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19 May 2024 18:31:28
Cant stand the scousers, literally everything about them rattles me, however, I will put my hand up and say klopp was a great addition to our league. If he ever wanted to go to the proper reds I'd rip his arm off .

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19 May 2024 19:24:45
Same here Deano totally agree.

19 May 2024 19:49:12
One suspects there'd be a few thousand Scousers wanting to rip his other arm off to beat him with.

19 May 2024 21:19:36
Big fan of Klopp and his style of football. Liverpool are much weaker without him now. Huge shoes to fill for Slot.

19 May 2024 21:58:07
I think he has been fantastic, I love his style of football, I love the way he engages with the fans and he was the perfect man for Liverpool. Going to be a very tough act to follow.

19 May 2024 23:37:31
Klopp was amazing and still is and he is better then Guardiola for sure.

20 May 2024 06:35:33
He was my first choice to replace Fergie.

20 May 2024 09:18:21
Better at what exactly Singh?

20 May 2024 13:39:24
He is not better at winning football matches.
Not better at winning trophies
Not better at building a squad
Not better at style of play Imo (subjective)

{Ed077's Note - Klopp is better at building the squad compared to Pep. I find Liverpool's matches more entertaining than Pep's City. Obviously the high octane, high action football of earlier Klopp era is miles more enjoyable than Boreball brand, at least IMO.

20 May 2024 15:49:59
If he was better at building squads they'd have won more often.
I agree the style is subjective. You and Mark goldbridge would go well together. He thinks curry ate boring too.

20 May 2024 17:00:41
Lolll ken he flopped at Bayern because he couldn't buy his way around there he came to city and bought player after player and he has over 115 charges over the club he manages for.

He will never get the credit from me lollll.

20 May 2024 18:02:20
Flopped at bayern? When?

20 May 2024 20:24:42
City are boring too (typo above)

21 May 2024 05:09:23
The reality is Guardiola is a brilliant manager and somehow gives them credibility when you look at the charge list and how they have built the foundation to be where they are.

They have had vastly larger resources than liverpool and hard to judge how klop would have done had he had the same resources at his disposal.

One thing for sure, Guardiola has walked into teams that were loaded with talent and never had any issues buying more top players when desired. Can he achieve the same level of success if he walked into a rebuild with limited resources, I doubt it. There are no messiah's out there, you need the right structure, resources and players to win things.

21 May 2024 12:54:09
I always appreciated Klopp's teeth. Excellent work by his dentist.



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