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26 Oct 2023 22:49:44
Geez. According to the Guardian Garnacho is apparently being investigated for posting two gorilla emojis after Onana saved the PK. Made aware that it could be taken the wrong way, he took the post down. Onana states he understands that the emojis were not intended as a slur but to show power and strength, and that no one should tell him by what he should or should not be offended, and that the matter should go no further. Let's hope it doesn't.

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27 Oct 2023 01:09:27
We just jump from one controversy to another don’t we, our players are absolutely stupid. Obviously it’s not offensive and wasn’t meant to be offensive but now stupid can he be? If he gets banned it will be his own fault, but as you say, let’s hope he doesn’t.

27 Oct 2023 06:13:12
I hope they are sensible enough not to ban him as there was no bad intentions meant by it. But knowing the FA and being us, it probably means he will get a ban. Its par for the course for us as we can't get out of our own way.

I don't understand why the club does not vet these social media posts before they go out or has some sort of oversight on them. It clearly impacts the club.

27 Oct 2023 08:30:51
Ahmad, really? A bit big brotherish don't you think. How would you feel if your employer decided they should vet your posts?

27 Oct 2023 08:32:43
This is getting ridiculous now. But tbh I'm sure players get a lot of guidance on social media, what to do / not to do especially in this touchy country. Remember Cavani got caught in a similar situation a few years back. Things aren't quite so sensitive in South American culture.

27 Oct 2023 09:21:34
I'm not sure you can have an employer vetting personal social media accounts. However, they might bring in new clauses into players contracts about bringing the club into disrepute via social media with clear set rules and consequences for breaking those rules.

For the most part I actually think social media is a good thing in football. Gone are the days of rubbing shoulders with the players down the pub. The money they earn had removed them and isolated them from the fans. While not perfect social media does help bridge that gap and create a connection with the fans. Especially the younger generation who would prefer to communicate through a screen anyway??‍♂️.

{Ed002's Note - This already happens.}

27 Oct 2023 12:58:07
I can assure you many many employers in the private sector do online checks as a matter of course for their employees. It's not just of SM either, once put on the internet, if you know how and where to look it remains and people are paid to find it.

27 Oct 2023 15:46:42
Correct oakbark I do it or have it done regularly.
The boy was a fool for posting what he did.
They may not be as sensitive in South America but he is not living in South america is he? There is precedence for this type of post within football already. Poor decision making is not unusual for dopey players so it's not a big shock.
Dumbass move which he realised and deleted quickly but the damage was done.
Shappy I disagree social media has not been good for football. Its been nothing more than a nuisance and a distraction for the players imo.

27 Oct 2023 16:02:15
In defence of Garnacho Onana has posted the following:

"People cannot choose what I should be offended by. I know exactly what [Garnacho] meant: power and strength, " Onana wrote on Instagram.
"This matter should go no further. "

At last some sense in the world. I hope the FA see the sense of Onana's post and bin the enquiry.

27 Oct 2023 15:49:18

I went through two levels of security clearance and i can guess they looked at everything when I got hired. I have x account and also Instagram. I Never post anything on them and only follow People on them golf and football related stuff.

28 Oct 2023 00:24:56
I don't disagree fizz but nonetheless it was stupid and insensitive. I'd like to think common sense prevails but there is precedence of similar incidents ending up with fines and bans.
Context and personal relationships go out the window in a public forum.

28 Oct 2023 08:39:51
Not suggesting the players shouldn’t be educated in terms that the content of their posts in regards to sensitivity and discrediting the game and the club but in this instance I hope that common sense prevails. Nobody’s been hurt and the subject of the post has clearly stated that he understands, wasn’t offended and that others should not decide what does offend him. That should be the end of the discussion.

28 Oct 2023 11:41:23
Fizz he may have owned others. It was not a private message it was on a public forum. He will probably have to pay the price for that. I hear what your saying but it won't be the end of the discussion.



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