coach that earns the respect of the players in such a manner that discipline as a verb, rather than an adjective, isn rarely necessary. A manager who walks in and respect just happens. Example. Ancelotti. The man oozes class and the right to be respected. I don't see that in ETH. In fact I haven't seen that since Sir Alex.




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16 Apr 2024 12:56:31
Holy cow. One of your best ever Ed!





BadRedDevil's banter replies


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15 Jun 2024 08:52:49
More mobile than Branthwaite.




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12 Jun 2024 00:01:58
So Jimbo gives in to fan pressure. RIP 24/ 25.




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31 May 2024 13:09:42
@G_nev2 I saw the comment. Struck me as interesting timing as it wasn't that long after SJR tried to convince Eric to take a role in the club.




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28 May 2024 12:38:59
Agree 100% Ed025. There's a real lack of reality with some of the posters in here. I just don't get what they've been watching all year.


{Ed025's Note - they have been watching guff BRD, a bunch of players some of them very good individuals who have not played as a team mate, unfortunately that has to be laid at the door of the manager im afraid, turning up for a cup final is just not good enough and some of them should be ashamed of themselves, hes a nice man EtH...maybe too nice and far too loyal to some imo, would these players have acted up like they did if SAF was in charge?...not a chance, get someone in with a backbone i suggest..



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27 May 2024 22:43:24
@Kurtis. How, exactly, am I part of the problem? I share my opinion of ETH in here and with friends - and I’m quite sure this forum and my local has no sway over club strategy. I certainly don’t get on ETH’s back when I go to games. I don’t throw my toys out of the pram on X, Facebook or some stupid petition.

And, to suggest that if the club do something that many fans are against will in some way bring the club to its needs is laughable. Fans will still turn up and buy their merchandise even if the football board sack ETH. The supporters to date were weak and benign in their efforts to get the Glazers out - myself included. We accept big decisions because as much as we’d like to think we can sway them we can’t. If you think fan reaction to sacking ETH will somehow worry the board then you’re going to be disappointed.

They’re not rejecting fans opinion, they’re relying on their own. That’s very different. I find it reassuring. They know far more than you and I ever will about football club ownership, strategy and such decision making and will use facts and evidence spanning ETH’s entire time at the club. You’re basing it on one weekend. Short sighted. I’d hate an owner that made a decision based on ONE GAME!

What’s so sad about this situation is virtually everybody in here wanted Qatar or SJR to get the Glazers out. A process has started and you’re on the new owner’s back already. SJR has spent £1.25 billion to be able to make such decisions and you think he’s the kind of guy that is deterred by social media or you calling me part of the problem.

Finally, to compare sacking ETH to the proposed ESL is daft. The ESL involved and united supporters from multiple clubs. It was going to be a paradigm shift in football competition. It was anti-competitive and one step towards franchised football. You’re comparing that to one club sacking a manager? A futile and desperate comparison to win an argument.
