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21 May 2024 14:20:08
No Rashford in the England squad. It's the right call, but I am a little surprised that he's not in the provisional.

Pleased for Kobbie.

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21 May 2024 14:35:55
It's the right call and perhaps the kick up the backside that he desperately needs. His ommission from the England squad should have happened sooner.

21 May 2024 14:50:21
No doubt we are all haters and it’s abuse by Southgate not picking him!

21 May 2024 15:02:35
Absolutely the right call on Rashford and gives him the summer to regroup, clear any rumoured injuries and work out what sort of player he wants to come back as.
Also means should we be looking to move him on that discussions can be had during the Euros.

Southgate showing some bite with a number of players and giving some youngsters a chance as well as from so called lesser clubs.

21 May 2024 15:08:29
Something is patently not right with Rashford this season. Maybe a break will do him good. We were all lauding him last year for his excellent performances. i hope he gets whatever help he needs to rediscover that form.

21 May 2024 15:36:29
Too much money and free time. Lack of focus on his professional obligations. If he had serious personal problems then he should have been removed from selection, but ETH continued to select him, so assume all relatively fine. No excuses. Kudos Southgate for seeing what many, apart from ETH, could.

21 May 2024 15:40:47
It's no surprise really when I suggested it would happen I was told on here that rashford would definitely be in squad and Henderson would definitely be in staring 11. Don't listen to guarantees from Fantasy fotball experts they think it's like the real thing and get a bit carried away with their opinions??.

21 May 2024 15:44:25
He’s a confidence player, so when he is on form and confident he can do great things, but the majority of the time he is way off it as things aren’t going well and he isn’t strong enough mentally to battle through it to regain that form and therefore confidence.

He comes across as a moody sulky person, but I don’t think he is, he just doesn’t have the mental strength required to stay at the top, especially when times are tough.

He needs to leave for me, for our sake and his own.

21 May 2024 16:01:54
Yeah I think a move would do him the world of food. Get out of England and learn new and better things.

21 May 2024 16:43:26
Good not food.

21 May 2024 16:43:48
Most players would do everything in their power to prove Southgate wrong. Sadly, Rashford will probably just go off in a strop and blame everybody but himself.

21 May 2024 16:56:29
I agree with Noel Gallagher.

21 May 2024 17:06:32
Henerson in the starting
Whoever said that should hang up there keyboard and retire.

21 May 2024 17:33:40
I think Marcus splitting up with his girlfriend before the season started might have more of an impact than we realise, especially when you have to live your life in the public eye it seems like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders at the moment.

I don't think a move abroad would suit him, he comes across as someone who lives being in the UK. Maybe the break from football for 2 months and a chance to find some happiness might see a renewed player coming back in July.

21 May 2024 17:49:17
Tw you’re alway trying to validate yourself, and pick fights. who cares who called what.

Imo best outcome for both Rashford and England is if he sits it out.

21 May 2024 18:10:09
G nev I think it's the right call I think rashford would benefit from a move outside of the epl but that sort of move is not for everybody but if he fancies it now is the ideal time imo.
I think more English players should do it I think the national team would benefit greatly from a wider experience base. Top players will see their skills enhanced due to more emphasis on technique.

21 May 2024 18:46:02
@ salford I hope so too.
He has great ability imo and has had a big gap in quality coaching for years imo.
I think he can flourish under the right coaching but I also think a move abroad would see him be a big success.

21 May 2024 19:02:17
I think he should as well. Would it help Rashford, I dunno he seems to know every thing already it seems with his PR exercises.

Hopefully this may make him change his attitude for next season.

21 May 2024 19:40:27
Rashford could do with the rest and some head space. Hopefully he will look at this and take some time to reflect and comeback stronger next season. There is no doubt he's a good player, he's a nightmare for the opposition when he's in form. He's still only 26 his best years are ahead of him.

21 May 2024 19:45:12
Maybe Poch can get him back to his best? ?.

21 May 2024 20:10:54
I think we keep him and play him in his strongest position, when he is performing as the best we have in that position, otherwise bench.
The issue is is high wage, and that might work against him.

21 May 2024 22:36:18
Rashford has had two decent seasons 19/ 20 and 22/ 23 in those seasons he scored 17 league goals. Funnily enough these correlate to when he signed new contracts. Whoever gave him that latest deal is a clown, his demise was statistically probable.



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