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26 Jan 2024 10:48:45
Klopp leaving I see.

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26 Jan 2024 10:57:12
Says he’s running out of energy - hope his health is OK.

26 Jan 2024 11:03:00
Maybe Omar has tapped him up ?.

26 Jan 2024 11:05:07
Sad that that is the best news I’ve had in years

City relegated and Pep gone and it’s happy days.

26 Jan 2024 11:23:21
I suspect Liverpool will have a better plan than we did when SAF retired. Not in the same bracket but it will be a major change for them. May I recommend David Moyes for them but suspect they know what they are doing, probably the Brighton manager at a guess.

I hoped Klopp would come to us a long time ago and said so on here but our useless lot missed that opportunity. I hope there are no health issues, good passionate manager. Let’s see how it affects them, they tend to be quite emotional lot, like us, so expect a lot of noise.

If City are found Guilty they should be in the Northern Premier or whatever it is now. I wonder if Pep would fancy a stint with us.

26 Jan 2024 11:26:59
I thought Martial leaving in the summer would be the best news this year.

26 Jan 2024 11:54:56
Be Xabi won’t it.

26 Jan 2024 12:01:28
I actually feel a little sorry for the bin dippers. He may not have been at the club for anywhere near as long, but Klopp leaving them now is probably just as painful for them as SAF retiring in 2013 was for us.

Here’s hoping that their collapse is every bit as emphatic as ours was, though I have a feeling that they’ll probably end up bringing somebody in who is able to build off of Klopp’s success and the the strong foundations that he’s laid. There are still a lot of good players in the current Liverpool squad, many of whom still have plenty of good years ahead of them.

26 Jan 2024 12:17:00
Alonso in I would think.

26 Jan 2024 12:17:48
Klopp looked like he would step away previously and there were rumours it could have been at the end of the season. He feels a bit like Pep in that they go full on at the club and unfotunately that means it has a shelf life for him and he eventually needs to step away to regenerate and then go again.
I would expect him to take a year out and then see what opportunities there are.
Liverpool will definitely have a plan, if Ancheloti is staying at Real Madrid then I expect Alonso to be the person they bring in for Klopp (I thought he would take over at Madrid) .
It seems like the logical move, young up and coming and if Leverkusen win the Bundesliga he will come in with success (it is Klopp 2.0).
If it is not Alonso then they will be looking in the same pool of managers as we will so will be interesting to see the next moves.

26 Jan 2024 12:52:47
100% will be Alonso in for next season.

26 Jan 2024 13:53:48
Collapse? They have won 1 league title in 10 years under klopp. 1 hit wonder just like raniere manchini and pelligrini. ???
Decent cup manager but not a great epl manager. 2nd a few times even ole came 2nd. Good bye and good riddance.
In seriousness a really good character and got Liverpool competing again. I hope he takes up a good post somewhere soon he is a fans manager and has been a man of the people in Liverpool. Let's hope their next manager doesn't actually win leagues consistently.

26 Jan 2024 14:46:46
Could be a season or 2 too early for Alonso but he certainly would be the obvious choice you’d think.

26 Jan 2024 14:57:40
Decent cup manager Ken? He’s only won one of each of them as well, 4 major trophies (6 if you include club World Cup etc) in 8 years, he’s done very well and they play great football but unfortunately he came up against an amazing city side which will stop him from going down as one of the greats.

26 Jan 2024 15:47:47
Fantastic manager, wish we had got him, will be very hard to replace.

26 Jan 2024 15:57:28
Yes gds2 a decent cup manager but facts are 1 epl title.
Wenger went up against best of his era and won 3. Klopp didn't name to get over the line against best of his era more than once.
Top guy and a great manager imo but he should have won at least 1 more league title and that will be the blot on his copy book a bit like fergie with only 2 cl titles he perhaps should have had a couple more.
He brought Liverpool from nowhere to serial contenders and that a great feat and has woken a sleeping giant but not quite made them serial winners.

26 Jan 2024 19:04:41
redseven:- Never be sorry for the dippers!

27 Jan 2024 02:40:07
Kloppps been great and had it not been for City spending the way they did he wouldve won more. Top guy top manager and wouldve loved to have him here.

Much better then Guardiola!

27 Jan 2024 07:54:42
Well, Tumble, he will win it this season, so that makes two :)



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