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13 Nov 2023 05:40:19
And cue Harry Maguire.

Calm down son. You’re playing through necessity, not ability.

Good on you, you hung around and the games came but don’t start on your self appreciation.

Agree5 Disagree0

13 Nov 2023 07:06:33
Keefy he ha splayed well though and have to give the guy credit. If him talking himself up is a way of having confidence on the pitch and performing like he has, i am good with that. Maybe a few more of the guys upfront who are misfiring should do the same lol

Question on Hoiland, I missed the second half. is it a hamstring injury?

I think Ericson is gone for a while, looks like a knee injury to me and might get some very bad news.

13 Nov 2023 10:30:59
He is playing right now because he is in decent form, and is keeping Varane out of the team.

13 Nov 2023 10:42:04
People might disagree but maguires distribution to the wings is much better than varrane or lindelof. Both varrane and lindelof dither on the ball too long and don't take on enough progressive passes in my opinion. All have mistakes in them defensively.

13 Nov 2023 11:47:30
Isn't Varane in the manager's bad books though? Maguire got in ahead of him because of that, but to be fair he has done well so far. Sterner tests ahead.

13 Nov 2023 12:31:03
We should have spent the resources wasted on Mount on Kim Min Jae, hindsight is 20/ 20 though.

13 Nov 2023 14:15:48
McGuire is still a defensive liability. He is not good at all. But he has been playing a nice looking diagonal out to a free player. He does not play many dangerous penetrating balls through the lines though, and isn't great receiving the ball from the keeper.

Varane is better defensively (when on form) but is also not the best with the ball. We needed a KMJ. todibo or disasi signing to make Onana worth it.

13 Nov 2023 18:12:03
Harry Maguire is the president of his own fan club.

I'd probably say that over the past 2 years around 60% of the "positive" press surrounding Maguire has come directly from himself giving his opinion on just how great he is.

Let's not b**s**t ourselves, Maguire is a very average defender at very best. A decent player for a mid-table side. That's it.

He's good in the air, but every other aspect of defending he is either average or down right poor at. Pace? He has none, along with the turning circle of an artic lorry. He is an average passer in terms of technical ability, but poor in terms of pass selection. He doesn't read the game well, and he flaps under pressure.

He's suited to a team that either sits deep or plays with a back three as both tactics provide cover and support for Maguire to mitigate his weaknesses.

He can't play a high line, and he isn't good enough on the ball for a possession based side.

If he was French, German, Spanish or Italian he wouldn't have a single international cap.

His nickname is "Slab head" because his footballing ability is akin to an Easter Island head. A large, immobile lump of rock best suited as a hard surface to bounce the ball off of.

All of which is completely forgivable, I don't hold a lack of talent against a player. We all have the skills we have. Not everyone has the potential to be the next Messi.

What is hard to phantom is the utter ignorance of the guy. Repeatedly trying to toot his own horn in the press despite its repeated poor reception. His ignorance to try and bribe a Greek police officer, and to say the line "do you know who I am" ?‍♂️
He is without question the worst Manchester United captain in my lifetime. He has zero leadership skills, coming out after losses and blaming his teammates for not scoring enough goals to out score his defensive mistakes was a truly harrowing interview. Or shouting at a teammate for not being able to clear the danger that was either Maguire's to deal with, or caused by Maguire in the first place.
He never takes responsibility for his actions, and always looks to blame those he should be leading.

He never has and never will be even close to the shadow of what a leader is.

All I can say is thank god we didn't spend an absolute fortune on him and give him a massive wage. Otherwise we'd have look like utter amateurs.

13 Nov 2023 19:27:23
ETH himself has said that Maguire is in because his left foot is stronger than Varane’s and therefore he opens up more passing angles. Paraphrasing a little, but that’s straight from the manager and there is no need to create something from it regards Varane. The last thing we need is yet another story of unrest.

14 Nov 2023 01:27:24
60%, Shaps ?.

14 Nov 2023 12:07:24
Nou, the other 40% was his mum?‍♂️

Imagine being a grown man, and having your mum still coming out and fighting your battles for you. Embarrassing.



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