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13 May 2024 10:52:12
Said on here a couple of weeks ago that I notice Hojlund slips a lot when he's about to strike the ball. Right in front of goal on Sunday on his left foot and I thought just hit the target and once again, slipped. Someone needs to sort his boots out or technique!

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13 May 2024 11:23:15
We need an experienced striker or 3! No point in wasting money on CB's if we can't score goals, most important players in a team and generally the most skillful.

Hojlund is a prospect and after recent displays, he should be benched but we can't, as one of the biggest clubs in world football, we do not have a viable alternative to shake things up.

13 May 2024 12:36:48
Yep, he seems to slip at the vital time too often.

There was also a time where he had his centre back pinned, but rather than turn to and get his shot away, he moved away from goal and lost the ball.

I’m reluctant to criticise him as he’s a kid working u set very difficult circumstances. But I do think he lacks that mean streak the likes of Ruud had. He was the master of pinning defenders and scoring with a hard and low shot into the corner. This is where Hojlund needs to improve quickly.

13 May 2024 12:49:45
Don’t disagree but until we give him plenty of chances per game he will struggle to improve. He is feeding off very meagre scraps so it’s hard to refine those skills.

Hopefully we improve that as we provide very little with a full squad and is an area to be addressed, amongst others!

13 May 2024 13:16:47

I think he lacks that bit of spite and edge that the very best strikers have.

I remember during the Palace game, Mateta was marking him at corners and was full on bullying him - shoving his elbows into him and just swatting him away, but Hojlund was giving next to nothing back.

He needs to get in the grills of his opponents more, hopefully that will come.

13 May 2024 13:49:05
Ork, I noticed that against Palace too. I still think there's still room for a bit of personary such as the likes of Costa had, and I think that's a god trait of elite level strikers.

13 May 2024 18:34:06
He is a young kid being asked to play like an experienced pro and without decent support and service. Honestly Kane would struggle in this side. Give Hoijlund a break.

He needs an experienced older front player alongside him and wingers prepared to cross with accuracy.

If and when we fix the defence and midfield will be the time byto judge him.

13 May 2024 19:52:22
He is a bit clumsy and his first touch is not great. Makes runs into areas that there is no passing lane and better coming short in the box. Work in progress and first season in the pl for a new young striker always difficult.

Can't be looking to bang in it from 3 or 4 yards in and that where he usually runs to. Too many defenders and goalie for a pass to finds its way.

14 May 2024 09:27:29
I personally think that Hojlund has done well when you consider what he has been surrounded with, his age and inexperience and probably was not ready to be the number 1 striker.

He has a lot to work on and I think we will see a far improved player next year, especially if the team around him is buit better and provide him with supply.

If you look back at most strikers at his age, they all had flaws and developmental bits to work on. He is one of the brighter bits this year, let's not be too hard on him just yet.



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