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02 Nov 2023 06:46:27
Good morning Ed I hope you're keeping well.

Do you happen to know if PSG (or anyone else for that matter) retains an interest in Marcus Rashford?

{Ed002's Note - No and he has signed a new long-term contract.}

Agree0 Disagree0

02 Nov 2023 12:55:23
Thanks for your reply Ed, have a good day.

{Ed002's Note - And you.}

02 Nov 2023 19:45:34
That’s a shame. I’ve said it for years, he gets away with murder because he’s from Wythenshawe, and he fed kids for a little while.

He’s been in the first team squad for probably 7/ 8 years now and still sulks, still walks round with zero effort, can’t be arsed to track back, still makes wrong choices more often than not. Apart from 3 good months last season when he needed a new bumper contract he’s been useless. Vastly overrated and I’d be happy to see him sold. I’d said it time and time again.

02 Nov 2023 22:03:21
I was one of his biggest supporters but my patience ran out a while ago, he's capable of great things but rarely does them. A humble kid who now has all the bling that goes with being a young footballer, he should have been dropped months ago. It's the lack of effort that gets me.

A few years ago he was carrying the team and then he got injured against Wolves. Since then he has been awful, apart from a hot spell last year. He's an established international who should be setting an example, not moping around the pitch.

03 Nov 2023 07:49:21
Unfortunately Marcus is just too inconsistent, great for a few months, then retreats into his shell when his form dips.

At the moment he seems unable or unwilling to do the hard work to recapture that form,

The biggest issue at the moment is the lack of leadership within that squad. Nobody seems willing to stand up and drag themselves out of the mira they have got themselves into, but is not the first time we have seen this is it.

03 Nov 2023 10:57:47
I feel pretty mixed about Rashford. Clearly he's a talented player and on form one of our best players. He does tend to blow hot and cold which isn't ideal, but there are many other players that need replacing before him. I don't think his streaky form is a massive issue, the problem is that we rely far too much on him to perform as there is no one else. Rooney used to have streaky form in front of goal, wouldn't score for 3-4 weeks then score 10 goals in a month. The difference is Rooney had class players around him to score the goals when he wasn't. If Hojlund and Antony were scoring 20-25 goals each a season and Bruno and Mount chipping in with 15 goals a piece then Rashford going 4 or 5 games without a goal wouldn't be a problem.

Without knowing someone personally I prefer not to judge a persons character. He worked hard to make sure kids didn't go hungry during the C.V., that would suggest that he has some moral fibre at least.

His demeanour on the pitch this season hasn't been great and I understand people's frustrations, especially as his poor form is not helping the club pull itself out of this current funk we are in.

However, it might be a chicken/ egg situation here. Are United in poor form because Rashford is in poor form, or is Rashford in poor form because United are in poor form. We also don't know what is happening in his private life, or whether there might be legitimate reasons for his apparent apathy on the pitch. Which to be fair to him isn't how he has normally appeared on the pitch, typically he has always been a hard working player even when his form hasn't been great. That would suggest that something isn't quite right with him right now.

Either way unless he is actually a disruptive influence in the dressing room (which I doubt as all his managers right from LvG to EtH have trusted him and backed him), then he should stay at the club at least in the short to medium term. He has the talent, the question is whether he has the attitude. I'd expect the club to keep him for the next 2-3 years at least while they dramatically improve other areas of the squad. You never know by that time Garnacho may have over taken him and Rashford might be looking to leave himself.

03 Nov 2023 14:47:42
Rash is our best player in the squad, better than hoiland garnacho, sancho and whoever you want to name folks. I used to read this same page when people used to take out their frustration on Rooney. Don't confuse bad form and poor results as a team with Marcus Rashford being a problem at United. About 15 players need changing before we think Rashford is not good enough.

I am waiting for someone to tell me Wayne Rooney was overrated:)

different players but both very good.

03 Nov 2023 17:42:19
Rooney was amazing, but towards the end he stayed too long. Rashford isn’t in the same league as Rooney and never will be.

He has a good few months every few years, the last one when he wanted a new contract. He is either a player who needs to be high on confidence to show what he can do, but who also has huge confidence issues, or he just can’t be arsed half of the time. I hope it is the first, but either way it isn’t good enough.

That said his decision making and end product is very poor most of the time.

03 Nov 2023 22:15:31
Ahmad, Rashford is a problem and the reason I asked if there’s interest is because he needs to leave. He’s another with off the pitch issues which will cause fractions on the squad.

04 Nov 2023 08:31:27

Why is he a problem. does the front 5/ 6 look like they are doing anything for everyone to Clamor on Rashford. Garnacho started by all account against NC B team. Did he do anything different.

Off the pitch stuff like having had a birthday party planned and going through with it was probably not the best idea but let's not blow things out of proportion.

Talk to any ex players, who have played at the highest level, they laugh if you bring up rash as a problem in the conversation. Can every United Manager, who seems to start him with no questions asked and all these players be wrong.

Why use a different standard for him compared to others in the squad. Good things happen when we get the ball to Rashford properly and not him looking at 3 defenders.

If we are going to get ourselves out of this funk rash and Bruno are the ones that will need to drag us out of this. Not many in this squad, who can do what these two are capable of. Its not coincidence we are struggling when you look at their numbers this year.

I personally think Bruno is a bigger issue as his influence is zip in too many games and he is suppose to be the creator hub.

I really rate Garnacho btw and its not about putting one down for the other.

04 Nov 2023 10:28:30
This site must only have nuns and monks posting on here apparently. Not a single person on here has ever gone out for a night out, been to a party, or turned up for work hungover.

This holier than thou attitude against young men doing what young men do is frankly ridiculous and so incredibly hypocritical.

There is a difference between players not working hard in training and not focusing on their careers and players blowing off a little steam and having a private life.

People regularly point to Roy Keane as having the perfect attitude as a player, people say they want someone with Keane's grit and attitude on the pitch right now. However, they conveniently forget that Keane has admitted trying to get himself sent off because he was struggling with a hangover.

04 Nov 2023 11:04:04

If you read the stuff sharp has said over the years and what they got up to makes todays players are saints and take much better care of themselves.

Luckhurst title and hit job of an article on rash and eth regarding him being out on his birthday and reading what Eth actually said speaks volumes for how bad the reporting is atm and how things get overblown.

04 Nov 2023 11:31:10
I have no issue with any player celebrating their birthday, or having an evening out to blow off steam. However I do feel that they need to accept that if they are playing like sh*t, seeming to those outside looking in like they are uninterested, and have just been smashed at home by City again, that they will get a lot of stick for that.

If Rashford was obviously putting 100% in, and was having a positive effect on the team etc, then this is not a story, however it is the complete opposite of that, and when you are paid more in one week than most of the people in the stadium are paid in maybe 5-10 years, not seeming to be giving everything and then going out late is going to end up with you getting called out. I have no issue with that either.

04 Nov 2023 12:34:55
Ahmed and Shappy you simply do not know what has gone on and that’s fine because it’s (thankfully) not in the media. It’s not about 1 night out.

04 Nov 2023 15:15:11

Please share happy to hear and mean it honestly if there is more to this.

04 Nov 2023 15:31:28
Ahmad, the club is a cess pit of questionable morals at the moment. Its enough for the player’s appearances to be affected and that’s why I asked the question, but an open forum is not the place.



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