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06 Jun 2024 08:12:36
Hi Ed002, do you know if PSG or any other club are showing any interest in Rashford?

{Ed002's Note - Marcus Rashford (LW/F) Much will depend on what happens in the summer regarding a new coach, but I am sure Manchester United will be regretting the new long-term contract. A third-party has spoken to clubs, including Juventus and Arsenal about him on behalf of Manchester United, but I am not aware of any serious interest and both clubs have other targets. Spurs may offer a wildcard solution to replace Richarlison. Suggestion that he could be a Mbappe replacement at PSG seem far-fetched given they have other clear targets in mind.}

Agree1 Disagree4

06 Jun 2024 09:44:59
Speaking of Richarlison I’d take him as a replacement for Martial.

{Ed002's Note - Not an option.}

06 Jun 2024 12:04:04
Disappointing news but not surprising. Useless, lazy no-hoper for mega money is always going to be a tough sell.

Thank you Ed002.

06 Jun 2024 12:32:05
If Richarlison was any good, Spurs wouldn’t be looking to sell him. Would be a terrible signing.

06 Jun 2024 13:24:12
Some days players work out some don’t Richarlison is a fine player and would be good back up at most teams. I’d take him over Gabriel Jesus.

06 Jun 2024 15:32:29
Lazy no hoper mancman? You okay mate?

06 Jun 2024 16:26:40
I'm fine angel. I'm talking about the guy I saw strolling around the pitch for the whole of last season doing sweet FA. You remember him?

07 Jun 2024 07:17:22
Ah yeah that lazy no hoper that scored 30 goals the year before?

07 Jun 2024 07:44:39
Agree with MancMan, just because he had a spell of doing well one season doesn’t make him immune to criticism, Rash has done next to nothing not just this season but other long spells too. I can forgive anyone not playing well or having a barren run but that empathy doesn’t extend to being lazy, not running back, not working hard and giving off the impression he can’t be bothered when he’s taking home that money. Why this lad gets defended is beyond me, he’s one of the common denominators in why we have had a toxic dressing room down the managers, he isn’t world class, he’s not even starting eleven class, and I too am sick of seeing this guy take the mick out of us by pretending he cares and whining on social media, it’s fairly simple Rash, start putting a shift in and working hard and guess what the criticisms will stop, man we had Wout Weghorst who couldn’t hit a barn door but least he gave effort and got appreciated for it,

07 Jun 2024 09:57:50
I'm watching a different Rashford then all these years. Other long spells?

I don't mund criticism, but lazy no hoper? WTF is that all about.

07 Jun 2024 10:29:00
So you would have Wout instead of Rash? Interesting. And, why would you chase back when under orders not to?

07 Jun 2024 11:18:54
I never understand why people talk about Rashford like he's had one good season and been rubbish the rest of the time. He's had two bad seasons out of the last 5, last season, when the entire team was poor, and the other was when he was playing through injury for a good chunk of the season, in a team which was playing badly as a whole, and basically imploded halfway through the season after Ragnick came in.

The season before that he was also playing through injury for a chunk of the season and was still one of our better players, finishing with 21 goals in all competitions. He played pretty well the season before that too, finishing with 22 goals.

Go back further and the numbers aren't especially impressive, but he was a youngster then, and doing pretty respectably for his age.

So in reality he's only had one really exceptional season, but he's only actually had two genuinely bad seasons, both of which were when the team as a whole was particularly bad.

He may not be world class, and perhaps he's a bit too susceptible to the mood and form of the team around him, but he's still a good player, and if the team is settled, happy and playing well, he'll more than carry his weight.

It would be nice if he was the type who will turn around a season single-handedly, and carry the team through the bad patches, but he isn't, and that doesn't mean he is no good and should be got rid of. Few players can do that, after all.

He is the type who shines when the team as a whole as doing well, and that's exactly where we want to be.

07 Jun 2024 13:41:02
No what I’m saying is at least Wout worked hard, Rash doesn’t even try. Rash has had many spells like this aswell, I will forgive anyone for poor form but when you don’t try, work for your team mates or run, then no, I won’t defend it. Anyone that thinks Rash deserves to play for united still needs to have a hard think. It’s this type of accepting mediocrity only we are mediocre, can’t have passengers like Rash stinking up the squad I don’t care if he’s a local lad. Yes his numbers was impressive on a couple of occasions but a this club you mot only need to maintain levels but have more about you than being susceptible to others being poor, he’s not poor because others are poor around him, he’s poor because his attitude sucks.

07 Jun 2024 14:40:43
Angel, I used to be able to do many things I no longer can or want to.

I used to be different than I am now.

You're talking about the player Rashford used to be or was for a short while.

I'm talking about the Rashford I saw recently and he was pants.

07 Jun 2024 21:26:54
The notion that any player in the modern game is instructed not to chase back is crazy. Only one player has had that luxury in the last decade, Lionel Messi.



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