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29 Jan 2024 04:16:04
Even though he has only led Liverpool to one league trophy would you have wanted Klopp as our manager?

I would because for me he shoots from the hip and I think he is an honest up front guy and his teams play attacking football. He has in general bought well whilst also given youth its chance to flourish.

Agree2 Disagree0

29 Jan 2024 06:13:26
In a heartbeat. One of the best managers of all time.

29 Jan 2024 07:34:03
Yes because he’s a good manager who plays good football, despite a lack of trophies and the annoying excuses he makes about grass and wind.

He hasn’t bought well himself has he. The club buys the players. They perhaps got a tad lucky with how Salah turned out with him supposedly not being first choice. Liverpool have equally signed some stinkers for big money during Klopp’s time, but again that’s largely down to the club to agree a transfer fee, not the manager.

You can’t dispute the PL and CL trophies he’s added to their cabinet, and he’d have more if it weren’t for team 115. A bit like our team of the 2008-2012 era, who coincidentally also didn’t win as much as they could due to a Pep team.

29 Jan 2024 08:00:02
Unless you use winning as a criteria redseven.

29 Jan 2024 10:28:53
Absolutely, I don't see any reason why we would not have wanted him especially when you consider how our time has been whilst he has been at the scousers.
Could he have been more successful, yes. Has he galvanised the club, fans, yes.
Would he have been able to overcome the Glazers, maybe. I think he has the personality to have overcome some of the problems in the same way that Sir Alex did. Our recruitment may have still been poor as I think the collective at Liverpool is more involved in bringing players in.
Not sure what his next move will be but expect that he will be successful.

29 Jan 2024 12:15:53
Wazza. I’d argue that they’ve bought extremely well. Allison, Van Dick, Salah…. you don’t buy better spines than that. The old boys he’s bought in have largely been successful too. Yes, he’s had a few flops, but which club doesn’t. Gakpo hasn’t really hit the heights yet, but he was a far better option to me than Antony. By and large I’d say Klopp’s business has been extremely successful.

29 Jan 2024 12:43:29
Yeah he's done really well I think fireman c and wazza.
While he has not brought the amount of trophies in that he possibly could have and should have.
He woke the club up and brought a new style of play.
He is a man of the people a players manager and a fans manager. The media loved him too.
I don't buy into he was lucky with salah. You don't get that good with luck. Sure not every signing hits the great heights but Allison vvd Robertson fabhino Diaz mane too name a few have been outstanding.
He has spent 1.3 billion I believe not an insignificant sum over 9 years.
Huge respect for how he has turned the club around again and has them competing at the very top but he has not turned them into serial winners. Perhaps his final season will improve his record significantly. Or perhaps it won't and he won't go down as a legend in the stats book.
I think united have won more trophies during his tenure than Liverpool did. Notwithstanding he bagged 2 bigger ones.
Wenger won 3 titles when injured were at their peak Jose won 2. So Liverpool only winning one when city were at their peak is not the best return.
Pep is a monster coach. Imo probably the best of all time.
Let's hope we get the next young bright coach who is innovative successful and inspiring as pep.

29 Jan 2024 13:24:04
Yes, but one of the best of all time? I'm not seeing that. In the EPL era alone we have SAF, Jose, Benger, Pep, all well ahead of him.

29 Jan 2024 13:24:55
Ken, I simply mean luck in that he wasn't first choice, he was supposedly third choice.

I very much believe that you make your own luck. Had they got their first or second choice, things might have been different. Salah has been their best player and it's reasonable to say only Ronaldo or Messi would've had the same or a bigger impact.

29 Jan 2024 13:54:48
"After 9 years and 4 trophies I have run out of (energy) excuses".

"After 27 years and 38 trophies I was fine son". ??.

29 Jan 2024 15:55:23
It would be Pep that would have taken a sabbatical again if Klopp was at Utd with the correct conditions. Klopp with Utd’s finacial muscle would have been unbeatable.

29 Jan 2024 16:05:28
Brilliant post Fizz.

29 Jan 2024 17:07:46
Yes, but clearly Klopp knew which was the better run cub, as did Pep.

29 Jan 2024 19:08:59
If he hadn't come up against one of the best teams ever seen in English football, he'd probably be up there.

29 Jan 2024 20:31:57
He seems like a great guy, but he wouldn't have won anything at United. He's had phenomenal support from a very well run club behind him at Liverpool which has allowed him to focus on what he's good at.

At United he'd have been burned out within 18 months having to constantly put out fires. He'd have been another one chucked out as a flop, told he's not good enough when in truth every manager has been set up to fail at United for the last decade.

29 Jan 2024 22:30:15
Shappy, why wouldn’t Klopp have won “anything” at United, but other managers have?

30 Jan 2024 16:10:13

How could he be one of the best off all time. He has won very little. I agree one of the best in the last 10 years but never in the all time discussion. Zidane won atreble cl trophies and a bubch of domestic stuff. Is he he all time great?

30 Jan 2024 18:03:43
Wazza, Klopp saw pretty much the ENTIRE squad changed by the end of his third summer transfer window. Only Gomez, Milner, Henderson, Firmino and Origi were still at the club 3 summers on from the 25 man squad that Klopp took over. The other 20 players sold, booted out, shown the door and replaced with players who suited how Klopp wanted his side to play.

Jose wanted rid of Martial, Ole sent him on loan to Sevilla, Rangnick told the club that Martial should be let go, and finally it looks like nine years after signing him and after at least three managers have tried to move him on he will leave this summer when his contract elapses.

Do you really think our club with the players we had, and how we've been ran would have been able to build the kind of squad Klopp would need to be successful?

No chance, and we saw with Klopp that he NEEDED to build a side to make them successful. He joined Liverpool in October 2015, and won his first trophy with Liverpool in June 2018.

Two and a half years and having bought 13 players.

I'm not saying Klopp hasn't been a great manager for Liverpool. What I'm saying is he wouldn't have been given the tool to succeed at United like he has been at Liverpool. As such he would almost certainly have performed worse with our club and would likely have been sacked before the end of his third season after he has been given 6 or 7 singings, most not his choice or his 3rd or 4th choices. At which point he'd have failed to get our lazy players to do the work his high energy style demands. Which would have led to him getting sacked.

The simple fact is United have not been a club where success has really been an option due to how terribly we've been ran.

30 Jan 2024 18:56:40
Shappy, the side he would’ve taken over at United was better than Liverpool at the time.

You can’t talk in definites about something that is impossible to prove.

30 Jan 2024 22:08:03
Oh yes he can.



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