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25 May 2024 17:26:40
What a result what a weekend? What happens to eth now? If he does go he can go with his head held high. Brilliant setup and performance against the best in the land. My wee boy is buzzing he's running around like a nutter?. Looks like u were right Ken, name on the cup lol. Trophy and Europe confirmed. What's next who knows but let's just enjoy the now GGMU!

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25 May 2024 17:46:29
Thank you Ten Hag, two trophies in two years, not too shabby.

25 May 2024 17:50:49
Well deserved today. The signs goal was absolutely outstanding. Congrats to everyone. I am delighted.

25 May 2024 17:51:07
That felt better than any trophy we've ever won since 2008!

25 May 2024 18:24:26
An achievement not seen since sir Alex. 2 trophies, 2 seasons . A fabulous performance, both tactically and mentally .

This manager deserves the final year .

25 May 2024 18:30:31
We wouldn't be discussing the future off the manager if we had put that effort and concentration in all season. Really happy for Ten Hag today. Whatever will be, but today he got it spot on and deserved his moment.

25 May 2024 18:36:29
Brilliant win.
Well set up, well drilled and super committed.
We did exactly what Madrid did to beat them.
The theory is great but the team applied themselves to a plan they believed in today and did it well.
Full credit to players and coaches all did great today.
Pass of the season from Bruno. Sublime.

25 May 2024 18:57:32
Are you forgetting Jose deano? 2 trophies 1 lost final in 2 seasons.

25 May 2024 19:08:34
That second was delightful from the tram as a whole vision movement technical quality. It is what I want to see. Its moments like that that I love United for' the thrill the joy the ecstasy of those moments.

We didn't particularly win a lot of trophies when I was a kid but Unitedd always produced moments that stirred the soul' today in that moment the did again and I loved it's bloody loved it.

25 May 2024 19:10:46
2 trophies, 2 successive seasons Ken. And keeping ten hag for another year is prudent imo. MY opinion. Do you think he should go? You haven't mentioned it much .

25 May 2024 19:38:39
Lol deano, for the clueless ones, he has to go. 2 years, 2 trophies under countless issues both on and off the pitch. He has done incredibly well. Seems a good, honest bloke too. One that refused to speak with Bayern to concentrate on the United job.

We don't deserve him tbh.

26 May 2024 14:59:27
There's a few here this fanbase doesn't deserve angel ?.



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