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24 Jan 2024 18:54:11
I'll have to say can't wait to see the back of martial.
He has to go down as my least favourite player over last 10 years and would be in my bottom 3 ever.
He has stunk the place out for years.
You can say what you like about many other flops like bastion Di Maria pogba Anthony Falcao etc but martial for me is the worst of the bunch and by quite some margin and for so many reasons.

Agree16 Disagree1

24 Jan 2024 20:42:06
Had a soft spot for him.
But fully agree.
He thinks playing for us is vacation time.
Doesnt work hard and doesn't want to play football.

Shocking footballer.
We definitely have a knack of signing crap overpaid players who are not even interested in football.
Pogba, Mata in his last years, Martial, Lingard.

24 Jan 2024 20:45:09
He speaks well of you Ken!

24 Jan 2024 21:30:36
The problem with Martial was that he was given a new contract. Terrible decision.

24 Jan 2024 21:43:20
I'm not grandad snow flake I'll be OK?.

24 Jan 2024 23:02:14
Soft spot? Want his address? You can send him some flowers and chocolates with a goodbye card.

25 Jan 2024 01:44:03
There was nothing wrong with Mata. He was, is and always will be a model professional. He was always ready to play and always gave 100% on and off the pitch for the club. Never complained about playing time and never once has he ridiculed or dissed the club. A lot could learn from him.

To put him in the same bracket as Pogba and Martial is a bit harsh!

25 Jan 2024 06:04:06
100% agree Keef. Mata was a class act.

25 Jan 2024 07:18:12
Mata? Top professional, top player, one of the good guys.

25 Jan 2024 08:00:46
Another Dutch player? Eth needs the boot tout sweet! His relentless pursuit of emptying the coffers for bang average players with the help of his best friend and sons agency is alarming. Feeling slightly fleeced.

25 Jan 2024 08:37:13
What are the other two thirds?

25 Jan 2024 11:17:42
I dunno about worst ever. Time will tell if he puts the boot in when he leaves but di Maria never wanted to join and tore us a new one when he left. Reptile of a player.

25 Jan 2024 11:58:12
Spenno - if he ( Di Maria) never wanted to join us of course he's not going to be happy. Blame the idiots that still signed him for 59 million pounds.
He was a makeweight for the Bale deal. United was always going to be a stepping stone for his next club.

25 Jan 2024 12:59:28
Think I read somewhere that Martiial hasn’t completed 90 minutes for over 3 years….



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