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30 Nov 2023 06:52:55
Good Morning

If you were the prospective investor in the club how would you look at the situation with the manager?

I suspect there will be good points, winning a cup, getting top four, showing some leadership. But there would be questions, on the verge of elimination at the group stage possibly bottom of what isn't that difficult a group outside Munich. His drive to bring in players with who he had a previous connection including Antony, Onana at vast cost, his insistence on playing certain players like Rashford regardless of how they play, his poor substitutions at times, many times, last night being one. It looks like the manager is on a learning curve, moving to a big club from a smaller one, is that good enough for a new investor knowing all eyes will be on the club quickly.

So in balance, what will someone given the power to make decisions do? I start to wonder if Ratcliffe, if it happens, will want a change far sooner than we expect.

Agree4 Disagree0

30 Nov 2023 09:11:44

If you were going to change managers because of a player they bought that is not performing. most teams would be changing managers every year.

Grilish at 100 mill, Nunez at 50 million or the leeds guy at 40 mill are getting any play time or pulling up trees. the difference is they are stacked and can just brush over stuff like that.

There was nothing wrong with the subs last night. You seem to think the manager is a school boy on a learning course. Reality is you are so far removed from where the players are physically or even technical set up on the field and why people get subbed.

He made the cl semifinal and its nothing new for him and nothing to learn. we have a midfield that is work in progress.

If we are going to lay blame Pellistri your guy who you constantly champion for had a stinker, Mainoo got caught on the guy getting a run on him for the 3rd goal. These are things that happen with players on an individual basis. Onana was a horror show. Can't just use Onana to question the manager then use the other players who dropped the ball too and be even handed.

Why do you make statements like a group that seems easy, one is leading the turkish league an done danish league. I know its easy to be dismissive and say so what but on what basis. Has any of the group games been easy for Bayern who are a perennial superpower in cl.

I watched Bayern vs gala at Gala. we were 10x better than Bayern yesterday but for some crazy stuff that happens and yesterday its the goalie. They won, we drew but go watch both games again.
We need to stop questioning the managers qualities after every result that does not go our way.

30 Nov 2023 09:16:35
I think Ratcliffe has enough people around him with experience and knowledge to do it properly. the top with what he believes will be the right people and they will then make the appointments they are responsible for with who they think are right.

Unless it is Overmars, then I don't Ten Haill the right nger for them so he will be gone and they will get their own man in
I don't think being part owner will be an issue as I think the Glazers will be more than happy for Jim to make their team and club better.

30 Nov 2023 09:39:42

My guy Pellestri who I constantly champion? Wrong person, that’s not me. Garnacho on the other hand, who has scored two games running, one of the all time great goals and another last night, was taken off when we needed a goal. Thinking Martial is going to do anything at all, leaving non scoring Antony on and putting Pellestri on the left, those inverted wingers again. My point was not what I think, said before to give him more time, but if I am investing £1.25Bn, I think I want the very best I can have. I don’t think Rat will think he has that and suspect the questions I ask will be bigger after investing all that money. That was what I asked, what will a new investor want to do in these circumstances.

30 Nov 2023 09:42:08
EtH will remain as manager for the rest of the season, unless the new leadership group have a manager that is available and they want to give him an early look at the team there is no benefit from causing more upheavel/ uncertaintly when we all argue this has been a major part of the problem for years.
Most managers will move in the summer so why make the change, get a temproary person in place for a few months. We all saw how that went last time.
It will be interesting long term whether EtH fits what they will want to do going forward, whether they think as a coach he fits the direction they want to go in and see that he has made progress from where we were. It is possible that they want to hit the reset, clear out the past Arnold/ Murtagh/ EtH and start again with a completely new aligned team brought in and fits the strategy that they want.
Looking at Nice it took a while but they seem to have made the right moves with long term view. Maybe they want to progress Farioli, if there are fears he could leave Nice for something bigger anyway!

30 Nov 2023 10:04:19

There was a very interesting article about a week ago on the interview process for the Nice manager, one part was a 5 hour discussion, interesting read.

30 Nov 2023 11:06:19
Mainoo did nothing wrong on the third goal. He didn’t allow the player a chance to score, he scored from a ridiculous angle because our keeper’s position was a joke.

Reminded me on a goal giggs got when he was very young against city I think. The defender pointed to shoot because the angle was ridiculous, and it was an amazing strike right in the postage stamp. This was quite central where it ended up in comparison.

30 Nov 2023 11:07:31
Personally thought Garnacheo goal aside was wasteful, got into so many good areas and opportunities and rarely delivered! Work in progress!

30 Nov 2023 11:57:18
Gordon Hill mk 2?

30 Nov 2023 12:35:52
Garnacho shrunk last night when their right back roughed him up. That’s fine and I don’t blame a young boy for that. But you can’t parade him around like he’s peak Ronaldo because he’s a long way from that right now.

30 Nov 2023 12:48:18

Who is parading him around like peak Ronaldo?
He scored in our last two games, we need a goal and takes him off leaving us with Pellestri Martial and Antony to get a goal. And we are surprised?

At around the same age the critics were giving Ronaldo hell as a one trick pony. Didn’t turn out badly. As it happens Garnacho is doing better out left than others in recent games. Needs time and support. The question is why the manager thought we could get by with Hojland so inexperienced and useless Martial plus keeps Antony going. When was Antony’s last goal?

30 Nov 2023 14:25:52
Think ETH will last the season, results depending, then go.

To many questions about him, such as:

1. Inability to coach team into protecting a lead

2. Making offensive rather than defensive subs to score more goals (and encourage opposition to attack) rather than control the game

3. Questions over man management and approachability

4. Questions over training methods causing too many non contact injuries

5. Inflexibility with philosophy: likes to keep players in team according to position / what add to team rather than form.

Of course I’d like him to succeed but jyst can’t see it beyond this season.

30 Nov 2023 14:46:03
Ed002 has given us insight into potential plans including manager.



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